View Full Version : A Funny, Yet Terrifying Story

Darth Jared
09-07-2012, 04:27 PM
Hey everyone! Phew. What a day. About 5 minutes after this entire situation ended, I had the idea to post it on this forum. It was just too funny, yet scary at the same time to not share. If anyone reading this lives in the Southwest part of Missouri, you will know that a line of strong storms passed through the area recently. And, by recently, I mean like, an hour ago.

I'm ordering the parts for my new saber, when, out of the blue, the tornado sirens go off. The local weather channels had said there would be a line of storms coming through, but nothing severe. That's why it was a surprise to hear the sirens. I tune into the local weather, and they tell me that there are no tornadoes. Just hurricane force winds, and to close your blinds, and you will be safe. I look outside. No wind. "Whatever", I say to myself, and go back carelessly ordering parts for my saber. Then, the power goes out. Just like that. My order is lost. Oh well. That's fixable. I check outside again, and entire branches have been ripped off trees. Debris is everywhere. Hurricane season was supposed to be over.

Wait. Don't I live in Missouri? So, I decided to go downstairs. Just be safe. I have two cats and a dog. I spot only one of each. Despite pleads not to go looking for the cat, I do it anyway. He was under the bed. I have to drag him out with Katrina raging outside. I get back downstairs and think everything is finally settled. Wrong. The power goes out again. I have no flashlight. I run upstairs again for what? A flashlight? No. Not bright enough. A dark, dark smile appears across my face. I run for my dark Obi saber. Man. That think is bright. Much better than a flashlight. The power goes out one more time, but this time, I have the power of the dark side to guide me. Thankfully, the power only stayed out for about three minutes. I look outside and everything is fine. Storm over. Adventure over.

http://i1068.photobucket.com/albums/u441/DarthJared12/2edab8e4.jpg This saber will forever have an entertaining story behind it.
http://i1068.photobucket.com/albums/u441/DarthJared12/8dd1576e.jpg Bit brighter than a flashlight, wouldn't you say?
Good night everyone. I'll be sleeping well tonight.
====Darth Jared

09-07-2012, 06:16 PM
First, glad that everyone was safe, sounds like a crazy storm. Second, I had a similar "lightsaber as a flashlight" idea the very first time I turned it on at night and it lit up my entire bedroom. haha

Darth Jared
09-07-2012, 07:27 PM
Yeah, it was crazy. The storm was moving at about 45 miles an hour, VERY fast, and we experienced 80 mile an hour winds. It came, and then just like that. Gone.

Vlad Doon
09-10-2012, 01:34 AM
I used one of my sabers years ago to fix some wires with the power out in my house. It was not exciting, but could have been dangerous. Actually, it was difficult to identify wires colours because of the cyan of the saber.

Kevin Starwaster
09-10-2012, 09:01 AM
I used one of my sabers years ago to fix some wires with the power out in my house. It was not exciting, but could have been dangerous. Actually, it was difficult to identify wires colours because of the cyan of the saber.

"All right, Bud, you have to cut the ground wire, not the lead wire. It's the blue wire with the white stripe. Not, I repeat: not the black wire with the yellow stripe."