View Full Version : Anyone familiar with this work?

08-19-2013, 04:01 PM
Hey everyone. Just out of curiosity, is anyone familiar with this person's saber work and their quality?


Forgetful Jedi Knight
08-19-2013, 04:37 PM
Yeah, I'm familiar with him (most old timers are)... Those are not things you want to deal with, and I'll leave it there.

08-19-2013, 05:18 PM
Yeah, I'm familiar with him (most old timers are)... Those are not things you want to deal with, and I'll leave it there.

That's too bad. They're really nice looking hilts. :/

Forgetful Jedi Knight
08-19-2013, 05:25 PM
That's too bad. They're really nice looking hilts. :/

They aren't THAT great, trust me.

08-19-2013, 05:28 PM
They aren't THAT great, trust me.

They're better than what I'd build by myself. ;)

Forgetful Jedi Knight
08-19-2013, 05:30 PM
They're better than what I'd build by myself. ;)

Trust me, in the end, you CAN do WAY better than that.

08-20-2013, 05:29 AM
There are much better sabersmiths out there - many of whom are a part of this community - who do much better work. :)

08-20-2013, 11:50 AM
Solid aluminum bar = 10... Wet paper bag = 0

TCSS = "Threaded" high quality parts made to fit like building blocks (MHS), or even some custom options with the MHS blank's (saber durability rating = 8)

The hilts pictured above are overlapping pipes held together with nothing more then a few set screw's..... (durability rating = 1)

Good luck with your build (You'll be very very surprised at what you can accomplish with MHS).. And when it comes to sabers it's not a good look if your saber kinda wobbles.. Or just flex back and forth in the middle as you swing it... No matter how awesome it looks that's just not cool

Stick to Tcss my friend.. Tim has true honor which in the end is worth 10 of whatever the other guys "claim" to have.

Onli-Won Kanomi
08-20-2013, 07:01 PM
Setscrews if you are lucky...I have one of his early sabers and some overlapping parts didn't have setscrews but were glued...ok e if you are looking for a display ONLY saber which I made that one into but NOT suitable for dueling. And later there were MANY people in this hobby who had a 'bad experience' with that maker which us 'old timers' have not forgotten but which is not suitable to discuss here.

People here aren't ONLY being loyal to Strydur because he is a great guy with sterling business ethics and this is his forum when we recommend MHS instead. There is a reason that most of the professional sabersmiths in this hobby use TCSS MHS parts, entirely unrelated to personalities or politics. And that is quite simply the QUALITY of TCSS parts which are simply the best production parts in this hobby. They are the 'gold standard' against which all others are measured. Even the top pro sabersmiths with lathes, mills or CNC capability of their own often use TCSS parts as a basis for custom modification because they know the quality of TCSS parts won't let them down. You will not go wrong choosing to build sabers out of the same best-quality parts the pros use. That's not 'hype' its plain fact.

"You pays your money and you takes your chance" - it is your right to make your decision of course. Best of luck with it and MTFBWY.

Darth Odious
08-21-2013, 08:19 PM
Setscrews if you are lucky...I have one of his early sabers and some overlapping parts didn't have setscrews but were glued..

Same here, an Imperial Knight hilt. Think I picked it up for about 50 bucks in 2007, recently the glue that held the shroud failed and kinda fell off. They're ok if you just want something to stick on a shelf and not put any electronics or a blade in

08-21-2013, 10:22 PM
you get what you pay for. i bought my first saber and while it is good i soon realized that making your own is far more satisfying.

Noyl Wendor
08-22-2013, 09:29 PM
I recognize two of those hilts ;) I have owned a couple at some point. truth is they are good hilts, mainly for show. Static hilt or stunt. Really did much better with building my own from TCSS parts. The maker of these has the right intent just that the hilts them selves are not all that great to try and work into a fully functional saber.
thought I would do something pretty cool with the Zayne Carrick hilt, I really did not get that far. ;)

Keil Edge
08-24-2013, 11:35 PM
Ya, I'd stay far away from these if I were you. Unless you like a lot of glue and not much more.

These have what you call "20 yard weathering". They look great if you put them on a shelf 20 yards from where you are standing.

08-25-2013, 11:48 AM
thanks for the info everyone. I'm finding more and more that a lot of these supposed sabersmiths quality work is maybe not so quality, even if their heart is in the right place. :/

Forgetful Jedi Knight
08-25-2013, 12:13 PM
thanks for the info everyone. I'm finding more and more that a lot of these supposed sabersmiths quality work is maybe not so quality, even if their heart is in the right place. :/

As a general rule, if you have to sell on easy, and the price is dirt cheap, it's highly likely that the quality isn't so hot. Most decent saber smiths do not need to sell on eBay, though it might happen from time to time, but the price will not be $100-$200. ;)