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09-19-2006, 08:34 AM
Ok guys! We can use this to discuss the Tunics, Robes etc of all of our Lightsaber bearing heroes.

09-19-2006, 08:46 AM
I prefer black, I think Anakin's outfit looks good with brown pants, black outer tunic, sash, tabbards, belt, boots, and glove. As is the SideShow 12" Anakin. That also happens to be how my costume looks (except for the crappy Rubies glove is brown).
Don't have a robe yet.

09-19-2006, 08:50 AM
Anakin's ROTS is a really dark brown on purpose to look black. No one's going to care though as long as you look good.

09-19-2006, 08:58 AM
Here at our house we are looking in to getting a sewing machine and learning a bit here and there.

I bought my Jedi outfit here:


She does some nice work and is very prompt. When we had an emergency she was right on it.

let me get my....

The robe on my brother was her stuff along with my outfit. The only thing I reaaly have felt need an upgrade is the belt as the one that comes with it is more deco then function.

Again, boots are my big hold up right now.

09-19-2006, 09:12 AM
Anakin's ROTS is a really dark brown on purpose to look black. No one's going to care though as long as you look good.

Oh I totally agree. There are about as many black style Anakins as there are brown. The most important thing is if you are good with it. The 501st and RL are tough and nothing will change that. I did my Jedi for me, My 501st costume will be more critical.

09-19-2006, 09:13 AM
My costume also came from ebay, the seller kjaereliten (http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZkjaerelitenQQhtZ-1) doesn't have anything up right now, but this is my costume (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=154&item=270006889074), except instead of a robe I have the outer/inner tunic, sash, and pants in both brown and black.

The boots I want (http://cgi.ebay.com/BLACK-Anakin-Skywalker-Jedi-BOOTS-Star-Wars-props-Luke_W0QQitemZ150033771108QQihZ005QQcategoryZ18834 QQtcZphotoQQcmdZViewItem) are expensive.

My black belt (http://cgi.ebay.com/BLACK-ANAKIN-JEDI-BELT-Star-Wars-costume-Props-L-K_W0QQitemZ150014424400QQihZ005QQcategoryZ60346QQt cZphotoQQcmdZViewItem) also comes from Pan-in-the-box (who really has a lot of cool stuff, shipping from Singapore can be high though. He also has a brown version, and an Obi-wan boots and belt in black and brown.

And he has food capsules (http://cgi.ebay.com/Star-Wars-JEDI-Sith-Energy-Food-Capsules-Capsule-pellet_W0QQitemZ150034294697QQihZ005QQcategoryZ603 61QQtcZphotoQQcmdZViewItem). Can anyone give me a reason why I shouldn't buy those? The cap comes off (whether or not that's actually usefull is a different question).

And then I need acurate looking, functional pouches. Last week on the chat someone mentioned they know someone that custom makes them, could you point me in their direction again, please?

09-19-2006, 09:15 AM
Leather work? Jedi Loreen most likely. Corbin likes leather work too.

09-19-2006, 09:18 AM
BTW, that kid seriously looks possessed.

What kind of boots are you looking for? I got generic black ones at http://buystarwarscostumes.com, and they also had generic brown ones.
Also, Pan-in-the-box has Qui-gon style boots, but like the Obi-wan and Anakin they're a bit more expensive.

09-19-2006, 09:25 AM
Yeah, that was Corbin. Shoot him an e-mail to see if he can do ya up.

09-19-2006, 09:28 AM
My BIG problem with boots is that I am a 12 wide.

I have been looking at a few generic boots and may go that route but I will most likely have to get a custome made pair and that is $$$$$$

edit- sorry about that dp.

09-19-2006, 09:54 AM
I know the feeling I wear 10 1/2 EEE. That's mostly why I tend toward sandals... they don't squeeze my feet.

09-19-2006, 06:12 PM
try the allcostumes ebay seller. i got my boots from him. i have brown jedi for my jedi outfit, black ones for VADER, and a pair of black pirate ones for the ren fairs.

theyre comfortable and look good.

09-19-2006, 06:41 PM
The thing that bugs me about the Sideshow Anakin (I have the Vader edition, which is basically Anakin with sith eyes) is that his outer tunic and tabards are black. Ugh. They're dark brown IRL.

Anyway... for pouches, scour ebay for leather ammo pouches. Its relitivly easy to find WW2-era Kar-98 pouches, which are fine, but sometimes you can get lucky and find some good ones.
But if you see any really good ones, and punkrocklizard is the high bidder... don't bid :wink: :P
If you want screen accurate... finding working leather ones is going to be hard. Finding non-functional resin ones are pretty easy. Functional resin ones, kind of hard. Leather ones... wow. No idea there.

09-19-2006, 07:46 PM
I made my own belt and food capsules.
Here's some good info on Food Capsules:

I got the pens on ebay, then used half ball buttons from a sewing store to cap them.


09-19-2006, 08:45 PM
HOLY CRUD! Where have I been! This is my new home thread. HA HA. JK. I have put so many hours into researching and experimenting with the Anakin ROTS costume it isn't funny. My wife thinks I am crazy. I am not saying I am an expert by any stretch, but I hope I can help.

#1 Anakin's costume most definately is brown. All the fabric and the lambskin tabards are brown.

#2 The costumes on ebay from singapore are not accurate but can be used in a pinch. I have his all leather Anakin boots, but they are being completely overhauled. I am basically using them as a base for better things.

#3 Those pen caps from singapore are not good. The plastic clip will break quickly. The actual pen caps have a metal clip. You can sometimes find them on ebay. I also have a large supply of them and I may be willing to make some sets if you talked really nice to me. :D

#4 I would advise against the belt from singapore as well. The buckle is inaccurate and the material has a shiny finish to it that is very inaccurate. I have been known to do some belts as well. :D

#5 The rubies glove is a good start, but it is very large. You will have to take it in at all of the seams and add a rubber strip around the arm of the glove. You can use a serpentine belt for this strip.

#6 etc. Just ask. Like I said I have put way too much time into this costume, but I am about to have a really great one done. I will post pictures as soon as it is complete.

I am in no means criticizing anyones costume or ideas. I just thought I would share what is known about the Anakin costume as of this time. More and more information is getting out about the correct materials and such. I hope that this will help with anyone interested in the costume.

Lord Maul
09-19-2006, 09:36 PM
i got the luke anh belt from the singapore guy, any idea on how good that one is? looked great by the pics he had

09-19-2006, 10:20 PM
dude if you would just read the post right in front of yours , jedi said the singapore stuff is basically crap.

cheap stuff.

you will never learn to read will you, and you wonder why we call you names and such.

09-20-2006, 12:29 AM
Yeah got to agree with Lan-ed-Tul my friend bought his annikan tabards, pouches and belt from him, it is low grade stuff not made to last a lifetime. The Belt isn't even all leather part of it is synthetic.


09-20-2006, 06:14 AM
Yeah you all have boiled what I was saying down to the correct phrase: his stuff is crap. The belts are mostly synthetic and the pouches are made out of a weird foam material that will not stand up to trooping. Not to mention that the pouches show very little detail. There are some pictures around of people who actually have the gear on, and all of the stuff is poor quality. Like I said though, it can be use in a pinch or as a base. Just like the boots I talked about, you can redye the material or restitch and spray nulife on the tabbards. I would suggest going with someone else if you like accuracy. As far as his new luke stuff, I would figure that it all would be like everything else he has done.

09-20-2006, 06:57 AM
Excellent info there McD! I had done quite a bit of Anakin research for my brother to do him so I know what your sayin. I knew from the get go that I was limited to "generic" Jedi do to my size but I love to get all the info I can.

Lan, that allcostumes joint has the 12-13 boot. Is that what you have?

09-20-2006, 07:21 AM
yep james thats what i got. they do make nice costume boots to go with the jedi outfits, in either the brown or the black. i have both. a brown pair for my jedi garb, and a pair of the black for my vader. theyre comfortable enough for me to wear all day at a con or whatnot.

i have a full insole 5/8 lift in the vader ones.

for the price, they are good boots. only thing better would be real leather ones, but these look like leather on the outsides, and theyre lined with a material to make them nice and comfortable.

09-20-2006, 07:25 AM
Cool thanks!

I will go check it out again.

09-20-2006, 07:42 AM
no prob, bro. also forgot to say i have their pirate boots too.

09-20-2006, 07:45 AM
James you can still be Anakin. We will take all the Anis we can get. You don't have to look like Anakin to dress like him. :D I am an example of that. :D

As far as boots go you might try this site too.


Then look in the superhero section. This may be the exact same boot. The brown boots look good, and with a spat made to go over them you could have a nice pair o boots.

09-20-2006, 07:51 AM
allcostumes boots are very close to the same as caboots, but caboots are pretty pricey on the budget boots.

allcostumes are around 40 whereas caboots, which is almost if not the same, are 75 for the budget ones. why pay 30 bucks more for the same boots when allcostume has the same for 40.

james would save a bit of money that way. the extra he'd save could be spent then on the material for the outside straps/spats to makem anikin type boots.

09-20-2006, 08:28 AM
HOLY CRUD! Where have I been! This is my new home thread. HA HA. JK. I have put so many hours into researching and experimenting with the Anakin ROTS costume it isn't funny. My wife thinks I am crazy. I am not saying I am an expert by any stretch, but I hope I can help.

#1 Anakin's costume most definately is brown. All the fabric and the lambskin tabards are brown.

#2 The costumes on ebay from singapore are not accurate but can be used in a pinch. I have his all leather Anakin boots, but they are being completely overhauled. I am basically using them as a base for better things.

#3 Those pen caps from singapore are not good. The plastic clip will break quickly. The actual pen caps have a metal clip. You can sometimes find them on ebay. I also have a large supply of them and I may be willing to make some sets if you talked really nice to me. :D

#4 I would advise against the belt from singapore as well. The buckle is inaccurate and the material has a shiny finish to it that is very inaccurate. I have been known to do some belts as well. :D

#6 etc. Just ask. Like I said I have put way too much time into this costume, but I am about to have a really great one done. I will post pictures as soon as it is complete.

Thanks for the info.
I'll definitely skip smokespoon's pen caps. How nice would I need to talk to you get some pens (or have you make a set of caps)?

I've already got the belt from singapore, it's accurate enough for me, and it looks fine, but it could use some adjustments, as the narrow belt piece seems shorter than the wide part. But I can probably live with it for now.
I'd probably be interested in getting it fixed up a little in the future though.

I'd like to get his boots, but can't afford it this year,

I talked with someone in the chat yesterday who's making a glove and if he's pleased with how it turns out said he'd consider making them to order, and for a really good price too, but I'll leave that for him to divulge in case he needs to change it.

Has anyone made any of the other Jedi accessories? Such as the communicator? For the info on Padawan's Guide it looks pretty easy, and I think it's something I'll try and do sometime soon.

09-20-2006, 08:30 AM
allcostumes boots are very close to the same as caboots, but caboots are pretty pricey on the budget boots.

allcostumes are around 40 whereas caboots, which is almost if not the same, are 75 for the budget ones. why pay 30 bucks more for the same boots when allcostume has the same for 40.

james would save a bit of money that way. the extra he'd save could be spent then on the material for the outside straps/spats to makem anikin type boots.

You can also get the generic boots at BuyStarWarsCostumes.com where they are also cheaper than caboots. $36 + shipping.
Black/Vader (http://buystarwarscostumes.com/accessories_boots_darth_vader.html)
Brown/jedi (http://buystarwarscostumes.com/accessories_boots_jedi.html)
I got the black ones and I like them, until I can get something more accurate looking.

09-20-2006, 09:12 AM
thats not bad price there, around the same as AC for theirs. and both places are 30+ bucks cheaper than caboots. they just want too much for the same stuff you can get elsewhere with a lil lookin round.

09-20-2006, 09:55 AM
Yeah I figured there was a place to get them cheaper since their was nothing fancy with them. I have not gone to allcostumes before, but it looks like the exact same boot to me. I probably is they just mark it up. Wouldn't be the first time that has happened. I would just get the cheaper ones and make some spats with the extra money like you said Lan.

How nice would you have to talk to me? Well just shoot me a PM and we can discuss further the pen caps.

I also am waiting for a custom glove to be made. It will be extremely accurate, but i am willing to look at any options other than the Rubies glove. Keep us posted on the glove maker you talked to ryanlb.

The communicator is really easy to make. Just go to walmart or other such reatiler and get one of those wide handled ladies shaver. Then add some cool little tidbits you can find in those odds and ends bins at the hardware store. After that spray the hole thing silver. Next, the top "antanea" pieces can be glued on. Most people use pieces of brass tubing or pieces from a bicycle valve.

I am currently trying to purchase the correct wool crepe fabric for the robe and the accurate under tunic material which is a crinkled silk with sandwashed effect. I have some material already for these pieces, but I would much rather get the accurate stuff if I can find it and afford it. I don't think the accurate tunic material will ever be found, but the crinkled cotton I have looks really good and hangs really well.

I am getting so focused on this one costume I may have to give up working on others for a while. At least I may have to until I get this one completely done.

09-20-2006, 10:17 AM
I thought this deserved a seperate post so that it wouldn't get lost in my last post.


You may have already seen it, but if not it is an awesome video. The lyrics going along with Anakin very well.

09-20-2006, 10:35 AM
McD that was a wicked find! VERY COOL! Thanks.

Ok so one Gillette Sensor for women/ a few tri-wing nuts or spacers or whatever else floats your boat like McD said/ a can of paint or two(I like bronze and silver) and a little time and the communicator is done.

Some of the other pieces are just as easy and several you can just do out of PVC if you have the time.

edit-checking out all those sites it seems they are all the same boot. I may have to do a little shopping, hehehehe :twisted:

edit2-Looks like I might be using these boots and if they need to be upgraded I will go from there.

I may be lookin to do another set of pants. It seems that I have lost a few since last December and my pants don't quite fit like they should :D
I have been thinking of going with a darker brown this time as well. Not quite Anakin but close. Looking at EPII again there was some great variation so now I wonder if I should change the color of my tabbards as well. hmm...

09-21-2006, 06:09 AM
****ies makes some good jedi pants. They have alot of great colors and they aren't that expensive either. That is what I am using on my Anakin ROTS. They match up perfectly with what he wore. Here are a couple of links to them.

I like the Mahogany ones.

http://www.****ies.com/wc2/product.asp?cat=101&type=A&styd=874AF&pdscr=874+TRADITIONAL+874%99+WORK+PANT+%2D+MORE+CO LORS
I like the Dark Brown ones.

I like the Chocolate Brown ones.

The nice thing about these is that they come in a huge range of sizes and alot of them are unhemmed so that even tall guys like me can get pants that fit.

James what all does your costume consist of? Do you have leather/vinyl tabbards? I haven't seen a close up picture to get a good look. It is amazing what you can do with a little RIT dye. I use the dark brown liquid dye and added in a little black dye powder to get it even darker. It is the perfect dark chocolate color now for the ROTS costume. Here are some pics of my test pieces. I went with the top one.




The last one is after it dryed. It is laying on a black table. It is darker than that in person. Like I said I mixed in a little black but even by itself the dark chocolate RIT dye looks very good.

I think I have found the correct robe material. It is called wool crepe. From everything I have read it is the exact material used for Anakin's robe in ROTS. It is expensive though. It is like $44/yard, and most likely I would still have to darken it to make it match up to everything else. Yeah I know I am crazy, but then again aren't we all a little crazy?

09-21-2006, 07:24 AM
Awesome pics and the ****ies pants are a perfect choice so long as you stay away from the pleated ones.

My sash and tabbards are the same material as my outer tunic. The only thing that is pleather is the belt for over the sash and that is set up so that it wraps, then the ties wrap back around and tie in front and I tuck it under the belt.

Like I had said before it is more deco then anything but I love the look it gives. Very clean looking.

As you have noticed from the photos that it is more Obi-Wan EPIII ish. I think that I may get those boots and then from there look in to different pants. I would like to have them not blend to much.

09-21-2006, 08:51 AM
Yeah I don't think that Jedi were so fashion minded that they wanted pleats. :D I guess you never know though. Maybe they all went out together to the Jedi Fabric Shop and compared all the material. "Oh Anakin that would be fabulous!" "Obi Wan you just must make your next tunic out of this." Ha Ha. I don't think so.

I would get those boots and just mod them up with custom spats and straps. It is amazing what you can do with leather or vinyl and some time. I think you could make them look great.

I really enjoy doing leather work, and I am enjoying making my Anakin belt. It is fairly easy to make jedi belts. I am trying to get mine to look well worn like it has been in service for years. I keep working the leather until it gets that broken in look. Makes a big difference when you compare it to the leather when you first get it.

09-21-2006, 10:58 AM


The sad thing is that I have a Sith tunic costume that I need to finish up as well. That will take a bit longer though as I want to add in quite a bit of "aged" leather. Are you able to give us a few pics of your leatherwork? I find it very interesting but I have no patience.

09-21-2006, 11:20 AM
Yeah I will try to get some pics of my work up. I will post them as soon as I get my Anakin belt done. I have to go get some more dye, finish oil, and a couple other things to get it done. I am going to the leather store tomorrow, so maybe I can get it done soon.

09-21-2006, 05:43 PM
I have some pics of my first *ALMOST* completed costume. For background I wanted to make something that would be a custom jedi and have a little bit of both sith like qualities and still show some jedi ones as well. I still need to make the pants, belt, and boots. The ones in the pic are only temporary.

To start I used the pattern Simplicity 4450:


These are a good starting point, not totally accurate, so if you are a huge stickler for details you will be changing these patterns a bit.

The Tunic:
I used black linens for the inner and outer tunic and the obi (cloth belt). For the tabbard (shoulder armor) I used a grey felt like material. It looks white in the pics and strangly enough when set out on its own its fairly dark grey, I guess black does that though.
Here are some pics from the initial working of the pattern.


As you can see in these first pics, the tabbards ARE HUGE. Way too wide, so after recutting them I'm much more pleased:

Hehe maybe I can join the brotherhood with that last one :P

The Robe:
I was pleased overall with the pattern for the robe, especially when you pleate the shoulders, otherwise its absoulutly huge. I used a black felt for the robe, it has good weight and flows nicely when moved. Plus it has its own natural stiffness allowing the robe and hood to keep its shape.

My favorite pic :lol:


I'm really pleased with how it turned out. I had my mother sew this one and she's working on my girlfriends costume too. Its hard when someone who doesn't care about star wars or what is accurate to the movies does your costume but it worked out in the end. I'll be buying supplies to make my belt, and then either make or buy pants and boots. Lots left to do but I'm going to save my money to buy a lathe then I can make costumes to fit the sabers :)

09-21-2006, 05:58 PM
Well Yoi, I think that looks great. The colors and style match your sig persona perfectly.

09-21-2006, 06:05 PM
Ty James! Now if I can just find an excuse to wear it...

09-21-2006, 06:23 PM
Do like me. Join your local fanforce group and get them in to doing events if they don't already. A large amount of our FF is also 501st but there are other non 501st stuff we are looking in to doing.

09-21-2006, 06:30 PM
Yoi that looks great. Yeah black will sure make everything around it look lighter. Just look at that last picture I posted above. It makes the fabric look like a very light brown when in reality it is a very very dark brown. The simplicty pattern is a great one to start with. I agree that there are some changes to it that improve it greatly. Your costume looks good though.

Lord Maul
09-22-2006, 05:19 PM
i just got my luke anh belt.
pretty cool but it is synthetic. the best part is that the pouches are functional so i can actually use this baby :D

09-23-2006, 02:11 AM
Personally, I have no use for nonfunctional pouches, since I'm not doing a Jedi from the movies, I don't need movie accurate ones. I actually like to be able to put my stuff in them. :wink:

It used to be a lot easier to find used ammo pouches a few years ago than it is now.

I have 2 sets of pouches, in brown and black:



In both pics, the bottom pouch in the set was hand made by yours truly. :D The brown one I made has a business card pocket in the front. 8)

09-26-2006, 11:46 AM
Cool pouches J-Lo. Do you do leather work for sale or have a how to on it?

I would like to upgrade my belt for more usefullness.

09-27-2006, 02:09 PM
Well, I don't have a costume...Yet. But im lookin to buy one sooner or later. Probably buy a sith costume. Then ill walk aroun the city and go to school extra coricular activities as a sith...... Ohhh yea :mrgreen:

09-27-2006, 06:10 PM
i know what ya mean JLO. i too have a old army hard pouch on my jedi belt that i use, it works well to put my keys, a spare battery or two in for the saber, changem etc.........

works well for me.

09-28-2006, 11:51 AM
Ok so I am gettin some boots from a local spot :D

I have an idea on me belt and do-dads, which will be minimum.

Does anyone have a better clip then the key ring holder from the HD/Lowes joints?

Something that rides lower then right on the belt ala Luke ANH. I am using my keyring holder right now which is cool but I was looking for something better.

And no. I don't do Covertec. I put em on for the other folks but I am a D-ring kind of guy 8)

09-28-2006, 05:03 PM
Hey James,
A long time ago I cut my own clip out of thick sheet metal, then riveted it to a peice of stiff leather that was a belt loop. I wish I still had it - it worked good.


BTW - I wanns se pics of your boots! Real leather?

09-28-2006, 05:35 PM
i used a 100 # picture hanger and riveted it to the belt, works great for me

09-29-2006, 12:04 AM
I know pretty much what I want my costume to look like, I just need to find someone who makes the tunics that wont charge me as much as it would cost to bribe lucas arts to put me in the tv series..

09-29-2006, 05:45 AM
Your search may prove long and hard indeed.

09-29-2006, 06:37 AM
Ok so I am gettin some boots from a local spot :D

I have an idea on me belt and do-dads, which will be minimum.

Does anyone have a better clip then the key ring holder from the HD/Lowes joints?

Something that rides lower then right on the belt ala Luke ANH. I am using my keyring holder right now which is cool but I was looking for something better.

And no. I don't do Covertec. I put em on for the other folks but I am a D-ring kind of guy 8)


The guy who has about 50 has had a long standing "sale" for them. If a few of you are interested I could buy a bunch and then get them to you.

On boots... if you see any x-wing appropriate ones for sale PM me.

09-29-2006, 06:43 AM
xwing that looks great bud. Sign me up.

I will see what I can find for you on those boots.

09-29-2006, 08:12 AM
xwing that looks great bud. Sign me up.

I will see what I can find for you on those boots.

Okay, I have 10 coming. :)

10-02-2006, 02:40 PM
That looks great xwing. I think that would do the trick nicely for those that prefer D-rings.

Well after countless (and I mean countless) hours of dying my fabric I think I have gotten it to the right color. I have only had to go through like 13-14 bottles of RIT dye to achieve the color I was looking for.

I spent this weekend sewing up the lining for the outer tunic and making the inner tunic. I will spend this week sewing the outer tunic. Hopefully I will get my pleather in for the tabbards and the wool sample I ordered for the robe. I will post pictures when I get done.

I am using the simplicity pattern yoi mentioned. It is a very good pattern, and can be modified very easily depending on what you are trying to do.

By the way, I got the chocolate brown pants I posted about on the first page. They look really good. Just make sure to order them a little bigger than what you normally wear. They are smaller than what they are sized.

Tenric Starkindler
10-02-2006, 07:28 PM

If you are interested in a custom made jedi belt and pouches try PM'ing Rebelscum over at the TJA (link above). I have one made by him and it even impressed my wife (who is pretending not to know me when I talk about costumes and robes)

10-02-2006, 07:56 PM
Tenric, you and the other folks that are already in RL and TJA would be a great reasource to help add to our discussions as to what may or may not fly in trying to submit a costume in to those groups.

I know I have thought about it and may go for it but I admit that for me personally, most of my local friends are 501st so that was where I was really heading. I LOVE my Jedi costume and would like to improve it but I am so fasinated with non movie eras that I havent really looked into the groups alot. While my base costume is pretty much PT movie style and I think it would make the grade, as I have said before I know that boots and belt need to be addressed.

And I guess that my only other gripe as I have stated before is that I am not a fan of not at least having the option of a red lightsaber :wink:

10-02-2006, 10:10 PM
thats why you mingle in the brotherhood my friend, lol

Tenric Starkindler
10-02-2006, 10:32 PM
red IS a rather sithy color there James. :wink:
though you could always make an RGB saber and have the best of both worlds.......

The TJA has high costume standards because they are actually liscenced by LUcas Films as a Light side JEdi costuming group. They push for screen accurate costumes and colors for full membership in order to meet the guidlines Lucas puts out. Many also have EU type costumes which are great!
They code events so that you know if it is an "official" one where the screen accurate costums are needed or one where you can come as you like.

as to robes, tunics, belts, sabers, comlinks, food capsules, pouches, boots, holoprojectors, etc.....they have forums devoted to each that are fairly full of how2s, why4s, pics, and where2s. If you want to do it yourself the info is there for sure!

Here's a link to some pics of the belt Rebelscum made for me.

Tenric Starkindler
10-02-2006, 10:37 PM
oh and for a belt hook for sabers with a d-ring I have used this.....

it fits nicely over the smaller belt and has a tension spring so the saber wont fall off.

10-02-2006, 11:06 PM
I have one just like that.
One thing you have to watch out for, is that the middle metal piece likes to come out, thus leaving the top of the clip open, which could result in your saber falling out.

10-03-2006, 01:09 AM
as i said above, i used a 100# picture hanger and a piece from a money clip, all riveted to the belt, then it clips on, and will not come off on me by accident. it works just great for me.

10-03-2006, 07:15 AM
oh and for a belt hook for sabers with a d-ring I have used this.....

it fits nicely over the smaller belt and has a tension spring so the saber wont fall off.

Yep, thats the one I have right now myself, I love it but I really want something a little lower slung.

Tenric Starkindler
10-03-2006, 08:57 AM
I forget who just now (jediRanger maybe) has a leg web harness for his saber kinda gunslinger like.......I would like something like that myself.

10-03-2006, 09:01 AM
Well after 5 hours of pinning and cutting I am about to start working on the outer tunic, tabbards, and obi. I have already done the inner tunic and lining for the outer tunic. Hopefully I will get some pictures posted soon. Everyone keep up the good work.

10-03-2006, 09:11 AM
Heck yeah! Doc Holliday meets Yoda, that would be a sweet setup for sure :D

Tenric, I am guessing that the only Jedi that can have a red saber is Adi, Leia, and Mara? I admit that I read something like a year ago or so and that may have been another group. I admit that the only reason it matters to me is that the "character" that I developed carries multiple sabers and one happens to be red because it was taken from a Sith Assassin that was defeated.

Ok for real I like doing a blue/red combo it looks sweet. The RGB sabers the way I do them are not nearly as incredible as Gelus but they are fun.

edit- Woo hoo! lookin forward to it McD!

10-04-2006, 01:06 PM
I got the belt clips. They're really sturdy... the metal is thick. It's also quite low slung so I think James will be pleased.

PM me if you want to grab some.

10-04-2006, 02:49 PM
PM comin'.

Hey some of y'all have mentioned a place to get leather to make belts and such from scratch. Could I get a nudge in the right direction?

Hey J-Lo! What about doing those pouches?

I was over at Wally World the other night and the ****ies they stock are the typical tan work pants. Has anyone had any expeirence with the Rit dye to darken them up?

I could oreder the pants online of course but at the WW I can get the pants, a few dye bottles, a 12 pack of Diet Dr. Pepper, and some Q-tips for the same money.

10-04-2006, 02:58 PM
You know, Diet Dr Pepper is nasty tasting. Not as bad as Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi, and nowhere near as awefull as Diet Sprite, but it's still pretty vile stuff.

Sorry, nothing usefull to contribute to the thread a this point. :oops:

10-05-2006, 12:44 AM
Well, I haven't made any pouches for anyone else other than myself, yet. But maybe we can talk about it after you exhaust other avenues. They are kind of a pain to make. For me, at least.

As for making belts, I get my leather strips
http://tandyleather.com/PRODIMAGE/4536-00-L.JPG and dye at Tandy Leather (http://tandyleather.com/).

You can buy predyed brown 2" straps, but I like dying my own, then I can have whatever color I want. I've been doing two-toned belts, for my last two. I'm on my 3rd version of a Jedi belt by now.

For a guy, I'd recommend a 2 1/2" strap for the main belt, and whatever will fit into the buckle you get for the smaller "accent" belt. 1" or 3/4" will look best.

You can find button studs like these
http://www.sdtradingco.com/hardware/0129007.jpg at SDTradingCo (http://www.sdtradingco.com/hardware-other3.htm).

There are some interesting metal side release buckles at Strapworks.com (http://www.strapworks.com/Side_Release_Buckle_p/msrb.htm), as well at other places. (It wouldn't let me post one of their copywrited pictures of the buckles. :evil: )

10-05-2006, 02:38 AM
yep, thats whjere i got my belt for vader from, we got a tandy in tulsa, a 1 hour drive, but i like making it myself.

10-05-2006, 03:34 AM
The people at my local Tandy know me veeeerrrry well. I've spent a lot of time in that place in the last year, with some of the group projects I've been involved with for my local Rebel Legion base.

Like this:



I bought half a cow (an entire side of leather) for this holster project. I made 15.


10-05-2006, 07:03 AM
That's awesome and a half. :D I'll have to see if there is a Tandy store near me when I get to that point. I was looking at what's out there or blaster holsters... and they were through the roof in prices. I assume that why you RL people went that route.

This for the Rebel Troops costume? The blue shirt and vested guys... have the helmet that looks like the biker ones?

10-05-2006, 08:11 AM
I ended up finding some on eaby that are screen accurate enough for me, and functional, at a price I was willing to pay and snapped them up.


So far I the closest I've come to making anything for my costume is upgrading a Luxeon Anakin from Ultra to Tim's kit.
However, I now have plans to make (yeah, on my own, not buying from someone else) the Jedi communicator, a holoprojector, and a holocron - the idea for which I got from TJA forums which I've been haunting the last couple of days.

10-05-2006, 08:20 AM
The communicator is a fun little project. I did that before I made my first saber. :) We only see one but if they're like cellphones... it's fun to customize. :D

10-05-2006, 09:21 AM
xwing I agree totally with you on the communicator. I did mine in a black, bronze, and silver thing and have done a few others how ever the notion struck me at the time.

I just got a new one from my wife to do up so I am going to get that done when this dang flubug moves on.

I have not done the holo projector yet that would be a fun little weekend project.

we need some pics up in here!

10-05-2006, 09:30 AM
Yeah, I figured I'd do my own thing, so as not to emulate Qui-gon too much, I'm Sith, after all.

The holocron is the one I'm really interested in right now. Some of the examples I've seen use a clear baseball display cube with fun designs painted on. I also found a golfball display cube that should fit inside in the hope of adding cool layers, and I'm also going to buy a spherical baseball display that I'm hope will also fit inside (with the golf one inside it). If it works it should be pretty neat looking.

10-05-2006, 10:08 AM
If memory serves me right a Sith Holocron needs to be a pyramid shaped deal. The Jedi one is the box. Either way it would prove to be pretty awesome to make.


10-05-2006, 10:15 AM
Yeah, well, I guess I'll have to say I stole my holocron from the Jedi then. :)

10-05-2006, 12:21 PM
That's awesome and a half. :D I'll have to see if there is a Tandy store near me when I get to that point. I was looking at what's out there or blaster holsters... and they were through the roof in prices. I assume that why you RL people went that route.

This for the Rebel Troops costume? The blue shirt and vested guys... have the helmet that looks like the biker ones?

Yes, for the Rebel Fleet Trooper costume. I decided to make a more "practical' holster version. But I'll be working on a more movie accurate one. I will probably have more orders for these once the new Hasbro blasters come out.

Here's a pic of our Sunrider "Alpha Squad". You can see a few of my holsters in it. There are 10 of them there, but you can only see 3.

I have one of the original hard Gillette ladies shavers that I will some day make a communicator out of.

I'm thinking of using this mint tin for a holoprojector, and putting a blue LED in it. I need one of the holographic figures to sit on top of it.

I also have those acrylic baseball and golf ball boxes to use for making a holocron. I thought I'd use clear square furniture bumpers to center the small cube inside the larger one.

I had thought about putting 3 LEDs inside, that cycle on and off, but then last year around this time, I found this thing called a Pumpkinlite, which also has cycling LEDs in it and thought I'd use it at a base to mount the holocron onto.

This is the right time of the year to find those Pumpkinlites, if you want one. They are supposed to go inside a pumpkin, instead of a candle.

As you can see, I have a lot of Jedi Prop projects that I need to work on. :oops:

10-05-2006, 01:15 PM
Hey J-LO which one is you in the picture?

10-05-2006, 01:37 PM
She's not listed under the RL as having a trooper costume so I'm not sure she's even in the picture.

10-05-2006, 02:08 PM
J-Lo, as I was looking for a golf cube on ebay, to put inside my baseball cube, I came across flashing/glowing/light golf balls, that I was thinking would be good inside the holocron, instead of the pumpkin light underneath it.
Probably one of these: http://www.nightflyer.com/product.asp?ID=10549&CatID=554
or maybe this one: http://www.nightflyer.com/product.asp?ID=10605&CatID=557

10-05-2006, 02:40 PM
Ryan it says the second one is an ice cube?

10-05-2006, 02:44 PM
I saw a similar one on ebay that explained that it is freezable so you can use it as an ice cube. It's got an outer layer of some gel stuff that gets really cold.
I like that it has multiple colors. Most of the other ones are for night gold that require an impact to turn them on, and they're all single color.

10-05-2006, 03:09 PM
Ah ha! Very interesting

10-06-2006, 12:24 AM
She's not listed under the RL as having a trooper costume so I'm not sure she's even in the picture.

I am in the photo. It's not listed under my costumes in the RL yet, because I haven't gotten a costume photo I like yet, that I want to submit. :oops:

I'm the short one on the left (our left) of the really tall guy in the middle of the back row. I think most people's faces in this pic look weird under the helmets. :?

Wow, that golf ball/ice cube is cool. And it'll fit perfectly inside the golf ball cube. :wink: Now I want one, damn you Ryan! lol :P But if you only wanted one, the shipping would be more than the actual ball. :roll:

10-06-2006, 04:59 AM
Search the local golf shops we must!

I now understand why the Rebels aimed sucked so bad on the TantiveIV, The one with the helmet falling down in their face sums it up best :P

That is way cool though.

10-06-2006, 07:17 AM
:shock: I didn't even look at shipping/handling. Wow, ouch.
Well, there were several on ebay, too, I didn't spend much time looking at them, but I'm sure something can be found that's reasonable.

10-06-2006, 08:22 AM
For example - http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=160001680659&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=006
Since this one is button activated the tricky part would be activating it while it's inside 2 plastic cubes.
Maybe this one would be easier to open - http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=150042009127&ssPageName=MERC_VI_RSCC_Pr8_PcY_BIN_Stores_IT&refitem=160001680659&itemcount=8&refwidgetloc=active_view_item&usedrule1=StoreCatToStoreCat&refwidgettype=cross_promot_widget

10-11-2006, 09:35 AM
Just an update on my progress with the Anakin ROTS costume. I have sewn all of the fabric parts of the costume. All I have to do now is sew the pleather tabards. Yes I am using pleather. I don't have the $200+ for the accurate lambskin. Maybe I will upgrade later.

I am also trying to finish up the leather belt, and hopefully soon my resin pouches will arrive. As soon as I am done I will post pictures.

A small piece of advice on fabrics. Crinkle cotton or calcutta or whatever you like to call it is extremely difficult to work with. It looks great. It has a very nice texture to it, but with all of the ridges it is hard to sew. It likes to stretch out of shape once you have it sewn. I have sewn this tunic several times only to have to take it apart to take it in at the hems. I wish I could find the accurate material used to make Anakins tunic. That way you wouldn't have to do any dying or mess with the stretching.

10-11-2006, 10:43 AM
This may seem like a dum-bass question but what about denims, canvis, and other typical heavy duty materials?

It would seem to me that if the Jedi and farmers pretty much wore the same thing then it would be some pretty rugged stuff.

Just a random thought while I am working on getting the wrinkles out of my tunic, obi, tabbards and robe

10-11-2006, 02:26 PM
First off don't ever say you have a dumb question unless your username some how suddenly becomes PrvtPyle. :lol: Ha Ha just a little teasing there Maul.

Those materials are easier to work with to me at least. They are heavier, but as long as you have the appropriate sewing machine needle it will got through it just fine. The problem I had was that the extremely high and low spots in the fabric made it so the sewing machine feed dog and foot wouldn't pull it through in a straight line. That meant I had to manually feed the fabric at times to get the line straight. It kept wanting to follow the grooves of the fabric. :evil:

The other problem, like I said, was that the crinkles make the fabric stretch around curves like the neck and anywhere it has a lot of stress on it like the shoulders. I think canvas and denim wouldn't do this as bad, but you would still want to do a row of stay stitching around your corners to keep it from stretching.

James I thought it was funny that you were trying to get the wrinkles out of your costume, and I am trying to get them into mine. :lol:

Okay. I just realized that I am on a lightsaber building site, where people are taking raw chunks of metal and after hours of sweet dirt and grease are creating a saber, posting about sewing. Oh man am I gonna get it for this one. Well if you had grown up in my house you would know some things about sewing too. My mom taught me a lot of things before she passed away, and lucky enought for me sewing was one of them. Oh yeah by the way I just kicked a guys butt for looking at me wrong, I just spit, and I think I may go rebuild an engine tonight. Just kidding of course, but I had to look a little more manly. :lol:

10-11-2006, 08:06 PM
good one, on the pyule remark. roflmao

10-16-2006, 06:37 AM
Here are a few shots of my fabrics and such. This is the same costume that I used last year for my boy's party. I have been really pleased with it.







10-16-2006, 06:40 AM
And yes my new pants are ****ies carpenter jeans. http://www.gaownersclub.com/forum/images/smilies/icon_multiple_wave.gif

10-16-2006, 08:47 AM
That looks good James. All the fabrics look very natural like a Jedi would wear. The more texture and depth you can get to a fabric the better it looks to me, so I think carpenter pants would work well. Hopefully I will get some pictures posted soon so you guys can tell me what you think of mine.

10-22-2006, 07:47 PM
I am happier then a pig in snitz!!! :P :P :P

I LOVE my boots!!! THANK YOU TET!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D

They are the Anakin ones so my wife said to me on the way home "Wouldnt you be able to do Vader EPIII Mustafar with those and try for the 501st?" Well as you can imagine I came home and put on everything to give it a try and she is already thinking that I need to do a TD/SL thing. :D I love my wife!!!! Anyway here ya go.






edit- feeble attempt at rotoscoping, haven't messed with this stuff in a LONG time.

10-31-2006, 03:38 PM
Well, my costume is as good as it's going to get. Wasn't able to get a nice glove in time, nor are my boots accurate.
I think my belt's pretty cool though. I got some very nice looking food capsules from JediMcD, I like the pouches, except for the snaps, I was thinking I'd try and change them to magnetic snaps, but no longer feel motivated to do so.

Anyway. I suddenly realize that I spent all this energy and money on this costume, and I'm never going to wear it again. I'm not going to be able to go to C4, nor any other convention where I'd be able to wear it. So, I wonder now why I have it. It's been great for today, and I'm glad I had it in time for today, but for the future, it serves no purpose. :(

I had thought about buying a mannequin to have a life size Anakin on display, but I don't have the money to buy one, nor the space to display it.
So, I'm thinking about selling it. Is there anyone here that would be interested in it?

Mor-El Kesav
10-31-2006, 09:16 PM
Here we go, my Jedi Master outfit. My wife did all the sewing, I did the sabercrafting and leathercrafting. I'm pleased with the results of over a month's worth of crafting on both our parts.



10-31-2006, 10:26 PM
nice costume mor-el

11-01-2006, 01:10 AM
I need some pics outside in the sun. All that dark brown all blends together, even with a flash. You can't really even discern my boots in these pics.

I need to get my tunic taken in a bit it wraps around a bit too much, but I'll wait till I hopefully lose some weight. :oops:



11-01-2006, 06:37 AM
Ryan, Rebel Legion, 501st, Jedi Assembly, etc. If you are interested in doing some cool things in costume you have some good options.

Just off the top of my head our area groups are doing a Smithsonian thing, Christmas parades, Toys for Tots.

Mor-El, Awesome as noted in CSA. More pics of the boots and belts. :P

JLo, I like the all brown option. Doesn't have the real dark Anakin feel to it. More of a Qui-Gonish kind of thing. Cool.

11-01-2006, 06:44 AM
JLo, I'm really liking the two-tone belt. Looks like maybe the buckle is brass too. *thumbs up*

11-01-2006, 08:42 AM
James, yes, I know about the 501st - my costume is entirely the wrong colors and would require replacing everything; the Jedi Assembly - when I looked I think I only found 2 maybe 3 members in the entire state of Utah, which makes me think they're not going to be doing to many events in my area, plus, they don't like black in costumes, so I'm not sure they accept a black ROTS Anakin; Rebel Legion - haven't looked into them at all, do they accept ROTS Anakin? I'm not big on the Rebellion, so if Anakin wasn't allowed I'd probably not be interested in the RL.

Now, I'd particularly love to join the 501st, but, as I said, I'd have to replace my entire costume. I'd like to try for a different one, maybe a Royal Guard, though I haven't looked into it at all, so I don't know how picky they are about the costume, nor how much it would cost to get me an acceptable costume, nor if I could get my wife to sew me anything.

11-01-2006, 08:57 AM
You should post some pics of the costume dude. Rebel legion is not to bad for getting the non-formal thing, but to make formal it is pretty tough. They accept Anakin, but I think it needs to be dead on. you could always do a custom Jedi. There is alot of EU stuff in the RL if you look at the pictures.

You can also do something like a Royal Guard as your entry to the 501st and then use your black as a EU Sith Lord.

I was seriously looking at doing the Royal Guard. Ended up downing it only because my wife made a good point that I would not be able to keep my mouth shut for events.


11-01-2006, 09:37 AM
Here is my costume. I have black pants I could use instead of the brown ones.
http://ryanlb.com/images/starwars/images/meanakin-m.jpg (http://ryanlb.com/images/starwars/images/meanakin.jpg)

11-03-2006, 03:24 PM
I was seriously looking at doing the Royal Guard. Ended up downing it only because my wife made a good point that I would not be able to keep my mouth shut for events. :P

Clarify? Are you saying Guards aren't allowed to talk?

And the Anakin is officially for sale. Anyone interested should PM me for details.

11-04-2006, 05:40 PM
To my understanding, Royal Guards are quiet while doing formal events.
Typically they will be with Palps or Vader as formal escorts.

11-04-2006, 09:37 PM
I could handle that. I found a place that says his Imperial costumes are made to 501st specs and the price for the Guard costume seems about right, helmet's a little expensive, but the robes seem very reasonable to me. I'm looking into it further, but am fairly convinced I'm going to go for it. I'm also thinking my daughter would make a really cute mini Royal Guard for Halloween in a couple of years, if I could find a good mask for her.

11-04-2006, 09:43 PM
Royal guard buckets aren't that common, that's why they seem pricey when you happen upon one. :wink:
i've never seen one small enough for a child, if your a decent sculptor, you may consider making one from fiberglass, you can get that at Pepboys :wink:

11-04-2006, 09:47 PM
Yeah, the helmets are fairly expensive, though I just saw one go on ebay for less than $200, and I'm watching a second that's also less than $200, but I'm not ready to grab one yet, I need to sell my Anakin costume first.

As for making a helmet, I've never sculpted anything in my life. When the time comes I'll probably check around, places like here, for someone with the requisite talent to see if they'd be interested in doing one.

11-04-2006, 10:08 PM
Wish I had the facility :cry:
I'm a free-lance artist/sculptor I sculpted the dragon boots here -


Just don't have any place to work...it gets messy. Used to have an apartment, with a room for my "creature shop" :D :wink: 8)

11-04-2006, 10:11 PM
Wow, nice work!

11-04-2006, 10:13 PM
Thank-you :D
That costume was alot cooler then the Vader is :cry:
I went from one extreme to another :lol: :lol: :?

Mor-El Kesav
11-19-2006, 06:20 PM
I'm glad to see this thread. I was beginning to think it was immoral or something to have Jedi outfits. I admire the crafsmanship in the Storm Trooper, Madolorian, Vader, and so on...costumes. Some of those are simple breathtaking in their detail and construction. Yet I see several postings recommending that folks chuck their Jedi robes in favor of something else. I fail to see why it is advocated to not make Jedi robes in favor of something else, if one likes Jedi over Storm Troopers or Mandolorians. :? If one likes Jedi, one should make Jedi costumes. Why can't a person simply have a collection of different costumes? To steal, I mean re-appropriate, a phrase from Star Trek: Infinate Diversity in Infinate Combintations (IDIC).

12-25-2006, 03:27 PM
Hello to all of you both Light and Dark. I've been a TCSS member for a few months now and recently got approval for a formal Jedi costume for Rebel Legion UK, as their Exile Jedi in Turkey! Here are some piccies for you. First some details: Boots - Obi Wan or Australian WW2 tank/cavalry officer boots in design, made by an 80-year old master who as a young boy apprentice made cavalry boots for Turkish army officers. I just gave him some photos and line drawings. Cost $400. http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r117/Ata-pala/BootsCloseUp.jpg

The inner tunic is made of locally spun cotton. It has waist ties and a button under the left collar bone. Dead simple. Made by my wife with no pattern. The outer tunic and obi are made of locally produced raw silk with a cotton lining. Again, made by my wife to a karate gi design. The tabards are suede, because we ran out of silk. They are held at the shoulders and in the obi by strategically placed velcro. http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r117/Ata-pala/JediCricket2.jpg
The utility belt is hand made by me and a professional belt maker here in Ankara. It took us almost two days. We found a suitable buckle. The back is fastened using rivets. The screw-in rivets can be moved inwards or outwards according to waistline using several holes punched in the belt for that purpose. A separate piece of leather with four holes punched in either end top and bottom goes over the rivets to hold the belt together. This allows the belt to be adjusted while retaining symmetry. The smaller loops are held in place by rivets as well.http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r117/Ata-pala/BeltCloseUp.jpg

The cloak is made of locally produced wool, not Melton wool though. My wife made it again using no pattern just chalk and a tape measure.
I'll talk about the saber on a different post. Thanks to Tim for the working parts. Apologies for fuzzy photos. I had them taken using my cell phone's camera. My Jedi name for RLUK is Ata-Pala. Ata is Turkish for Ancestor, Forefather. Pala means cavalry saber: Forefather of all sabers. Hope to see you all at Celebration Europe in July.

12-25-2006, 03:55 PM
immoral for jedi, nah. i have a jedi outfit myself. after wearin the vader for 5 to 6 hours, my coolpack are worn out so i shuck the vader outfit and slip into the jedi one for the rest of the day at the cons.

heres mine:



12-25-2006, 03:58 PM
I could handle that. I found a place that says his Imperial costumes are made to 501st specs and the price for the Guard costume seems about right, helmet's a little expensive, but the robes seem very reasonable to me. I'm looking into it further, but am fairly convinced I'm going to go for it. I'm also thinking my daughter would make a really cute mini Royal Guard for Halloween in a couple of years, if I could find a good mask for her.

on site customprops.com lucas alverez has a complete royal guard outfit for sale. i think around 300 to 400.

12-25-2006, 04:54 PM
its this site http://www.fusionprops.com customprops was a site for play/theater costumes :shock:

12-25-2006, 06:47 PM
I love the buckle iainm! Where did you pick it up?

Lord Maul
12-25-2006, 07:22 PM
great costumes both lan and iainm! both make me drool :D

12-27-2006, 08:31 AM
well it did say across the top customprops.com, i just wasnt payin attention to the acxtual site in the addy bar.

and iainm's jedi looks tons better than mine. mine still needs a lil work yet. mainly with the ghi top.

the robe and belt i scratch made myself. the boots are from allcostume, and the pants are khaki. i washing machine dyed the shirt and pants to shades of brown. and a darker brown for a regular tee shirt underneath.

i want to make a set of tabbards, and that will really make it look better.\

oh and this is the reply i got back from lucas on the site and his involvement with it:

Hi Scott

Is not my site! Im only selling my leather stuff thro them, is faster and easy for me that way!

For prices contact them Im not in charge of that!


Lucas Alvarez

01-17-2007, 09:50 PM
some year i'm gonna put together a dark jedi costume.

03-10-2007, 10:37 AM
So I broke down and gave a shot at doing my own belt. Don't have to sweat it very much if you have one that is good in case something goes wrong :P

Being as y'all said it's easy and no big deal I figured what the heck, I wanted to do a "rugged" looking belt so here it is...




03-10-2007, 12:25 PM
nice james, kind of has the wood grain look. cool

03-10-2007, 01:19 PM
Thanks man. I am sure that some of the more masterful of the leather crafters would find issues with it, I was came across this by accident and fell in love with it. I think that it may have took me a bit longer to get this effect but I love that "wood grain" look too. It actually goes with the pouches and tunics so well it really looks it should be that way. Just one of them strange things I reckon.

Lord Maul
03-10-2007, 01:24 PM
that thing looks awesome james 8)
i love the wood grain too :D

03-10-2007, 01:32 PM
Thank ya Maul.

Got any Diet Coke? :P

Lord Maul
03-10-2007, 01:43 PM
i'm the TCSS Dr. Pepper Fetcher, not the diet coke fetcher james :wink:

Jay-gon Jinn
03-10-2007, 01:45 PM
Nice job on that belt! I've been wanting to do one for my son since most of the sellers on ebay and such don't make them in kids sizes very often, but haven't gotten around to it yet.

03-10-2007, 01:50 PM
Thank ya Maul.

Got any Diet Coke? :P

Hey! THat's my job! :evil:

Lord Maul
03-10-2007, 01:53 PM
Nimrod, you haven't earned a job yet :wink:

03-10-2007, 01:54 PM
Nice job on that belt! I've been wanting to do one for my son since most of the sellers on ebay and such don't make them in kids sizes very often, but haven't gooten around to it yet.

Yeah, I know good kids stuff is impossible. I am making my son a new Jedi belt similar to mine, a Young Boba Fett belt, and I have a daughter fussing for an ANH PL belt. Can't win for losing I reckon.

03-10-2007, 08:08 PM
For my very first Jedi belt (I'm on version #3, by now), I didn't know what to use for dye, or what button studs were. I ended up using Scuff Cover type shoe polish. When I applied it, it also had a grainy, streaked look to it that I thought was kinda cool. I should try and take pic of it to show that.

I have access to better tools and hardware, now, so my belts look a bit more canon.

03-11-2007, 05:21 AM
nice work james looks realy nice. i have to make a new belt for the wifes jedi costume myself, and im also thinking of remaking myself a new one for my jedi outfit too.

my jedi belt, i too used brown shoe polish, and it come out lookin great.

Barmic Rin
03-13-2007, 07:00 AM
Has anybody ever ordered from captaincracker.com ?
I've had a look on her site, and I really do like the look of her work, but there's no pricing and some of the pics appear grainy.
I'm just wondering if anyone knows what her stuff is like quality-wise.

I just need a reasonably priced, semi-decent quality Mace/Fisto mix outfit. By reasonably priced, I mean less than the £300(!) the only decent costumers over here is trying to charge just for the tunics and tabbards.

They don't have to be UK, I just want some recommendations please.

Love the two-tone belt J-lo, any chance of a list of dyes/ stud types etc? :lol:

03-13-2007, 07:40 AM
do you mean http://www.captaincarter.com/ ??

03-13-2007, 08:20 AM
Thanks Lan. 8)

Barmic- As I have said many times, this is who I recommend Speedy-Stiches (http://stores.ebay.com/Speedy-Stitches-Custom-Costumes) She does great work and fairly priced.

Barmic Rin
03-13-2007, 09:03 AM
Thanks James, i've seen your posts. Very Cool.

I was just curious is all. If you follow Marsupials link and have a look, I think you'll agree Captain carters merchandise does look kinda cool.

I'll definitely drop Speedy a line as i've seen their quality and am quite impressed.
Was just wondering if anyone has tried carter, or if I should steer clear like I advise all to avoid Smokespoon (the guy in Hong Kong).

I bought Tunics & complete belt with accesories from him. From a distance the belt looks ok, but as its synthetic, you can really tell the difference up close. The pouches were that awful foam stuff, the capsules have already started to chip though i've only worn the suit once.

On the plus side, I got his first version Obi-wan tunic which for some reason is yellow. That's fine though as it appears more effort was put into this edition as opposed to the 'epIII' version he's now selling. The needlework and seams are tighter and materials are better quality, and hang pretty well. The under tunic is particularly well done.
As a back up tunic this one works pretty well.

03-13-2007, 11:26 AM
Why not make your own Barmic ? Im on my 3rd set now and it isnt the most difficult costume to make. Just dont scimp on material and get something with a nice texture thats made from a natural fibre.

Fabrics are available in the UK too you know ;) Just got to know where to look. For the basic tunic a natural linen is pretty cheap per meter at around £3.50 and can be dyed whatever shade you want.

About the only thing you will ahve trouble getting cheaply are the boots. Still I would always spend that extra to get good boots as they will last a long time. I know several people with the cheap ones from ebay and while they look ok they are now starting to wear out and crack.

Ryma Mara
03-13-2007, 12:09 PM
Yeah ya just got to makesure that its not a cheap material they make the boots out of.

I have heard nothing but good things from motorcowboy except there price.

Theres a person on ebay that can custome make boots anyway you want but my brother would know his tag.

http://www.kropserkel.com/reproductions.htm They got some awsome stuff and reasionably priced. for a price list you have to email them and they will send you a pdf file.

Captian Carter is well known also. http://mystikmerchant.com/ they make some of the closest movie accurate robes.

And if ya want some awsom leather working done this guy is the one to go to.


He makes some of the sweetest stuff.

I just have to figure out how much its gonna cost me to have my duster altered.

03-13-2007, 12:30 PM

I have had nothing but good dealings with CostumeBay(Smokespoon)
My Anakin boots fit and feel great and they have been used for a con and several troops. While I now have my leather belt that is shown above, I also have the Anakin belt and it looks great. Yes it is half leather and half pleather but it serves the purpose. My pouches are not foam. Maybe there was a change? Oh and I don't have the food thingies, didn't like them to begin with so I made sure EVERY thing else on my costume was perfect for being canon.

Anyway, I am aware of Carter's and the ones that have been posted by Mara. However since I do not have dealings with them really all I can say at this time is that the stuff on the websites look good.

A quick note on doing your own. If you can great! If you want too and can, go for it! If you buy a sewing machine and break the dang thing in 15 minutes and have to take it back, buy from someone who knows what the heck they are doing. To me it is so worth the few bucks. :wink: :oops: :wink:

Ryma Mara
03-13-2007, 02:56 PM
Yeah, I would alter it myself but Iam not that skilled in the ways of the sowing machine. I hav emade pellows and know how to sow rom home ecanomics but well if my duster was leather and not this canvas/hyde of somesort material I would do it myself probly but man the work I wnat dont to it I dont want to take the chance of destroying a 300$ duster.

03-13-2007, 03:33 PM
needle and thread baby, you only need to learn how to do a few types of stitches but then just follow patterns. It really is as easy as pie, and you can do it while watching a movie or whatever, i fixed my overcoat last weekend, there was a tear in the liner and up the center of the back and following the existing seams it looks as good as new, elapsed time under a half of an hour to fix 4 ripped seams for a total of about 25-30 inches or sew. Plus there is the whole you made it yourself aspect of things. My Whole jedi set that i made took less than 15 hours, i think, and that was hand stitching the whole deal. My 4 year old's costume took about the same amount of time, mostly because i added liners and borders for his, but really it is a matter of pateince and tenacity.
you can see them both Here (http://www.thecustomsabershop.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=449&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=105) about 2/3rds the way down the page

Ryma Mara
03-13-2007, 03:37 PM
Yeah I can do it but I cant follow a pattern. When I was young I was tought how to nit but I couldent follow the patterns.

Oh well With what I ned done I would rather hand it over to a seamstress.

I tneeds to be lenghtened and material to be taken out of the back as to bring it closer togeather as its large enought for a 5X person where as Iam inbetween a 2 and 3 X person.

That and a bunch of other little stuff like a belt intagrated into the duster, and a sleeve shorteded above the elbow with a pauldren of some sort to go over.

Jay-gon Jinn
03-13-2007, 09:54 PM
The other guy on ebay can be found here:
TheLeatherBoutique.com (http://stores.ebay.com/TheLeatherBoutique)
I have ordered a pair of his Captain Mal Firefly/Serenity boots in a dark brown leather to use with my Jedi costume. I'll be sure to post pics when I get them. Motorcowboy's boots are excellent! I've owned three pairs that I managed to get a great deal on from ebay, but I had to sell two of them because they just didn't fit well. I still have the last pair, even though they are a bit big for me. You can see those here. (http://www.saberknights.com/members/jay-gonjinn/motorcowboy_boots.htm)
Making your own jedi costume is really fun if you can find someone to sew it if you can't do it yourself. You'll also know for sure that it'll fit, and you can get it just like you want it.[/url]

Barmic Rin
03-14-2007, 10:59 AM
Thanks for the suggestions guys, i've checked one or two but will see if I can find material close to what I want first.

Phil, can you PM me the names/web address of any decent fabric stores you know please? All my local ones seem to employ nothing but college kids with very little knowledge of anything they sell. Not the smartest looking people at all really. Thanks

Those Serenity boots are v.cool Jay, but I kinda like those Obi wan's he's got there. The colour would go better for me as the trousers i'm using are pretty dark so using the Obi's would make them stand out abit.
Also, on your costume page, is that 2nd belt a smokespoon? Sure looks like it.

Jay-gon Jinn
03-14-2007, 09:09 PM
Yes it's a smokespoon belt. I kinda liked it when I saw it on ebay and picked it up for just under $30. I couldn't have made one for less than that myself after I would have bought all the tools, dye, hardware and such. The whole belt is pleather or whatever you call it. The only real leather piece is the cover in the back which when worn, winds up off to my left side, rather than centered in the middle. It's not the most accurate belt, but it is more so than my other one. I need to upgrade that one as soon as I can get ahold of the correct style button studs.

03-15-2007, 12:37 AM
I have a cheap source for the button studs, Jason.
And whomever else needs them.

Check out http://www.hardwareelf.com/ Click on Miscellaneous, scroll about half way down the page. They call them "Screw in Studs or Collar Buttons". They are only $0.89, I've seen them for as much as $2.00 each.

Here they are on the Jedi belt I just completed for a customer. (I will take comissions from local people, because I don't enjoy having to ship things)


Barmic Rin
03-15-2007, 03:03 AM
The leather part on my one just keeps popping up, you obviously don't see it under the robe, but it really sticks out with just the tunic.
I don't tend to wear the robe too much as it doesn't quite sit right on my scrawny little shoulders, so I need a decent belt.
That's why I need to buy/make one.

Thanks for the info J-lo, will check them out.

Jay-gon Jinn
03-15-2007, 07:54 AM
Wow, he's got lots of cool stuff, and he takes Paypal! Thanks for the link, Loreen! I just orderd 16 of the button studs!

Barmic Rin
03-15-2007, 08:45 AM
Now, normally I tend to stay well clear of any Elves, imps or other fairy folk, but I may have to start buying from him for some of my little projects just so long as S+H isn't ridiculously high.

If only we had the variety of suppliers you guys have over there, or J-lo would take international orders...*sigh* :(

03-15-2007, 08:57 AM
If you want those studs in the Uk then Leprevo is good for them (and a whole lot of other leather related items) http://www.leprevo.co.uk/press_studs.html scroll down to Sam Browne entry. I like either the medium or the 501 styles. At under £2 for 10 the price is more than reasonable too.

The only minor downside to leprevo is no online ordering, only mail order.

03-15-2007, 09:20 AM
Hmm, they have "Chicargo Screws". Some people in the states call them "Chicago Screws" for whatever reason that I don't understand. I think it was just a typo on that UK site. :P

I call them by the generic term of "screw posts".

That's a great price on those studs, though.

Barmic Rin
03-15-2007, 11:47 AM
Thank you, O Phil!! Sage of the screw stud availability in the UK!!!!!!!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Thanks dude, I really gotta check them out if i'm gonna get a belt i'm 100% happy with.

J-lo, what colour dye did you use for the two-tones of your belt? Kinda like those.

03-15-2007, 01:04 PM
Hmm, I made that belt about 3 years ago, so I don't really remember. I think it was Fiebings Dark Brown and Light Brown that I got from Tandy Leather.

I thought the main belt turned out a bit too dark, so the next belt I made, I used a Medium Brown for the main belt, and Light Brown again, for the smaller "accent" belt.

Barmic Rin
03-16-2007, 03:04 AM
Thanks J-lo.
I like the darker hue of the main belt, so i'll give it a go with a darker one than that if possible.
Can't go having a exact copy of someone else's belt now, can I? :P

03-16-2007, 03:38 PM

And when I make a leather item for someone, I will never make an exact copy of what I've already made for myself, for anyone else. I have to have the only one like it. As far as Jedi related items go. They are more idividualized and personal. :wink:

For generic, Trooper related things, that's different. Like the 15+ holsters I made for the Rebel Fleet Trooer project that my Rebel Legion base did last year. For something like that, you want a certain uniformity.

Jay-gon Jinn
03-20-2007, 06:33 AM
I got my belt all upgraded this past weekend with the new hardware. It went from this:

To this:
That looks a whole lot better, I think!

Lord Maul
03-20-2007, 06:36 AM
nice 8)
i envy all of you who have belts like that :P

Barmic Rin
03-20-2007, 11:09 AM
I love the darker trim along the edges. I wouldn't do it for my one, but it's still super sweet!!!
It must look awesome when trooping!
:D :D :D

03-20-2007, 03:02 PM
Looks nice Jason. My only question is, are those 2 keepers in the front supposed to be closer to the buckle?

Ryma Mara
03-20-2007, 03:54 PM
Awsome stuff everyone.

Iam wanderin how I could assemble a jedi garb with out buyinhg a compleated setup from soneone or making one from scratch.

Iam trying to figure out ways to make the tunics, paints and obi/tabards with sutff found in stores like walmart or something.

The cloak, belt and boots would be bought but I would ahve to do a few touches to make them right.

Iam looking for an acceptable low buck costume that can be put togeather reall well.

Jay-gon Jinn
03-20-2007, 09:13 PM
Looks nice Jason. My only question is, are those 2 keepers in the front supposed to be closer to the buckle?
Yes, but they aren't actually attched to the base belt. I didn't make this one myself, either, but I like it more than the smokespoon belt. It has a lot more adjustability in it. You can see more of it here. (http://www.saberknights.com/members/jay-gonjinn/jedibelt.htm)
I'd like to attach those keepers, but I don't know how I'd go about it. I think I remember hearing about something called "leather-weld" or something, that can glue them in place, but I'm not sure where to get it.

Ryma, look in the paterns at your Wal-mart for this pattern: Simplicity #4450. It's been officially discontinued, but I noticed my wal-mart still had them in the drawer the last time I was there. If you can get one, it'll suggest on the package what materials to use, and tell you how much to buy for whatever size you intend to make. Then it's just a matter of finding someone that can run a sewing machine!

Ryma Mara
03-20-2007, 09:16 PM
I shal try that when my taxes come in.

What about robes?

Jay-gon Jinn
03-20-2007, 09:22 PM
I made mine myself. Check it out here. (http://www.saberknights.com/members/jay-gonjinn/costumes.htm)
The page with the robe needs updating, but you'll get the idea, I think.

Jay-gon Jinn
03-20-2007, 09:25 PM
If you can't find that pattern, look for any Japanese kimono patterns, they work great, too.

03-20-2007, 10:01 PM
I'd like to attach those keepers, but I don't know how I'd go about it. I think I remember hearing about something called "leather-weld" or something, that can glue them in place, but I'm not sure where to get it.

Leather weld is what I used to keep the keepers on my latest belt creation in place. I use it a lot in my leather work, it's great, and water proof once it dries, which it does pretty quickly.

I get it at Tandy Leather.



Ryma Mara
03-20-2007, 10:24 PM
hum intresting. thanks

would the pattern be the same if I wanted the outer tunic to be long like say surcoat length?

Jay-gon Jinn
03-21-2007, 08:05 AM
Yes, the pattern would be the same, you would just add length to the bottom of it, and make sure you buy the extra material to do it. So you want an outer tunic similar to Eeth Koth/Agen Kolar, then? About knee length? It shouldn't be too hard to do.

Loreen, I'll have to get some of that leather weld, it could come in handy on some other stuff i'd like to do, thanks!

Ryma Mara
03-21-2007, 02:29 PM
Actually I got to thinking about it lastnight.

What Iam gonna do is iam gonna try to replicate cins costume then IAm gonna make a seperate pice so I remove my belt and obi then on the seperate pice iam gonna make the ankle length surcoat look and have the obi attacked to it so Its got someway to stay attached.

That way I can kill 2 costumes with limited cash spent.

03-21-2007, 03:19 PM
Theres reference fro Cin Dralligs costume (and other jedi) available here http://www.spartandesign.co.uk/pictures/dagjedilow.jpg its a scan of the Jedi pull out from the limited version of dressing a galaxy.

You can really see the texture of the material as well as such details like the boots too.

Ryma Mara
03-21-2007, 03:57 PM
Holy crap this pic is huge. its still downloading. thanks

Lord Maul
03-21-2007, 04:28 PM
that's a great pic
took 10 min to load :shock: :shock:

Ryma Mara
03-21-2007, 04:30 PM
YEah thats about what it was for me and Iam on an up to date computer on 7MBPS cable net.

Ryma Mara
03-22-2007, 01:46 AM
I have read alot on someplaces that grays are not allowed and only shades of brown.


The onlything not gray on his costume that I can see is the belt

so I dont see why grays are allowed.

03-22-2007, 03:21 AM
Thats the low res version of the pic. Its only around 4 meg. The hi res version is 128 meg.

The Zett debate has been going on a long time on lots of forums. The trouble with ANY picture is that theres so many elements from the input medium (camera, scanner etc), through post processing to storage medium that can alter the colours slightly.
Then you take monitors that will display them differently too and what you see isnt what the original looked like. Print is just as bad as unless you take very special expensive procedures will also differ too.

Zetts pic was taken against a green background which is great for easily cutting out and composing into other pics, the final version thats used all over the place was then colour corrected. Ive got some 'cool' beige robes that if Im stood near a coloured wall in bright light take on the colour hue of that wall. Stand near a green wall and they appear khaki/mossy, near a red wall and they get a red tinge etc. Zetts is the same as its not a strong colour. How many people think Anakins costume has black in it ? Lots. They are wrong though. About the only black is the covertec clip.
I once had someone tell me Bultar Swans tabbards were green. Take a look at her in the pic, definately brown leather. Then again the pic they had seen wasa behind the scenes one taken with a green screen backbround that was adding that green tinge to the colour. All the green screen work was colour corrected during post production to remove that effect. Its just sometime they dont do a seemless job. I think whoever color corrected Zetts stuff applied to much correction.

You have to see a costume personally with good lighting to know for sure what colour it is. Or better yet have a sample of the material for reference. Got to love the fabris samples in DAG :)

Barmic Rin
03-22-2007, 03:25 AM
Zett's costume was probably done that colour to make him stand out that much more.
The kid that played him has a very influential dad when it come to the saga.....

I don't see a problem with grey, it's just a colour. after all Luminara Unduli & Barriss Offee wore black & they weren't running round slaying younglings were they? :wink:

I like the idea of a 2-in-1 costume Ryma, though i'd probably just go for a Kama (skirt like clone commanders have) instead of a full piece going around the entire waist. But then my tunic is going to be fairly long anyway, it being Windu cut/Fisto colour mix. The chest & sleeves aren't going to be as baggy as Windu's though.

Still, cool idea dude. :D

Ryma Mara
03-22-2007, 04:46 AM
Well its gonna be split up the middel and the back like how dusters are.

and IAm gonna make a thing where I can adjust my tabards. with the Cin costume its like everyone elses tabatds flowing around the backside. with my costume slide them out so they hang lower in the front. and Iam gonna try to do my best to make it inconspicuious(sp).

Yeah I can see your point about how the moniter and settings will make things but this computer the moniter settings havent been touched.

and yet I look at alot of things and I see whites grays and I have a hard time distinguishing chocolate brown from black sometimes(messed up right eye messes with everything else). But for the most part I can pic out colors.

03-22-2007, 08:38 AM
Its not so much the settings on your monitor its that every monitor displays differently even left on default settings. Next time you go to a electrical store that has all those tv's showing the same picture, just have a look at em and see how different they can all look :)

Btw Barmic neither Luminara or Bariss costume was black either. Luminara was a dark brown and Bariss is a a dark blue with a lighter blue cloak.

At the end of the day make whatever costume YOU want in whatever colour YOU like. Dont make one just to fit into a groups requirements, if it does then thats a bonus. Costumes should be done for your own enjoyment.
On the other hand dont complain if your costume doesnt meet some groups regulations either. Those groups generally have their guidelines for a reason too.

Barmic Rin
03-22-2007, 08:39 AM
Sounds sweet dude, you'll have to post pics to let us see. Doesn't sound too hard to have the waist concealed, i'd just hide it under the obi.

I have a buddy that was looking at doing his like the robes in KOTOR1, but with a split that goes 2/3rds up at the back to the hip.
Something like this...

That could easily be modded to get the duster effect you're after. Plus, they done it in like three different colours in game, so you could still be canon to the history. :D

Jay-gon Jinn
03-22-2007, 09:25 AM
Ryma, if you're looking to join the Rebel Legion with your costume, gray is acccepted, but you'd be listed under the New Republic Jedi instead of Old Republic Jedi. If it meets the formal requirements, you'd get a Formal listing as well. All custom costumes, however, are considered to be Informal. Which doesn't really matter anyway, because 99.99% of the events the Legion participates in are Informal anyway.

It sounds like it'll look really good, BTW. It's your costume, do it however you want!

I've been itching to do the KOTOR I Jedi costume for a while now, it doesn't look that difficult. I think the only thing holding me back is finding the right material. I think it'd be cool to have the dark brown on the shoulders be made from suede leather, adn the robe itself from a good cotton material.

Ryma Mara
03-22-2007, 09:46 AM
Well I would origionally make it to that of Cins so I can be formal but a couple things here and a couple things there and I got a costume thats mine. :D

I just got some planning to do first. :?

Jay-gon Jinn
03-29-2007, 09:25 AM
Well UPS just dropped off a box from Diaz Boots/ TheLeatherBoutique.com!! These boots are AWESOME!!!! Pics coming up sometime tomorrow!

Jay-gon Jinn
03-29-2007, 10:40 PM
These are great boots!!
See more pics here! (http://www.saberknights.com/members/jay-gonjinn/jaygon_jinns_jedi_boots_page_3.htm)

03-29-2007, 10:54 PM

They look a little "Mal-ish". :wink:

03-30-2007, 06:54 AM
Nice boots!

(Funny, I never noticed his boots were different in the movie... *trades in his browncoat*)

04-05-2007, 01:42 AM
i got my boots here i love em, neoprene, with an expandable section at the top so they fit your leg perfectly.


Jay-gon Jinn
04-10-2007, 09:12 AM
I recently got some new pouches on ebay for my costume, you can check them out by clicking here! (http://www.saberknights.com/members/jay-gonjinn/jedibeltpouches.htm)
I have also updated my webpage detailing my tan tunic costume, (http://www.saberknights.com/members/jay-gonjinn/tantunic.htm) and my Jedi Robes. (http://www.saberknights.com/members/jay-gonjinn/jedirobe.htm)

Ryma Mara
04-10-2007, 02:20 PM
I have an idea sence its using thoes stype "clipc" what if you bend back the bottem part of the tab so it basicly hooks over your belt.

04-10-2007, 06:23 PM
I have an idea sence its using thoes stype "clipc" what if you bend back the bottem part of the tab so it basicly hooks over your belt.


I don't understand that for several reasons. :?

04-10-2007, 07:05 PM
I think he's talking about the pouch clips, but ya ryma reread your stuff before hitting submit. If it sounds weird to you, It is uncomprehensible (sp) to others :lol: :wink:

Jay-gon Jinn
04-10-2007, 09:06 PM
I think I know what he's getting at. One of my pouches came off my belt while trooping, and i think he's offering an idea to fix the problem. It might work, I'll have to take a look at that.

04-10-2007, 09:57 PM
LOL, I was hoping, as his brother, that you could translate, VT.

Ah, I get it now, Jay, but those are made of spring steel, if you tried bendng the bottom in the other direction, it might just snap, instead of bend.

I think the way he said, "hooks over your belt" is what confused me, because he must actually be talking about the bottom part hooking under your belt.

Jay-gon Jinn
04-10-2007, 10:28 PM
I think you're right about the clips breaking off. Besides, the clips aren't long enough to reach the bottom edge of the belt anyway. I may have to modify these pouches a bit. Maybe replace the clips with a strap sized for the belt.

04-10-2007, 11:44 PM
My pouches all have loops. I don't do the replica pouches though. Mine are either old ammo pouches or ones I made myself. I don't want my pouches coming off when I sit down.

I had that problem with my Covertec clip, when I used to wear it on the main belt. Now I beef up the accent belt with extra rivets so it can hold the weight and the Covertec clips around it and doesn't come off.

04-11-2007, 03:41 AM
To stop a covertec coming off a normal belt I just drilled a very small hole in the clip and put a small sharp self tapping screw through it. The tip bites into the belt at the back when tightened up stopping the covertec from moving at all. Very easy to do.

Jay-gon Jinn
04-11-2007, 08:18 AM
My ammo pouches have loops, too. The new ones were made to fit "any size belt" so I understand the use of the clips, but I think I'll still add some straps. My covertec clip actually fits very well on the accent belt on my light-colored belt. Idon't have a problem with it coming off unless I clip it to the main belt.

Ryma Mara
04-11-2007, 03:11 PM
well even if it is spring steal its thin its not gonna snap, and you would only have to bend it over just enought to catch the edge.

If you keep bending the metal back and forth then it will eventually brake but its gonna take a bit to snap.

But it isent gonna work cause its not long enought and Iam sure maybe a rivet would work but thats a more perminate solution.

I ahv eanother idea but Iam afraid you wouldent understand me.

04-17-2007, 05:59 AM
ok, i ned to make a obi/sash. so anyone know of a good tutorial link that shows how to make one?

i had runa across one, but forgot to save it.

Barmic Rin
04-17-2007, 06:16 AM
hasn't padawans guide got it on there?

Jay-gon Jinn
04-17-2007, 07:17 AM
This was all I found at Padawan's guide (there may be something else there that I missed): http://www.padawansguide.com/obi.shtml
The description of the Obi is at the top. It's basically how I made mine. Figure out how long you'll need it. Decide how wide you want the finished obi to be, then double that number, adding about 1/2" to allow for the hem. Fold it in half along the length, making sure it is inside out. Sew the length. Then sew one of the ends. Turn it rightside out, then finish sewing the other end, similar to making a pillow case. Add velcro, snaps or those little hooks from a bra to attach it together. One of mine looks like this:

fau-pa ramid
04-17-2007, 07:27 AM
i like these robes myself. :D


Jay-gon Jinn
04-17-2007, 07:31 AM
The first one there is cool, not sure about the other two, though.

fau-pa ramid
04-17-2007, 07:33 AM
yeah the first one is my favorit. :D

Barmic Rin
04-17-2007, 08:29 AM
Jay, that's pretty much the standard way of doing it.
I picked my robes up from smokespoon, and the obi on that is virtually identical, but has buttons 1 1/2" away from the hem instead of velcro.

I gotta finish making my new tunic one of these days....

Here's pics of my current one.


It had alot of padding that had to be removed, but in a pinch it's not bad.
Do guriscostumes have a guide on there?

Jay-gon Jinn
04-17-2007, 10:21 AM
Yup, that's a pretty simple piece to make, probably the easiest. I did something a little different on my second costume's obi:
We started out with a rectangular piece of fabric, of course, but we sewed the length-wise seam, and then re-adjusted the fabric to put the seam in the middle of the back of the obi. Then we sewed one of the ends, and turned it right-side out, and finished the other end. I wanted a "scrunched-up" look on this one, so we then partially folded the ends about 2 inches and then stitched them up. It looks like this:
It could stand to have the velcro re-done, or better yet, replaced with the small hooks instead.

04-17-2007, 10:21 AM
An alternate way of dong the obi is this :-


I based one set of my tabbards loosely on the first pic

The only problem with smokespoons tabbards is that padding they put in them. Better off to use some interfacing to counter the thin material rather than the padding. Makes them look like something a mortal combat ninja would wear rather than a jedi.

Jay-gon Jinn
04-17-2007, 10:23 AM
That's a nice outfit, there, Neophyl! Looks kinda Ki-Adi Mundi-sh!

Jay-gon Jinn
04-17-2007, 10:28 AM
That second obi of mine goes with this costume:
It's loosely based on Obi-wan's from Ep.II, more details on it (such as material and patterns used) can be found here. (http://www.saberknights.com/members/jay-gonjinn/whitetunic.htm)

Barmic Rin
04-17-2007, 10:52 AM
Damn Phil! You've caught me out!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I just removed padding from Obi & Tabbards to hang alot better on me.
2nd tunic will be better quality. I like the way your Obi sits Jay. Since my tunic will be Windu/Fisto inspired I think it would work to have mine sitting like that.

Ryma Mara
04-17-2007, 11:53 AM
From teh sketch pic I like the first one kinda but I like the second one a bit more. I got an idea tha tI think would work with that except the neck part.

I need cash, I need a costume. I got to find armor I like. yeash.

fau-pa ramid
04-17-2007, 11:56 AM
if you want cool starwars armor check this place out. :wink:


Ryma Mara
04-17-2007, 12:01 PM
YEah I got him. but Iam not talking about sw armor ingeneral.

I got armor sites. I even found this one sick place for sweet leather crafting. not that ashtons isent great but I kinda like the other sites a tad better cause its not so out there looking.

But I was thinking of taking something like this


And intigrate it into the costume itself. Like I could take that off and the tabards and such will go with it. Kinda like the general obiwan look with the back cloaklooking bit under and over the armor in the back.

But Instead of a jedi style costume I want to use a knights surcoat over at renstore.

I still got alo tof planning to do.

fau-pa ramid
04-17-2007, 12:14 PM
yeah me too i have to go to this special store with my mom to get my fabric and i think ima get some leather and do one shoulder on my right side. 8)

Ryma Mara
04-17-2007, 02:39 PM
I had an idea it kinda incorporated clouds outfit from solder advent childreen and some jedi touches but I nitched that idea.

fau-pa ramid
04-17-2007, 03:17 PM
yeah that is basicaly it. but that is if i decide to make a sith costume.

Ryma Mara
04-17-2007, 03:46 PM
Well I like to take ques from sith and jedi style then toss in my own. usually theres more of my own ideas in than eather so. hopefully I can figure it out.

fau-pa ramid
04-17-2007, 03:49 PM
i hope you dont die tryin. we all gota go to a convention member.

Ryma Mara
04-17-2007, 03:51 PM
Its gonna be along time till I can go to a convention.

i would love to go to C4 but man money is tighter than the space princess diana died in.

fau-pa ramid
04-17-2007, 04:01 PM
uh o thats not good. ill be prayen that money is loos again for you bro. :wink:

04-17-2007, 05:27 PM
thanks, i did see the one on padawans but i didnt like it. the other was the one you detailed out, making it like a pillow case, that seems to be the easiest way for me. of course the wife will sew it herself, but i can cut and lay it out for her.

there was one tutorial i run across i cant find it again, that told of making the obi as one piece, with a slight stiffner in it, then a outer layer wrapped around that, creating a more movie look to the obi.

but i cant find that tutorial again.

the sash that came with the uppers i bought for her, was really nothing more than a cumberbund. and barely wider than her belt i made her.

i was very displeased with that. the rest was great. so i decided to remake her a better sash/obi myself. the main belt is 3 inches wide, with the small 1 inch in the center. i made it styled after the erics tutorial i found so the belt remains adjustable for size.

fau-pa ramid
04-17-2007, 05:37 PM
i sew all my own stuff my mom said that i would need it one day and what d you know i use it all the time for the ren fair and stawars costumes. :P

04-18-2007, 01:35 AM
If you want that rumpled/creased look the way its done is to cut the material on the bias. Unfortunately that uses alot more material as you have to lay your pattern out diagonally to the weave. Theres more wastage.

Then again the entire jedi outfit is like that, its very free with material if you do it properly.

It takes 9-10 yards to make a outer robe for an average sized person lol.

Barmic Rin
04-18-2007, 12:41 PM
Well, as long as I get what I want, i'm not too worried about the amount of material.

And is everybody looking at doing their sith tunic like cloud? I was gonna throw some mitsirugi (soul calibur) in there for good measure.

04-18-2007, 08:34 PM
i was showin the wife that padawan guide pattern, at first she didnt like it either, but after i thought about it, it would be easier for her to tie it on herself that way. but really thats not a major concern. so i may just stick with the easier one for her with the velcro in back.

heres a question: since her main leather belt i made her is 3 inches wide, how much obi material should be seen above and below the belt?

i was thinking at least 2 inches top and bottom. so the entire width of obi would be 7 inches.

any thoughts?

Ryma Mara
04-18-2007, 08:42 PM
well I was gonna take some ques like the sword holster and brasers and boots with pants part then the evel niss of the AC with alot of my own ideas but clouds costumes do look really sith like.

Jay-gon Jinn
04-18-2007, 09:20 PM
I'd say about two to three inches would look good. It would give her some exta material to scrunch-up, if she wanted to. Here's wah tmine looks like without the belt, and then with it.
My leather belt is three inches wide, and i believe that obi is about 8 inches wide.

04-18-2007, 09:49 PM
thanks JGJ, so i will run with 7 to 8 inches on the obi then.

BTW, your jedi looks really nice.

Jay-gon Jinn
04-18-2007, 09:54 PM
Thank you, Lan. Glad to be of some help! I've had that outfit for about 4 1/2 years, and it's been through about 4 updates/changes during that time. The first obi I made for it was not wide enough, it only had about 1 inch above and below the belt. The one in the pics was new last year for Halloween. If you'd like more details on it, you can look here. (http://www.saberknights.com/members/jay-gonjinn/tantunic.htm)

04-19-2007, 06:50 AM
Lan, my obi is in that 7 to 8 inch range too. That is defiantly the way to go on that. I don't have anything securing my obi either. If I have to gear up on my own then I lay the obi and belt together and then put them on pretty much all as one. the belt of course can move here and there as needed and I make sure my obi is lined up just right. My wife suggested using velcro or something to secure the obi to the tabbards but I didn't like the way it would bunch up when I tried it. That may just be me and being on the big side though.

04-19-2007, 07:25 AM
I will echo that, James. The bunching is rather annoying, and allowing it to "float" makes adjusting it much easier. If you move at all, it will bunch up with the shifting of your body regardless of size, not sticking those pieces together helped not only with mine, but also with my 4 year old son's jedi costume. I also made it in the neighborhood of 8 inches, roughly the same as the tabbards' width.

Barmic Rin
04-19-2007, 08:03 AM
Ryma, have you tried looking at the jedi sniper costume from ROTS game? Have a pic here: http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t78/barmic_rin/Jedi_Sniper.jpg

Maybe not EXACTLY what you're after, no surcoat, but I figure it's a good reference for armor placement.

04-19-2007, 08:25 AM
Interfacing might help with the bunching. It makes the obi a little more stiff.

04-19-2007, 09:01 AM
That is super cool, I love it. now where to get all the stuff?

Barmic Rin
04-19-2007, 09:59 AM
Well i'm sure the jump suit could be made quite easily - think goons of a big villain in a cheesy 70's Kung-fu flick, then use paintballing/ motocrossing body armor.

How about using the Battlestar Galactica jumpsuit from here as a base?

04-19-2007, 10:12 AM
well it wouldn't really have to be a jump suit, could almost be just a karate gi for the top with an undershirt or somthing. It's all the leather work.

Ryma Mara
04-19-2007, 05:50 PM
Thats sweet. looks like to much leather work for me.

Iam kinda thinking of like the obi clone wars type now. but with different armor type. maybe the arc troopers or the scout troopers.

I got the main idea just no clue for the armor....man I just remembered the tabards are gonna be long as hell.

04-19-2007, 06:31 PM
What the heck is a Jedi Sniper? I don't see any blaster. (I know, clumsy and random :P ) How do you snipe someone with a lightsaber? :?

You're right, Ryma, that would be a lot of leather work. You'd probably need a whole side of leather for that, too.

It looks cool, but the fact that there's no armor, or even a sleeve, on the arm he's holding the lightsaber with disturbs me, for some reason. It's like the armor has no purpose.

Ryma Mara
04-19-2007, 09:17 PM

Jedi Ranger
04-19-2007, 09:35 PM
How do you snipe someone with a lightsaber? :?

You throw it; long-range force-control of the lightsaber.


04-19-2007, 10:34 PM
I thought about throwing it, but unless you could throw it at supersonic speed, seems like you'd hear it coming. Or see it, at least.

I guess they weren't that good, if they all got slaughtered.

fau-pa ramid
04-19-2007, 10:56 PM
lol no guns were invented and they couldent cope. :roll: :lol:

04-20-2007, 01:01 AM
The armour on the off arm is obviously historicially inspired as traditionally it performed somewhat the same job as a shield, but lighter and offering less protecion of course.
You would approach the target from that side offerring the protected side to a blow and then counter with a swing from thr sword arm.

It even has the raised neck guard. The armour design is primarily melee combat based. If you have a copy of Galdiator you will see similar stuff in some of the arena fights.

Perfectly useless againt incoming projectile (blaster) fire.

Barmic Rin
04-20-2007, 02:14 AM
I just posted it as an idea, I don't think it would HAVE to be leather, it just works well.
They were a bit naff in the game, but I suppose they had to do variants of jedi, otherwise the temple level would have been a real disappointment.

I suppose glancing blows would be deflected off somehow, but since the armor is quite light, a cleaving blow would leave nothing intact.