View Full Version : need help with soundfonts for NBv2

Thalan the Exiled
04-19-2015, 01:38 PM
I made / modded a few soundfonts that I would like to use with my NB but when I load them in they dont work. the boot sound doesn't work I just get a beep. all i get when I push the switch is the light comes on but no sounds. I can load soundfonts from the PC and CF fine it only happens when I try to use the ones I made/modded. I used Audacity and ezported them as a wav. I made sure they sample was 22050 and they were 16bit. Please help someone. If you need I can upload the files for the font I want and maybe someone could fix them for me or tell me what is wrong with them. I will edit later with a linknto the files when i get home.

Silver Serpent
04-19-2015, 03:17 PM
There's a minimum number of files that need to be included. If you don't have all of them, it won't work. They must be named *exactly* as the board expects, or it won't work. The names need to be in all lowercase.

You need to format the SD card before you copy the sound files over. Copy and paste the entire folder with the sound files all in one go.

04-21-2015, 08:49 AM
I had a similar problem when I tried to make a couple of boot sounds. I changed the settings to 16 bit and 22050 in the dropbox box and they wouldn't work. I later realized there was another box near the bottom of the screen where you need to change the sample size as well. Once I did that my boot sounds worked. I'm not sure if this applies to you, but throwing it out there just in case.