View Full Version : Diffuser replacement for MR Obi Wan Sith

Captain Estrata
04-20-2014, 05:13 PM
Hi everyone,

My MR blade took a tumble off a bookcase and the diffuser inside shattered. I used the posts on the forums (took me way longer than you guys I'm sure) to dismantle it and remove the electronics/blade. Firstly I just have to say you are awesome! the step my step guides and even additional info for 06' MR Obi Wan Sith blades blew me away!
Anyway, I am just going totally vanilla here and only want to replace the diffuser inside the blade and was hoping someone could give me an idea on the best way to do so, and also the easiest way (I understand they may be different). I have seen rubber tubing mentioned and gift wrap among others but I am feeling my way in the dark in this, can I find a diffuser tube that is already the right length that I just drill a couple of holes in? Are there parts for sale anywhere?
However I must say I am really enjoying taking my blade apart and seeing what this community does with theirs!

04-22-2014, 03:56 PM
I mean, it's possible to find a diffuser, you would just need to find something that will fit inside the blade, though most of the time when folks take that stuff apart, it's to upgrade it to something more durable. You use the polypro gift wrap if you are going to switch it to an in-hilt Luxeon style of illumination. I will wish you all kinds of luck finding any blade parts for an MR though, hard to believe they are almost a decade old.

http://www.thecustomsabershop.com/40-LED-blade-diffuser-for-1-thin-walled-blades-P449.aspx This item may work, but no promises. I would honestly say that you have made it this far, why not go all the way and just convert it fully?

Captain Estrata
04-23-2014, 06:14 PM
Thanks so much. Yeah these look good, I might just order a poly carb tube too and shouldered tip with reflective disc so I can just go from there.
Nearly ten years old, geez you are right.
I am really considering the full conversion too... although I am horrific at electronics.

06-21-2014, 11:09 PM
I have an idea, is that blade you have in new condition? No scratches or any damage of any kind that would show when lit? I imagine it would be a royal pain to remove the stock round tip to replace it with a pointed tip from TCSS without risking damage to the blade, but never tried it yet.