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View Full Version : what is included in the led basic electronics kit

jedi tom
12-10-2006, 03:30 AM
hey guys im finished my first el saber and i am now moving on to led. all i want to know is what is included in the led basic electonics kit.

does it comewith hilt pommel etc?

12-10-2006, 04:09 AM
Um, did you look in the store? There are pics and descriptions there of what you get.

Why would you think the hilt or pommel or any of the other MHS (Modular Hilt System) parts would be part of the basic electronics kit? That's more of a hardware type of thing. :roll:

This is what you get:
LED basic electronics kit includes.
2.2ohm Resistor
Luxeon III 3w
10 degree Lens
Lens holder
4AAA battery holder

Just what it says, the electronics. This is for a 3W set up.

This question has been asked by other newbies before.

Do a little research next time, before asking such a basic question. please. http://www.gaownersclub.com/forum/images/smilies/icon_newbie.gif

jedi tom
12-10-2006, 06:33 AM
sorry its just i want to make sure and yourright i am new but dont call me a newbie ihate that name.

12-10-2006, 06:43 AM
In all fairness all it took was a click to read the description in the store... or looking around the forum for the same question... etc. So perhaps lazy is a better name.

jedi tom
12-10-2006, 10:59 AM
yeah your proberbly right lazy is a better name but as i say i just want to make sure.

12-10-2006, 01:21 PM
...its just i want to make sure

...but as i say i just want to make sure.

:!: Are you trying to be funny?
Becuz on the store front, the description very cleary states wat the LED basic electronics kit includes.

Ryma Mara
12-10-2006, 10:28 PM
The guys just being extreamly carefull, Theres nothign wrong with that.

Lord Maul
12-10-2006, 10:36 PM
ryma, i think people are also kinda annoyed that for the second time he posted two topics that are about virtually the same thing and could of been combined and not clogged up the forums

Ryma Mara
12-10-2006, 10:44 PM
Oh, ok I dident see he made 2 topics.

Lord Maul
12-11-2006, 03:47 PM
there was another one that was titled "Where do you buy teh led electronics kit" or something like that. the other incident i was referring to was when he posted two topics asking EXACTLY the same question in two different sections. one was in el hilts and wiring(i think) and the other was in general hilt building (i know).

jedi tom
12-27-2006, 01:18 PM
sorry didnt realise i posted 2 times about the same thing ifi wasted anyones time i really am sorry but i want to be totally sure being extra carfull and seriosly i didnt realise i posted twice about the same thing so sorry about all the trouble.

12-27-2006, 01:24 PM
Um, did you look in the store? There are pics and descriptions there of what you get.

Why would you think the hilt or pommel or any of the other MHS (Modular Hilt System) parts would be part of the basic electronics kit? That's more of a hardware type of thing. :roll:

This is what you get:
LED basic electronics kit includes.
2.2ohm Resistor
Luxeon III 3w
10 degree Lens
Lens holder
4AAA battery holder

Just what it says, the electronics. This is for a 3W set up.

This question has been asked by other newbies before.

Do a little research next time, before asking such a basic question. please. http://www.gaownersclub.com/forum/images/smilies/icon_newbie.gif

Then theres also the Lux 5 kit... :wink:

02-11-2007, 07:57 AM
seriously you guys can be real ****s ya know. just point him in the right direction and leave it at that. Dont name call, dont be a ass just give him a link. there is nothing wrong with the guy trying to be careful and make sure hes ordering the right thing. thats what this forum is for, to ask questions. If it wasnt it would be called a FAQ and there would be no posting. So if your a mod do your job and stop being so rude.

02-11-2007, 08:38 AM
some people are like that. you just have to wait and get through the jerks. But also that was a really stupid question since there is a picture and a description.

02-11-2007, 09:28 AM
seriously you guys can be real ****s ya know. just point him in the right direction and leave it at that. Dont name call, dont be a ass just give him a link. there is nothing wrong with the guy trying to be careful and make sure hes ordering the right thing. thats what this forum is for, to ask questions. If it wasnt it would be called a FAQ and there would be no posting. So if your a mod do your job and stop being so rude.

Hey, we weren't really that mean to the n00b :evil: :P

02-11-2007, 11:11 AM
Digging up a topic a month and a half old to pic a fight is not very nice.

Why is everyone so negative lately? Is it a full moon???

Seriously, from now on if you have a problem with anyone's post, PM them about it and discuss it in a mature and adult fashion. I guarantee that you won't be able to do it. And if you can't PM them in a Cyber-Face-to-Face way, you obviously aren’t mature enough to make the argument and shouldn't be making a public display about it. Ponder that for a couple minuets, this is a real test to perform on yourself and I encourage you to do it every time. It will make you a better person.

Furthermore, by doing this you keep the spirit of the forums up by not dragging on huge pointless arguments that only makes everyone angry.


Piece, Love & Lightsabers

Now start posting up pics of your work!!! :mrgreen:

02-11-2007, 01:47 PM
I guarantee that you won't be able to do it. and why is that? you dont know me at all. i was a member here about a year or so ago and left because of those sort of comments. I browsed for a month and signed back up cause there is alot of new stuff and wanted to continue my work.

Yes it was a stupid question but if he didnt know it was there its not a stupid question.
And i didnt dig up a old topic, it was like the 5th one down the page. Oh it says last post 5 months ago! OMG i shouldnt read it. Being new is about browsing posts and adding your 2 cents right? just cause i wasnt here when it was posted doesnt meen i cant reply in it.

02-11-2007, 05:42 PM
He got his answer WEEKS ago. Thus I am locking this.

Orgazmo, it's a two way street. You are looking for a fight. Digging up old posts is fine if you want to add to the topic... but picking it up to make a hassle is annoying to all (including yourself). Lay down the saber and just enjoy the forum. :D

Jedi tom, If you need me to reopen this just PM me. :wink: