View Full Version : Wiring 2 accent LEDs

06-05-2013, 09:08 PM
I am looking for advice on how to wire up my next saber project. I am building a stunt saber with an MWS buckpuck. I want to use a latching illuminated switch (SLRR) and an accent LED (AccLED1). Each individually would need a 220ohm 1/4 watt resistor. The buckpuck is prewired to accept one accent LED and has terminals for the resistor. My question is, how do I wire this up to get both LEDs to light up?

My though was, (and please steer me right if I am wrong) to wire the two accent LEDs in series and use the DynaOhm variable resistor in the resistor spot on the buckpuck. Would this work or should I do something else? I will be using a standard AAA batter pack with this if that helps.

Thank you in advance.

06-06-2013, 05:10 AM
You will want to wire them up in series sharing 1 common resistor if they both require the same resistance.

EDIT: series not parallel, sorry hadn't finished my coffee for the morning yet. :(

Silver Serpent
06-06-2013, 07:51 AM
The DynaOhm outputs 20mA of current. If you wire them in parallel, they will each get 10mA. Wire them in series if you have enough voltage in your battery pack for the two accent LEDs combined.

06-06-2013, 03:26 PM
Thanks. I will wire them in series with the DynaOhm resistor. I am just using regular AAA batteries so I should have 6v, which assume should be enough.

Thanks got the guidance.

Silver Serpent
06-06-2013, 07:46 PM
If you have the room, consider upgrading to AA batteries. The AAA setup runs out of juice pretty fast. You get a good deal more runtime with AA.

It looks like both those accent LEDs are red? The combined Vf is around 4v, so your 6v pack should be sufficient to power them in series.

06-06-2013, 08:13 PM
If you have the room, consider upgrading to AA batteries. The AAA setup runs out of juice pretty fast. You get a good deal more runtime with AA.

It looks like both those accent LEDs are red? The combined Vf is around 4v, so your 6v pack should be sufficient to power them in series.

Thanks again. I will have to see if I have room. I just finished my first build and had my first experience with "cram-fu." I see why Jedi in the novels and comics use the Force to build their sabers!! You sure do need to "force" everything in there!! I will keep the AA upgrade in mind.

Silver Serpent
06-07-2013, 05:05 AM
If the AA pack doesn't fit, it will still work with the AAA. You'll just need to change batteries more often. My first MHS saber was originally a 4xAAA and buckpuck setup. I chewed through batteries pretty quickly with it.