View Full Version : A new rogue Jedi on the forum.

Ulic Ramirez
03-09-2015, 12:07 AM
Hello all,

My official new member post is a little after-the-fact, but better late than never. I've been lurking for the last few weeks and have already found countless posts useful for my potential projects. I also used Madcow's very useful stunt saber tutorial for my Saboteur Shoto build.

Currently, I have some unique parts on the way for my next build inspired by unlockables on "The Force Unleashed"--namely emulating the effects of a compressed lightsaber crystal using a Tri-rebel with red/red/white with the white on an astable 555 timer. I may have to order parts piece-meal as they become available. Updates to follow.

I've spent years drooling over the old Master Replicas and Hasbro Force fx sabers, but always hated that they weren't really battle worthy--just decorative flashlights. After years of postponement, I was glad to find that the logical alternative had finally been made available and standard.

A little bit about me: I am a male human from the planet Earth born 4 ABY in the desert colony of Utah, USA. I am a huge fan of the saga and EU, having read most of the material until they started killing off main characters. I have probably owned most of the best (and some of the worst) video games in the series including old Atari and Super NES titles. I have collected the old TCG and Miniatures made by wizards of the coast as well as several of the action figures and every version/format of the films (except laserdisk). I have recently begun my foray into cosplay and have used it as an excuse to start collecting and making sabers.

I am glad to be part of this community and look forward to my new hobby as well as contributing to the forum in what small way I can.

03-09-2015, 03:15 AM
Welcome to the forums!

03-10-2015, 01:01 AM