View Full Version : FF Motor + LED: Diagram and Resistor question

10-15-2013, 05:55 PM

I am working on my first Saber and I am thinking of adding a force feedback motor, connected to the PC board and a AV switch to turn it on or off as required.

Motor: Cell phone moto razr, I believe it runs at 100mA and its 2V.. not 100% sure but this should be safe (I hope)
AV Switch: Green dot LED. fv: 3.3V @ 20mA
3 rebel star: GGW

I would like to know from the forum experts if this diagram is correct and it meets the Resistance required to drive the motor.


Thank you !!!


Silver Serpent
10-15-2013, 05:59 PM
Diagram looks fine to me. I'd highly recommend using a potentiometer for the vibration motor, and then measure the resistance once you tweak it to your liking.