View Full Version : Oops

05-13-2013, 11:12 PM
My Vader removable blade conversion was going well until the soldering part. I had everything soldered together, and had the chassis back in the hilt when the LED stopped working. I took it apart again and found the negative wire had come loose from the clash sensor. Long story short- I need a new clash sensor :).

The only concern I had up until that point was that the blade holder hole didn't quite line up with the hole in the hilt after everything was screwed back together. I had to force it, but I got it in.

Soldering is not my forte'. But for a brief moment I was proud of myself for getting it to work. I'll finish it once I get a new sensor.

Silver Serpent
05-14-2013, 04:59 AM
Keep at it. It gets easier each time. You'll have a fully functional saber soon. :)

05-14-2013, 12:31 PM
"Force it" is never a good idea. It might work on some things, but that's actually how I damaged my Igniter during my first install. I was using a plastic sink extension tube as a board cradle and it wouldn't fit. Upon visual inspection I could not determine any valid reason why it shouldn't have fit, so I crammed it in there. When I took the kill key out, the green die came on and stayed on, and the board would not boot. Yuck.

Turns out one of the micro capacitors on the board got torn off when I shoved the cradle into the hilt. Because I was impatient, I jeapordized the well-being of my components. It was a $5 repair job, but still...lesson learned. You have to be careful and patient with this stuff.

That saber, though, is now functioning better than ever, with new fonts and the most responsive detection I've ever had. I'm glad I stuck with it. You will be glad you stuck with yours, too. Good luck on your conversion. It's totally worth it.