View Full Version : Swapping out push on/off black ugly switch for Anti Vandal Short Momentary switch???

03-01-2014, 10:20 AM
I need wiring help.
I have a black on/off standard switch wired to my saber for on/off purposes.
I just recently bought an Anti Vandal Short Momentary switch and want to know what I'd need to do to swap it out and make everything work correctly.

I got the blue LED version of the switch.

Does anyone have a how-to or diagram for this swap?



03-01-2014, 11:41 AM
Can I get more detail on your saber? What's your power source look like? What's in your saber? Are you using drivers or a board?

Forgetful Jedi Knight
03-01-2014, 12:07 PM
Getting the "switch" portion to work is easy enough, the two wires in your current switch would have to go to the 2 lugs on the AV switch that control the switch portion. For the LED portion, we would need more information. Depending on what setup you have, the momentary might not be the switch you really need, that looks like a latching switch that you are trying to replace.

03-01-2014, 12:46 PM
this is the full setup, save for the LED up in the hilt
i bought the saber pre-built and am swapping out the switch, making a few other aesthetic modifications here and there
once i opened it up i was actually pretty disappointed in the obvious lack of care in not using connectors, heatshrink, etc. but it meh.

so if i don't care much about the LED in the switch itself lighting up i can just cut off the two wires from the existing switch and wire 'em up to the +/- poles on the switch and call it a day?


03-01-2014, 12:55 PM
I don't think the momentary switch is going to do you any good. Usually you need some sort of driver or board to support that functionality. If you're dead set on that type of switch, there latching AV switches here on the shop that will do what your asking. The momentary switch (Not 100% on this) doesn't make an on/off connection. If you wired it into your current config you'd have to hold it down to complete the circuit.

03-01-2014, 01:07 PM
Gungn1r is right. A momentary switch will not get the effect you desire, since you do have to hold the switch to keep the saber on. I know there is a workaround, but for the life of me I can't remember what it is.

You'll also need to enlarge the switch hole to accommodate for the AV switch.

Forgetful Jedi Knight
03-01-2014, 01:10 PM
They are both correct. Since you do not seem to have a sound card, you will need a latching, not momentary switch. Once you get a latching switch, essentially you are correct, you just move the 2 wires over and call it a day, if you are not concerned about the LED in the switch working.

03-01-2014, 01:24 PM
Ah, I see. Okay thanks, I'll look into a latching switch then. Sucks that I apparently wasted $12.00 on this one, but live and learn I guess.

Thanks again

Forgetful Jedi Knight
03-01-2014, 01:26 PM
Ah, I see. Okay thanks, I'll look into a latching switch then. Sucks that I apparently wasted $12.00 on this one, but live and learn I guess.

Thanks again

There's always the next build (or upgrade to this saber). ;)

03-01-2014, 02:08 PM
No worries man! Think of it as a learning process, plus you already have a head start on your next one! ;)

03-03-2014, 06:40 AM
You'll find that nearly all the soundboards on the market today make use of the momentary AV switch (toss it in a box, its not wasted at all because the way this hobby is.. You WILL need it haha)

Like FJK said... think.. UPGRADE BABY!!