View Full Version : Finding a replacement battery spring from a Graflex

A Pieroway
05-01-2014, 12:03 PM
I need a spring to keep my hilt innards pressed up towards the blade, and was using the original big spring that came with the flash unit. But, sadly, I thought it was too tight/long so I cut it down a bit without being very specific about it.
Long story short, does anyone know a source for something similar in size and shape to the spring that comes with a Graflex flash?


A Pieroway
05-02-2014, 08:50 AM
If anyone has an idea, great. But for now I was lucky enough to find my spare from a second graflex I had laying about. I thought its spring long lost, but with much poking about was able to find it.

05-06-2014, 08:50 AM
a D cell Maglite flashlight spring might work, if you're willing to sacrifice a Maglite.

05-06-2014, 11:50 AM
a D cell Maglite flashlight spring might work, if you're willing to sacrifice a Maglite.

I believe if you contact maglite they will sell you just the spring, they do with their retention rings for their bulbs.

Renaissance Jedi
05-06-2014, 09:14 PM
I need a spring to keep my hilt innards pressed up towards the blade, and was using the original big spring that came with the flash unit. But, sadly, I thought it was too tight/long so I cut it down a bit without being very specific about it.
Long story short, does anyone know a source for something similar in size and shape to the spring that comes with a Graflex flash?

If you PM me your mailing address, I'd be happy to send you a spring from a Gralfex 3 cell. I had no use for mine and would be more than willing to part with it.

A Pieroway
05-07-2014, 08:02 PM
Thanks RJ for the kind offer. As mentioned I found the spring from my second, more beat up Graflex, to use in my first build. The other Graflex will probably be simpler and not require one. The suggestions will hopefully help the next person in the same boat.