View Full Version : Dancing Groot. Gardians of Galaxy Spoilers!!!

08-15-2014, 01:44 PM
OK...so if you've seen GotG and you saw it with your girlfriend, wife, kids, or pretty much anyone with a soul, then you/they loved dancing Groot at the end. Then your __________(insert name of person with a soul here) saw this on the internets:


and wants one.

You built/build a lightsaber right, why cant you build your girlfriend a dancing baby Groot........

then you see this http://www.ebay.com/itm/Movin-Groovin-Flowers-Dancing-Decorative-Speakers-for-your-Ipod-MP3-/291217882117?pt=Classic_Toys_US&hash=item43cdf03c05

so...my new plan is a small servo motor from radio shack, a small 3 watt speaker, cannibalized 3.5mm headphone jack and some battery clips. Bend a wire and put it in the motor drive, hook that to the batteries and give it a switch, decorate it up with some craft supplies, then run the speaker jack out of the pot. simple enough right?

Any thoughts , suggestions, or better ideas out there?