View Full Version : DIY Hasbro Luke ANH saber

09-21-2013, 06:46 PM

I'm new here and I don't know if this question has been asked before. I can't really afford an Ultra Saber Graflex CE saber which I really love. So I wonder if I can DIY and mod a mass produced saber.

I have a Hasbro ForceFX Luke Skywalker saber(ANH) with removable blade. The blade is not nearly as bright as I want it to be. It also has some dark spots on the blade. I would like to know if I can buy a DIY kit from Ultra Saber to upgrade. I checked their website. It sells a kit for the Master Replica ForceFX sabers. As far as I understand, the Hasbro ForceFX is pretty much the same as the MR ForceFX after they lost the license. Mine has brass recharge pins. So I wonder if that Ultra Saber DIY kit would work. Or are there any other alternative conversions with much brighter blade?




09-21-2013, 09:15 PM
I would like to know if I can buy a DIY kit from Ultra Saber to upgrade
They have a forum on that site. You should post your questiion there.

11-21-2013, 11:46 PM
I did mine with no resistor. Used Lux 3w deep red. It works great. That thing in the picture connected to the gray wire is the clash sensor. It comes out of the blade. Tricky little suckers.