View Full Version : Custom Hilt Work

10-31-2012, 10:54 AM
I posted this on another forum, and they suggested I post here as it would be a better place to look! (If this is in the wrong forum, please move or let me know!)

So, I'm working on a lightsaber and need someone to do some custom work on the hilt. What I want is a spike like the old gravity knives, point it blade down, hit the button, blade drops into the open position and locks. Flip it up, hit the button again, mechanism lets it slide back into the closed position. I'd like a triangular spike, maybe 2 to 3 inches long when extended from the bottom of the hilt.
Does anyone take on this kind of work? If so, please get a hold of me! (b DOT confalionieri AT vaevictis DOT co)

Silver Serpent
10-31-2012, 11:26 AM
I'm sorry, but whomever sent you here did so mistakenly.

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Soliciting sales – Sales are not allowed on the forums! Tim does not condone any buying or selling, both publicly and via PMs. Remember, he CAN read all of your private messages. This includes linking to eBay for your own sales (without Tim's approval).

You might try over at the FX-Sabers forums. Such activity is permitted over there.