View Full Version : saber not turning off

10-20-2014, 05:23 PM
title says pretty much what i'm going to ask about. Good news, I finally got my last parts in to finish my latest saber. Once again Tim did great with drilling my switch holes and what not. Took me a bit to get a few holes drilled I needed since I didn't have a drill press but hilt wise that's really my only complaint so far. electronics wise I'm having an issue. I have one end of the saber wired and ready to go with no issues. The other side of the saber is a bit of a different story. I have it wired up and ready to go. the issue i'm having is that the saber will power on the light and make the ignition sound the very instant I connect the battery. when I hit the momentary switch to turn it off, it'll make the deactivation sound the but the moment i let off the switch it turns back on, while the light itself never turns off. I'm hoping it's something simple such as a part being backwards or something. I'm using the latest version of the PC board. I've not done anything to the memory card or anything else yet aside from soldering everything up and putting the memory card in the board. I've double checked the soldering and I don't see anything touching that shouldn't be. So either I've messed something up (highly probable), got something backwards (highly probable), something I missed with the soldering (highly probable), or I got a bad part (extremely unlikely). Anyone have ideas?

Noyl Wendor
10-20-2014, 05:35 PM
just spit balling here...
did you wire your RC port correctly?
Perhaps there is a cross connection on your switch? or the switch is faulty, maybe try a different switch?
that's about all I can think of off the top of my small noggin :D

10-20-2014, 05:41 PM
I'm one of those weirdos that actually doesn't use recharge ports. i'll try different switches and see if that could be it.

UPDATE: okay so I just tried my switches. I made sure there wasn't a cross anywhere and that nothing was touching. there is nothing touching that I saw and I used my PC i had before as a guide for wiring everything. I also had the owner's manual on the site here if I wasn't sure. I tried each of the two switches individually just to be sure that wasn't it and both of them did it. that you know of, is it possible for something in the settings of the board on the memory card to mess up and cause an activation like this?

10-20-2014, 05:46 PM
Have you checked the config file to make sure the switch is set to "2" for the momentary switch? Also, there's an override file (according to the manual) and there may be a switch configuration in there as well. I haven't worked yet with a PC3, but software may be easier to check first... and I've forgotten to make that correction before...

10-20-2014, 05:55 PM
I'm checking the stuff right now for the configs. Quick question. First what is the setting called under the config files that I need to look for. Also there is an override file as you said.

update: welp I found the setting. I'll have to remember everything is in the override for the v3s. was in the middle of the override file called switch. i feel stupid now but thanks for the heads up. used to latching switches so never had to do that before. eh i learned something new i suppose.

update2: that worked until i tried to assemble the parts inside the hilt then it started doing it again the moment I connected the battery. when I looked at the config settings none of them had a dedicated switch setting in them, only the override file did. my question is this, could the fact that the switch setting is not present in the config files be an issue?

10-20-2014, 07:02 PM
sorry to double post, still working out the kinks with the saber. as I said in the 2nd update I tried the switch setting just to see if that would help. it worked until i connected the battery again and tried to assemble the saber. the moment the battery was connected it switched back on. I just tried setting the switch setting to 1 just to see what it would do, and this time, the sound stayed off but the light powered on. When i pushed the button the light would stay on but the sound would power off for a moment. I'm tempted to wipe the card and reload everything from a backup i have. Also could it be that this time i'm using a momentary switch instead of a latching? It would seem a stretch to me that using a momentary switch would make that huge of an issue but at this point i'm not ruling it out yet.

Noyl Wendor
10-20-2014, 10:12 PM
sorry to double post, still working out the kinks with the saber. as I said in the 2nd update I tried the switch setting just to see if that would help. it worked until i connected the battery again and tried to assemble the saber. the moment the battery was connected it switched back on. I just tried setting the switch setting to 1 just to see what it would do, and this time, the sound stayed off but the light powered on. When i pushed the button the light would stay on but the sound would power off for a moment. I'm tempted to wipe the card and reload everything from a backup i have. Also could it be that this time i'm using a momentary switch instead of a latching? It would seem a stretch to me that using a momentary switch would make that huge of an issue but at this point i'm not ruling it out yet.
You should be able to use a momentary or a latching with that set up ;) The settings in the config file can be set up for either. If you think its soft ware, go ahead and re-format your SD card and re-load everything.
Over all it sounds like you may have an issue with the wiring to the board, check between your main and Aux pads on the SB, make sure you didn't get a bit of solder or tiny loose wire bridging the gaps between them. If you can get a good pic of all of what you have it may help ;)

10-21-2014, 01:35 AM
I checked the wiring again just to be sure that nothing was bridging that I had missed before. I went over everything and trimmed a few spots with an x-acto knife that could have possibly done something. I also reloaded the memory card and changed the switch setting to 2 as I was told as well. The weird thing is, I can get the sound working somewhat but I can't get the light to turn off for some odd reason. I double checked the wiring of the light to be sure something isn't going on there and I didn't see anything either. If I can't figure it out I'll try to get some pics put together and see if anyone can spot something that perhaps I may have missed. I have no idea as to what else it could be at this point. if I have to I can always melt the old solder off, clean up the board a hair and try wiring the switches again but I would rather not go to that extreme if I don't have to.

10-29-2014, 06:44 PM
Okay a bit of an update so far since I haven't had a chance to check this in awhile. I was able to nail down the issue with the new board of the stuff not turning off. I was able to get ahold of a magnifying glass and go over my wiring. there was a tiny little piece of wire sticking out I couldn't see without the glass and without being under a light. I clipped that piece of wire and put a tiny piece of electrical tape around the area as a precaution and the saber finally turned off correctly. That's the good news so far. On another note when I moved my electronics from another saber over to the double blade my wires going to the aux broke loose and I had to resolder those to the aux, which burned like no other because of how i had to hold the wire so not fun there. hopefully that should be the last i see of issues with that.

The small issue i'm having now is with the new board and a new switch issue. Previously the saber wouldn't turn off after the wiring fix because I needed to change the switch setting in the memory card which took care of that issue. Now what's going on is when I try to use the aux switch for the blaster effects and changing sound banks. The switch will work to engage the blaster effects or the lockup but it's not changing the sound banks when I hold the button down. My question is this, could it be a bad wiring still, or something with the switch settings again?

Forgetful Jedi Knight
10-29-2014, 06:50 PM
Which board are we talking about again?

10-29-2014, 06:53 PM
It's a PC v3

Forgetful Jedi Knight
10-29-2014, 07:00 PM
You have to do change fonts while the saber is "off" but the kill key is "pulled".

10-29-2014, 07:14 PM
that's when i'm trying, I suppose I could've worded it better. While the saber is on and active the aux switch will trigger the blaster and lockup effects as it should. however when the saber is turned off and i attempt to change fonts it won't do it.

Forgetful Jedi Knight
10-29-2014, 07:19 PM
You have to hold the aux button down for a few seconds. if that doesn't work. put the kill key in, hold down the aux button and then pull the kill key.

10-29-2014, 07:26 PM
that's what i'm doing =p. i'm also one of those weirdos who doesn't use a kill switch

Forgetful Jedi Knight
10-29-2014, 07:32 PM
You need to check the SD card settings, there is something about accessing the menus in them. I don't recall the setting right now, but it's in the manual.