View Full Version : Contact Connector??

08-21-2012, 12:07 PM
Hey all,

Finally got all the parts together for my personal saber and I must say... wow. The more I look at it, the more I realize that this is the saber I am meant to have. ;) (Can't wait to finish this one and post pics, just need to paint and do the internals now...)

Anyways, I have an idea for a reverse chassis design. As in, instead of the pommel end unscrewing and sliding off, I'm thinking that the front half should unscrew. This means that I either need to unhook the LED JST(s) or find a way to create a contact connector system, a la Guitar Hero controllers with the removable neck. Anyone have any ideas what the heck this would be called or where I could find something??

Am I just nuts and this is a stupid idea? Any and all feedback is appreciated and welcomed!


Silver Serpent
08-21-2012, 12:26 PM
Audio jack could work. It'll rotate freely and disconnect without too much trouble.


Edit: I knew I'd seen this done before. Eastern57 did it with his Iron Man saber. http://forums.thecustomsabershop.com/showthread.php?13880-Iron-Man-themed-lightsaber

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcRQM3pTHQE around 2:20 shows him pulling it apart.

08-21-2012, 09:31 PM
Oh man, that's just genius. Much better than my idea. How ironic that my first saber was an Iron Man piece, and now the tech I'm looking for is from the only other Iron Man saber I've seen.

Funny thing is, I watched that video months ago and I didn't remember that part. Thanks again SS! Now off to scavenge parts. ;)

09-08-2012, 11:38 PM
Okay, seeking an answer from the greater minds out there!

I'm working on my internals for this saber and I have my 1/4" stereo plug and jack. My problem is that I only have 3 wires on a stereo plug but I'm trying to wire up a deep red LEDEngin in seriellel. This would be fine if they can share a ground, but in the PC 2.0 manual, the PEX ground hooks into battery neg.

Thoughts? TIA!

Kevin Starwaster
09-09-2012, 09:38 AM
Okay, seeking an answer from the greater minds out there!

I'm working on my internals for this saber and I have my 1/4" stereo plug and jack. My problem is that I only have 3 wires on a stereo plug but I'm trying to wire up a deep red LEDEngin in seriellel. This would be fine if they can share a ground, but in the PC 2.0 manual, the PEX ground hooks into battery neg.

Thoughts? TIA!

I think I get what you're doing, but just for clarification, do you mean because you're doing two pairs of 2 serially wired dice? (1 pair off the PC and 1 pair directly driven using the PEX?) So you've got two circuits.... two wires on the jack (1 to the PEX, 1 to the PC) and then 1 ground...?

Edit: You want a TRRS jack/plug. It's a 4 conductor (wire) system. I'll PM you with additional information about parts.

09-09-2012, 11:13 AM

Thanks! I actually didn't know you could get 4-pin "headphone" connectors like that, good find!

Of course, wouldn't you just know that right after I posted this, Erv put up some CFs for sale! So now my plans are going to change... instead of using a RRRR deep red, I will be using a RGBW with a Color Extender. I'll have to rethink my internal layout... not sure if I can still go with this audio connector idea, need to read the CF manual and make some new diagrams.

Still, I truly appreciate the assistance Kevin, I will keep those sites you sent me on my Faves list, in case I continue with this plan!


Zahc Zi Phan
09-09-2012, 11:16 AM
Dannggg. You guys are giving me ideas for a wicked hilt that separates in the middle to reveal the crystal chamber, then *clicks* back together. Looks like a good time to hit the MHS builder again... (Zahc swears under his breath as he checks his bank account)!!

09-09-2012, 11:27 AM
Yup, sabers are like potato chips... can't have just one. :D

Zahc Zi Phan
09-09-2012, 11:41 AM
Haha true trypwyr! Do I get to type in my club card for a discount if I buy a bag of them!? Haha.

Kevin Starwaster
09-09-2012, 01:23 PM
Yup, sabers are like potato chips... can't have just one. :D

Also, they're better with ridges...