View Full Version : Nano Biscotte - Config File Parameters

Cire Yeldarb
07-23-2013, 07:57 AM
So in preparation for setting up the Config settings for my Nano Biscotte, I read through the manual.

I came across some differences regarding the ls, hs, and lc settings from the Petit Crouton Manual I had previously read.

The Petit Crouton manual says that ls is the lowest swing that will make a sound, hs is the highest swing that will make a sound, then there is a deadzone before lc which is the lowest clash that will make a sound. That all seemed to make sense to me.

Then the Nano Biscotte manual says that ls is what may "be considered as a potential gesture", hs then seems like the lowest swing that will trigger a sound, and lc is still the lowest clash that will make a sound. At first this seemed like a typo because the PC setup seemed so logical to me, but then this setup being differnet was reinforced by this sentence a little further down: "If the saber is not sensitive enough to the swing: decrease parameter hs by a few points."

Do the parameter settings between the PC and NB actually differ in the way stated above, or are there just a couple mis-worded statements in the NB manual?

Silver Serpent
07-24-2013, 06:14 AM
To the best of my knowledge, the PC and NB use the same logic with the config files. It's probably a typo in the manual.

Cire Yeldarb
07-25-2013, 08:07 AM
Alright cool, that is what I was hoping, thanks!

05-19-2016, 10:22 AM
do any of you know the exact settings for the nano biscotte sound board which would make the swing very sensative... not sensative enough to initiate a flash on clash...but sensative enough to activate with the slightest swing? thanks.

Forgetful Jedi Knight
05-19-2016, 03:13 PM
do any of you know the exact settings for the nano biscotte sound board which would make the swing very sensative... not sensative enough to initiate a flash on clash...but sensative enough to activate with the slightest swing? thanks.

Every hilt is different, so there is no "one setting fixes all" solution.

Cire Yeldarb
05-20-2016, 01:59 PM
FJK is correct, it will take experimentation to get everything right for your particular saber!

You can try making bigger changes at first (make note of the initial values), and then progressively close-in on the settings for your saber by making smaller and smaller changes til you are all dialed in

06-04-2016, 01:06 AM
I have read the manual for the nano biscotte but the configs are a little confusing... which would control the sensitivity... since I might just be adjusting the volume... or duration of the swing.

06-04-2016, 01:14 AM
Every hilt is different, so there is no "one setting fixes all" solution.
the thing I am not sure about... the manual is pretty confusing... or I am an idiot... or both... but where it says swing... the initial value is 200... what does that mean to your knowledge? and the clash is 150... obviously the swing being set at 200 and clash being 150 means that the swing is probably less sensitive then the clash... but most of the configurations don't make sense... thanks.

Cire Yeldarb
06-06-2016, 01:40 PM
the thing I am not sure about... the manual is pretty confusing... or I am an idiot... or both... but where it says swing... the initial value is 200... what does that mean to your knowledge? and the clash is 150... obviously the swing being set at 200 and clash being 150 means that the swing is probably less sensitive then the clash... but most of the configurations don't make sense... thanks.

Most of the Config settings are pretty straight forward, this thread was mainly regarding gramatical mistakes found in the NB manual vs other plecter manuals.

As for the Swing and Clash parameters, this is what the manual has to say:

 swing [0-500]: swing rate flow limiter. Delay during which swings cannot be
furthermore triggered.
 clash [0-500]: clash rate flow limiter. Delay during which clashes cannot be
furthermore triggered.

Its hard to get more clear than that; they are not sensitivity-related at all, they are more like a delay between multiple possible swings/clashes...

06-06-2016, 01:53 PM
the thing I am not sure about... the manual is pretty confusing... or I am an idiot... or both... but where it says swing... the initial value is 200... what does that mean to your knowledge? and the clash is 150... obviously the swing being set at 200 and clash being 150 means that the swing is probably less sensitive then the clash... but most of the configurations don't make sense... thanks.

Are you having a specific issue with swing and clash sounds with your NB setup? Perhaps asking a specific question pertaining to what you are experiencing or wanting to adjust/fine tune would generate suggestions on where to start.

If you are having constant swing sounds with the NB it could possibly be a wiring issue, especially if running two dice at full or near full power with a chamber LED wired in parallel on the v3. Mine was only with Light Meat and only when my reveal chamber was installed in the hilt. Added a diode to the LED wiring...swing issue solved.

07-25-2016, 09:39 PM
Here are the notes I made for myself as I read the manual. I had initially put comments after every line of my config file but that made the file too big (max is 512 bytes) so I copied them all over to my readme and now I share them with you. The values listed are (first) the default values and (in brackets) the possible range of values for each setting. One or two of these may not actually be the default value, since I may have tinkered a bit before starting to make my notes.

vol=4: Speaker volume [0-4]

drive=1023: led max drive [0-1023]; RTFM

fdrive=1023: FoC max drive [0-1023]; RTFM

offd=100: power-off button duration [0-10000] x2ms; This is the amount of time the user must hold the button to trigger the power-off event.

deep=15000: sleep delay [0-18446744073709551615] x20ms; This is the amount of time between removing the kill key and when the board goes into power-saving mode.

resume=0: hum resume[0-1]; This tells the board whether to attempt to resume the "hum" sound at the same point where it was interrupted for a swing or clash event.

lc=400: lowest clash[0-1023]; this is the smallest movement that will trigger a clash event.

hs=220: highest swing[0-1023]; this is the biggest movement that will trigger a swing event.

ls=70: lowest swing[0-1023]; this is the smallest movement that will trigger ANY event, and that event should be a swing.

i=53: sensitivity[0-99]; this is the overall sensitivity to movement. Manual suggests tinkering with this setting first.

shmrd=210: clash shimmer duration[0-500]; RTFM

shmrp=6: clash shimmer burst duration 0-25]x2ms; RTFM

shmrr=13: shmrp range[0-25]x2ms; RTFM

focd=200: FoC duration[0-500]; RTFM

focp=10: FoC burst duration[5-25]x2ms; RTFM

focr=10: focp range[0-25]x2ms; RTFM

swing=200: swing limiter[0-500]; this is the amount of time AFTER a swing event during which another swing cannot be triggered.

clash=150: clash limiter[0-500]; this is the amount of time after a clash event during which neither a swing nor a clash can be triggered.

qon=0: poweron duration[0-3000]ms; this is the amount of time it takes the main LED to fade from no power to full power during a power-on event. 0="match length of power-on sound."

qoff=0: poweroff duration[0-3000]ms; same as above but for a power-off event.

flks=3: blade variation speed [0-20]; how fast the blade flickers when no event is active.

flkd=20: blade variation depth[0-100]; how intensely the blade flickers when no event is active.