View Full Version : Pre Wired Nano Biscotte...what about the Resistor for the LED ?

Kal Jericho
02-08-2013, 01:02 AM
If you would like to use a complete Pre Wired Setup of Nano for a No Solder Saber Build...what about the Resistor that you normally need with some LEDs like a Red One ? Wouldnt it happen to just fry your LED if you use the premade Modules without a Resistor ?

Dont get me wrong but shouldnt you sell the Pre Wired Nano with an Pre Wired Resistor in the quick connector line from the Board for the LED in it ? Not everybody could solder these days or want to mess around with the settings on the board for the LED...

Just a quick thought... ;)

Onli-Won Kanomi
02-08-2013, 02:50 AM

Kal Jericho
02-08-2013, 04:03 AM
Are you sure ?

Input voltage must be greater than 5v and below 32v...wasnt it that the Nano only likes around 3 Volt or so ?

isnt it safer that TCSS would prewire one resistor into their main LED cable on the Nano Board ?

Silver Serpent
02-08-2013, 06:08 AM
You are correct. Buckpucks are not appropriate for use with the NB.

Wiring in a resistor is not difficult. A cheapy $10 soldering iron from Radio Shack can do the job in less than 5 minutes, and that's including warm-up time. For a resistor, the wires are big, and if you get ugly, globby solder joints (as many inexperienced solderers do), the saber will still work fine.

The problem with installing a resistor into the prewired setup is that there are just so many options out there. If you put the resistor on the NB, then you'll need differing resistors for each color and type of LED, as well as an unresistored one for those people who are getting their LED from another source. If you put the resistor on the LED module, then you'll need different resistors for each power source, since not everyone plugs them into a NB. Some use the PC, some go without sound, some use Li-Ion, others use NiMH or Alkaline.

It also doesn't make sense to attach a JST connector to a resistor. You'd more than double the cost of the resistor in parts and labor, just to save someone the trouble of soldering.

Onli-Won Kanomi
02-09-2013, 01:34 AM
DOH! on temporarily-braindead me for embarassingly forgetting that...you and Silver Serpent are correct and you should take HIS advice. The good news is, as SS noted, simple wiring in of a resistor to the LED module using a cheapo iron will do fine, you won't need an ESD safe soldering station or 'fancy' soldering-fu skills and the resistor calculator and wide range of resistors available at the TCSS store should make getting the right one easy.

Good Luck with your build and MTFBWY!