View Full Version : I kinda like it.

10-11-2012, 02:00 PM
I don't know how many people have fooled around with the wrapping on the interior of the blade, but an unfortunate discovery led me to do some experimentation. Awesomeness ensued. The following is a true story:

The other I noticed the core of one of my CSS blades had a deep spiral indentation up the length of the blade. Since that's no good, I was forced to remove the tubing and exchange it for some cellophane. Well, not having any cellophane on hand, and with a wife wanting to exploit the pattern sale at our nearest JoAnn's, I decided to look at their wrapping section. To my absolute pleasure, they had a wide variety of different kinds. So I bought something shiny. "Simple minds have simple pleasures," my father's voice echoed in my mind for my eyes behold the glory and awesomeness of iridescent cellophane wrapping. OOOoooo, shiny. I thought, "What the heck, let's see what it looks like." Gorgeous, that's what it looks like. But only on certain builds. After inserting the new wrapping I tried the test blade on several hilts, all P4 builds. The blue just looked mottled and ugly, but the white LED looked sweet. Every angle produced a different shade and the blade seemed to come alive with the flick of a wrist. I ended up attaching the blade to my wife's hilt, a white P4 with a light purple filter, and it so totally set the thing off. I wanted to make a video review, but the camera I have doesn't pick up the subtleties, for shame.

Just wondering if anyone else has tried colored or iridescent cellophane and what their opinions are on the matter. I may be using it in the future on builds that it'll work well with.

10-11-2012, 02:58 PM
I actually have a roll of iridescent I was going to toy with sitting downstairs. Only thing that was keeping me from tossing some in a blade was that it is only 30" and that can get messy cutting and rolling over and over. Found some clear 40" rolls at Party City the other day it worked great but now you have renewed my interest in experimenting with the iridescent... I'll try it out tonight after dinner I think. Besides I had to add some more to my TCSS battle blade to even it out anyways. Maybe a quick roll or two inside the clear.

10-11-2012, 07:28 PM
That's brilliant. My friends lady is looking for something that would do just that. I bet the brightness of a Tri-rebel or LEDengine would really set that look off. I look forward to seeing it in person.

10-11-2012, 08:33 PM
Ok, so I just added a wrap of the iridescent (30" x 36") in a 36" battle blade that already had roughly 5-6' of clear cello in it and tossed in it my almost complete rebuilt/conversion/repaint MR Windu that has an RGB in it on a DIP switch to select several different color and shades.
Results as follows:
Straight Blue- Seems to dull the color
Straight Red- Slightly duller with more a grainy look
Straight Green- Duller as well but not near as much and it seems to give it a slight whitish ring on the outermost part of the blade
Mixed Purple- Core seems darker(bluer perhaps) and outermost edge seems more pinkish
Mixed Cyan- This one came out really neat. The Whitish outermost edge was really noticeable and looked very nice
Mixed White/Silver- Skinnerman was very right the effect on the white is real cool. As you move the blade it seems to change color and even shimmer slightly
Mixed Yellow- Brought out the green a bit to much and didn't look very good to me
Mixed Pink- Only real difference was that the core was a bit darker

I think I may have to try out a blade with just the iridescent in it and see how that comes out with the different colors. But after seeing the mixed white/silver I'm going to have to put the P4 white I have sitting downstairs back in something with a full iridescent filled blade. I think it may do really nice in an Imperial Knight saber. Going to have to source some local wrap that's at or over 36" before I think I'll try that.

But first I must must must get my rear in gear and get the family Halloween costumes done. Time is almost out and much to do...

10-11-2012, 10:52 PM
My retooled blade is straight out iridescent, but only a thin wrapping, say 6 layers or so. I had thought about putting a layer in my normal blades, but Lubic's experimentation has talked me out of it. If I use the iridescent again, it'll only be with lighter shades (white, pink, purple, yellow, etc.). I only tried it with blue, green, white and the filtered P4s. I'm not fancy enough to be able to build a RGB. I have an English degree, I'm no electrician.

I think putting that in an Imperial Knights saber would be ballin! Let us know how it goes.

Boj-Vaati Mau
10-12-2012, 04:11 AM
Try the opalecent, too, I like the effect that produces albiet giving a darker core with polychrome effects.

Kant Lavar
10-13-2012, 01:49 PM

No, seriously, I'm kinda interested in seeing how this turns out visually.

Ari-Jaq Xulden
10-13-2012, 02:18 PM



10-13-2012, 03:58 PM
Once I get some free time I hope to setup the fancy camera and see if I can get a decent shot showing these but a few problems. First being anyone who has ever taken a photo of a lit up saber knows the pics rarely turns out true to what the eye sees, so it'll take some playing with the settings on the camera. Secondly, I took the iridescent wrap out of the blade I had it in so I could redo it. Thirdly, still way to much to do on the costumes and only a small time frame left to finish them. Which reminds me I still have to put in an order for an Anakin conversion for the boys MR saber. But eventually I will get around to it and show some clear vs iridescent pics.

10-13-2012, 06:04 PM
I took a ton of photos to try and show the community, but my camera isn't good enough to show the differences. The main LED color washes out any of the subtle changes. Hopefully Lubic's fancy camera can show off the goodness.

Jedi Mynock
03-25-2013, 07:55 AM
i will try this for SURE! my autistic daughter LOVES sabers, and i have been wanting to build her one. this blade will be perfect as she loves the illuminated colors.
awesome thread!

03-25-2013, 07:47 PM
awesome thread!

I'm glad my misfortune was able to inspire awesomeness in others. Let us know how the build goes when you get to it!