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11-29-2014, 05:14 PM
So, a friend of mine pointed out this site to me today, and I got to using the MHS builder just to have some fun, and came up with an idea that's expensive, but I'd be interested in pursuing it in the future perhaps. I went off of the idea of the tonfa attachment and went with the presumption that it would be possible to modify some 2 inch connectors to do the same. I don't know if that's possible - I'm not very good with metal work, but when you're playing around with no intention of creating it any time soon, why not go for the stars?

Also, is there a way to create curved hilts? Or at least to safely bend the bottom handle metal a few degrees, so as to have a slight curve? The amount is small, because this would be a two handed blade (and the direction of the curve goes further into the screen from the design picture.) Kind of like this drawing that exists. (It allows the two handed handle to be used as a lever with your top hand being the fulcrum.)

For the heck of it, here's a rather intimidating idle noise to go with it.

Cool community there is here, and it's amazing seeing all of the custom work.

11-29-2014, 06:05 PM
Welcome to the Forums! I only joined back in July-Aug I haven't seen anyone make the two styles you are describing above, but if you did want to make them as far as I know you would be the first. If you do decide in the future to do them please post pics to show your work as it proceeds.
Also Tim the owner of The Custom Saber Shop, can do custom work you would have to look at the service fee's and contact him ahead of your build to see if he can do the custom work you need. (by the way, he does some amazing custom work). But, he can give you a heads up if he can do what you need or not.
Good Luck on your builds! I look forward to seeing your work.

11-29-2014, 06:12 PM
I've seen a few double-bladed (in the same direction) sabers... most of them are pretty cool, it just depends on your execution. Curved, yes, there are some techniques. It just requires you to do some homework and plan it out properly. So yeah. Readreadread.

11-29-2014, 08:25 PM
I am having a hard time finding those blades, most likely because the thread titles are the names of the sabers. That, and cominbations of dual and double bladed lead to a lot of staves, but not two forward blades. Wouldn't happen to have any handy, would you?

On the subject of curved handles, I see that a lot of people resort to using sink tube to bend. Are the MHS tubes too fragile for bending, or is it just a preference because sink tube ends up being a little less anxiety inducing than ordered parts? I know that I'd only have to bend one of the MHS parts slightly to get the desired effect... it shouldn't even mess with the wiring too much.

On the subject of contacting Tim: a little premature, considering I'd want money saved up for it.. no need to bother the man with hypotheticals.

Askew Wai
11-30-2014, 09:36 AM
To help your search, try searching for "Gemini". That's just one, but it sometimes gets referenced when similar sabers are made.

Also when in the MHS Builder, turn on the internal views to consider the threads and the internals of the emitters.

The Yin
12-01-2014, 04:36 PM
I have this design that I put together, but have not built yet.

I've got all the parts, but I'm not going to build it this way. I want to have any easy method to separate the 2 sabers, and have not found that way as of yet.

12-02-2014, 08:08 AM
I have this design that I put together, but have not built yet.

I've got all the parts, but I'm not going to build it this way. I want to have any easy method to separate the 2 sabers, and have not found that way as of yet.

Yours was actually the first link I found to have an MHS design that had two blades. I'm not sure why you would want to separate those blades in the midst of combat, other than to switch to another fighting style.. but they're drastically different. I don't think you're going to find an easy way that also keeps the claw in tact during fighting. (Strong magnets could work, but it'd come apart while fighting really.)

I just really wish that the tonfa pieces were the standard MHS thread size.. It would be a lot easier to create a dual bladed saber that way, but alas. How much did you estimate your build to be cost wise, out of curiosity?

The Yin
12-02-2014, 12:30 PM
it was about 170, but that was just the hilt parts, without electronics, internals or powder coating.
since mine will end up being to different sabers it will cost more for the electronics then one that is a single piece.

I might go back to the drawing board on the 2 blade design. The reason I was wanting it to come apart is I'll be using it for a Deadpool costume. If I make one later on that is a 2blade, I don't think I'd care for it to separate.

12-02-2014, 05:16 PM
Man.. Mine was coming out to about $350 with powder coating, but no electronics.

12-04-2014, 08:48 PM
every time i'm in an autoparts store, i take a second look at these:

what about something like Grendel's spear-thing?

12-04-2014, 08:54 PM
Well, I'm sure there's also a sink tube splitter. I was just wondering about all MHS parts. I mean, it's not really a project I'm going to build (and if I do, it won't be for years down the line probably.) But that muffler part is interesting...