View Full Version : 2 Bladed Saber

The Yin
01-26-2013, 06:27 PM
So, I am still working on one saber, just some hilt hardware to finish. But my sister and I just came up with an idea that seems it would be fun to build and use.

A 2 Bladed Saber!

No, not a double blade saber, but a saber with TWO blades.

Like this:

It would be held by the mid section and the two saber hilts would be parallel to the forearm.
I'd also want to place the activation switch on the mid-grip.
It is designed so the whole setup is a little smaller then a sheet of printer paper (8.5x11)
Also, the blades themselves will be short, 24 to 28 inches.

I want to have sound, probably the NB, but I haven't even begun to think up the wiring. As I mentioned, I have yet to finish the saber I'm working on now.

Just wanted to post this to get some ideas, or give some ideas. I'm not sure if I thought this up my self, or if I've seen this some where (I may have been inspired by Wolverines claws.)

Feel free to take this idea and run with it. I just keep imagining it would be fun to use. You could lock your opponents blade between the two, and with a twist of your wrist, fling their saber right out of their hand : ), theoretically.

I don't always build sabers, but when I do, I prefer TCSS. Keep Sabering my friends.

Silver Serpent
01-26-2013, 07:28 PM
A nifty idea, and one I don't recall seeing before. There are parts available to help you create this saber.


01-26-2013, 09:38 PM
Very much like Plo Koon's Katar saber. Gemini Concepts did one a few years ago: http://www.fx-sabers.com/forum/index.php?topic=14823.0

The Yin
01-26-2013, 10:52 PM
Those were just what I was thinking about. They are a perfect length to.

That's cool. I knew there had to be something like this out there.
That's basically what I'm looking to build, but smaller.

Kevin Starwaster
01-27-2013, 11:27 AM
Nice! Looks reminiscent of the dual barreled laser pistols carried by the Cygnus robots in "The Black Hole". Which I haven't thought about in years and it's all coming flooding back to me.... especially the clipboard scene. Thanks :(

04-18-2013, 03:01 PM
I dont know, but, you should probably have something like a strap or something to have your arm in to help your grip on it. I dont know but, I wouldnt trust just that one handle.

The Yin
05-14-2013, 09:21 AM
I dont know, but, you should probably have something like a strap or something to have your arm in to help your grip on it. I dont know but, I wouldnt trust just that one handle.

I've been thinking about that too, I'm not sure how much grip and control the one handle would provide. One handle may prove to be insufficient when the blades clash. It might be something I'd add after finishing the saber and testing it out.

The Yin
05-14-2013, 09:47 AM
So, I've been giving some thought to the wring of this saber. Originally I had planned on making this a Jedi saber, but I've redesigned it to be a Sith blade. Also, I'd like it to have FoC, so the use of a NB is no longer and option.

So, I'd like to use the PC with FoC, and I'm just doing some preliminary research on how it can be wired up.
Here is what I'm think, let me know if this is way off or not.

- The PC can put out 2000mA, and I'll have a 7.4v li-ion pack.
- Both saber sections will have a Luxeon Tri-Rebel Star (Red/Red/White)
- On each Star the LEDs (Red/Red) will be connect in Series, needing 700mA and 4.6v?
- The Two Stars will be connected in Parallel, making the total circuit power needs = 1400 mA and 4.6v?

So if that all makes since, my saber would run 4 Luxeon Rebel Red's in a Seriallel set up with 1400mA at 4.6v?

Yep,that's why I'm double checking.

Thanks in advance for the help.

Forgetful Jedi Knight
05-14-2013, 11:50 AM
Well, the theory to run your Tri-Rebel reds sounds good, I think you'll find you might have issues with the FoC, as those should push the voltage draw past 7.4V. ;)

Silver Serpent
05-14-2013, 12:59 PM
Except that FoC with the PC and a PEX works in parallel with the sound board. You'll have a higher draw on your batteries during clash events, but the voltage is fine.

- The PC can put out 2000mA, and I'll have a 7.4v li-ion pack.
- Both saber sections will have a Luxeon Tri-Rebel Star (Red/Red/White)
- On each Star the LEDs (Red/Red) will be connect in Series, needing 700mA and 4.6v?
- The Two Stars will be connected in Parallel, making the total circuit power needs = 1400 mA and 4.6v?

So if that all makes since, my saber would run 4 Luxeon Rebel Red's in a Seriallel set up with 1400mA at 4.6v?


Your planning is sound. I see no reason that you couldn't run all this off a 7.4v pack. I'd definitely try to use 18650s if at all possible. They usually support higher current draw, and have longer runtimes. With a pair of tri-rebels, you'll want all the runtime you can get. :)

The Yin
05-15-2013, 02:55 PM
Cool, thank you for the info guys.

After reading a little more, I believe it safe to assume the accent LEDs, and the 3.3v LED pads on the PC are all ran in parallel, otherwise, we would be needing a lot more voltage for our sabers.

So with that in mind, here is my quick wiring diagram.


I'm not sure yet if i even want two illuminated switches, but I added it in anyway.
Will a Red LED even lite with 1.65v and 9 mA? Yeah, that might not work. So let's pretend there is just one switch in that picture.

I don't have the FoC wiring included in there, but it shouldn't be an issue.

A few more questions though,
-Would the red/red/white with FoC Flash with a PINK color, or more of a bright Red? I'm hoping for a bright red, but haven't seen, or paid attention to seeing, how the RRW looks as a FoC.

-Would I be better off with a Engin LZ4 Red, and have a RED/RED w/ RED FoC?

-Last one, can the PC handle 11.1v Li-ion (the manual says 11v)? If so, has anyone tried this?

Well, that's all for now. Thanks again.

The Yin
05-20-2013, 12:35 PM
So, here is the final wiring layout for the build. I'm still not going to actually work on this for another 3 months or so. But at least this much is done.

With the RED LEDs in the switches, I'm not sure if they will just be dim, or not lite at all. Each one will only get 9 or 10 mA and 1.65v.

05-20-2013, 01:19 PM
Maybe I'm looking at this wrong but regarding the lighted switches, wouldn't wiring them in serial like this give them each 1.65V and 18mA? With a Vf of 2.1V, I would think this might work...

The Yin
05-20-2013, 01:56 PM
Maybe I'm looking at this wrong but regarding the lighted switches, wouldn't wiring them in serial like this give them each 1.65V and 18mA? With a Vf of 2.1V, I would think this might work...

oh, that's true. only the voltage would be cut to half.
Thanks for noticing.

I still keep getting mixed up on the parallel/serial voltage/amp math. I'll get it eventually.

Caine Drathul
05-29-2013, 01:16 AM
Totally cool to build for sure.

Totally impractical for any type of saber combat application, though.