View Full Version : Sound confussion?

12-16-2005, 03:46 PM
Hello everyone,
I know I have read somewhere a review of the hasbro saber sound cards, in which it stated the non-character specifis sith ones were the best. I plan to find what cards I can around here and implement them into my two new sabers(led). However, I dont fully understand what everyone is talking about when it comes to which cards put out what voltage, how to implement certain resisters to compensate for use with my battery pack, etc. I understand that there is much knowledge to be had in this area and you may not want to post it all here. I desperatly want sound and just want to understand what I need to know to make it happen. Feel free to email me if you do not want to put it all here at "osirisnisis@cableone.net". And I am sorry for the inconveniance and my current lack of understanding...

NOTE: My sabers are ordered from here-1.5" hilt-Luxeon 3 star-using 4 AA's. Dont know if it matters?


12-18-2005, 02:01 PM
Its been a few days with no replies.However, I have a more defined question...I went to kmart yesterday and actually found two hasbro Vader ROTS models. I believe the ones that Gelu posted where the best of the hasbros. So, has anyone hooked these up before? The previous post shows what I am running in my two sabers, if it helps. Anyone who knows please help me to get these put in, all help is deeply appreciated.

Also, I now have my sabers done all except for the locking mechanism to make them a double saber. Some friends are coming over tonight to bring me a digital camera so I can take pics to post here. The computer image of what I built is linked and I went with the middle one. http://www.thecustomsabershop.com/sabers/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=134 It has subtle differences because of the things I could not find around here, like black orings instead of blue.

Thank you for the sound help I am desperatly waiting for...


12-19-2005, 05:38 AM
I am actually working on the same problem, got he 1.5" Led Hilt Kit and the Led Driver but want to add sound, but really don't want to go the Hasbro Dissambly way. As soon as I find out anything will let you know.

May the Force
Be with You

Marc E.