View Full Version : It's pretty expensive

07-13-2012, 09:27 PM
I followed the "noob" threads and added the parts to my cart accordingly for my first saber.
I ended up with a 185US$ cart + 50US$ shipping (France), with no sound and cheap basic electronic.

I don't wanna sound like a beggar, but considering this whole stuff is "home made" (soldering, drilling, etc..) it's really expensive.
For almost half price I can get a FX lightsaber by Hasbro with sounds, it's really accurate, it has warranty and I can't make a mistake.

I like the idea of building your unique light saber, but the price just holds you back.
For 50US$, using yellow box plans and drilling and soldering around, I can get something similar if not better than the parts sold in this shop.

How can a simple metal tube of 7" with a hole drilled in it can be 26US$ ?!

That's some pretty greedy margin if you ask me.

PS: I'm not a troll, I love the idea of building your unique light saber. Some members have made beautiful pieces (checked the pics in the other threads), but the price ... geez.

Kael-Duvar Hawkens
07-13-2012, 09:40 PM
yes its true that some of them are odd prices, but they are because these are HAND made, tim pours his being into these pieces for us, he is willing to talk to you, to give advice and point you to those who have been helpful before. And 185? my first was 225$, these things aren't just toys, these are beautiful pieces of art that we all cherish and will "carry" (for some of is it never leaves our sides unless being used) the rest of our lives, and i'm already looking into making a 600$ staff piece that is completely custom, these things are the closest we will ever get to being true jedi flying through the cosmos bringing peace and balance. And for me 600$ to hold something that came from your mind and your heart, and to do battle against the dark side of the force, is a price far below what i would spend.

07-13-2012, 09:55 PM
This isn't a cheap hobby, and it's also not for the faint of heart. The shop's prices are really reasonable, when you factor in the price of material, tools to mill and machine it, knowledge of the safe use of those tools, and an amazingly quick turn around time from order to door. Yes, you can build a hardware saber (BTW the Shop sells a lot of that stuff too) or work in PVC and cut up that FX for the sound card... Lots of people do, and have, and got started that way. Or keep the FX as is. Or go buy a mill and taps and bits and drill presses and safety gear and a large space to work in and to securely store all that stuff. Yes, sabers can be expensive. But there is nothing like the joy in the build, the gleam in the eye and maniacal giggling from firing up your first (and twelfth) saber you build. Bluntly, get over it or find another way...

Darth Odious
07-13-2012, 10:32 PM
I followed the "noob" threads and added the parts to my cart accordingly for my first saber.
I ended up with a 185US$ cart + 50US$ shipping (France), with no sound and cheap basic electronic.

That's pretty cheap for a an entire fully functional stunt saber.

I don't wanna sound like a beggar, but considering this whole stuff is "home made" (soldering, drilling, etc..) it's really expensive.
For almost half price I can get a FX lightsaber by Hasbro with sounds, it's really accurate, it has warranty and I can't make a mistake.

FX lightsabers can be problematic after a few years (or days) of use. LED's in the string can go out, I have an Anakin 2005 hilt that just one day "got quiet." Accuracy is debatable on some of the hilts.

I like the idea of building your unique light saber, but the price just holds you back.
For 50US$, using yellow box plans and drilling and soldering around, I can get something similar if not better than the parts sold in this shop.

How can a simple metal tube of 7" with a hole drilled in it can be 26US$ ?!

That's some pretty greedy margin if you ask me.

You will NOT get better "parts" than sold from the store straight out of a place like Ace or Home Depot. For instance, the 7 inch part you mentioned, you have 2 CNC cut female threads a switch hole, an inner diameter cut and an outside finish cut, without chuck marks, tooling chatter and an even surface finish. That there in itself is worth 26 dollars.

The big yellow box has been around for ~11 years now without much of any updates to their price lists they have on their designs. I've built my first saber (Kyle Katarn hardware) from stuff I learned from there in 2004, it's still one of my favorite hilts I have. However, If you are serious about getting into this hobby, defiantly save up for parts from the store, it's well worth it in the long run.

Think of it like this: It's your birthday, would you rather have a bottle of boone's farm or cristal?

Master Valon
07-13-2012, 10:32 PM
Um...wow. "Margin"? Do you somehow think that Tim just crazily marks up the cost of making these pieces just because he's in it for the money? Have you considered that that "cost" is much more than the price of the aluminum; its the cost of labor going into making the whole "Modular Hilt System", as well as the fact that Tim uses expensive machinery to do just that? If you want to see expensive, try going to a local machine shop and ask them to custom machine ONE custom saber hilt. THAT will get astronomical real quick.Yes, it can be a large amount of money no matter how you slice it, but to question the prices themselves, and actually insinuate that Tim is marking up prices because he is "greedy"? That goes beyond griping innocently about being in an expensive hobby, that's blaming other people for something they have actually worked hard to whittle down, based purely on ignorance. At least do your research first before calling someone greedy on the internet.

07-13-2012, 10:47 PM
Yeah, this is an expensive hobby when everything you are working with is hand made and high quality. My saber cost me nearly $700 once all the custom machining and powder coating and PC sound was added. It was worth every penny because, I designed it myself , Tim did beautiful work on it, and it's a one of a kind. As far as the prices of parts in the store, these are not parts picked up from the hardware store. Each part is hand crafted by Tim in high quality Aluminum. I can completely understand if money is tight, and you'd rather do a cheap hardware store hilt, and that's cool. However, you will not produce a better looking saber at a cheaper cost with off the shelf parts, and to think you can when you've never even held a TCSS saber in your own hands is frankly naive. And to call Tim greedy couldn't be farther from the truth. The making of these parts requires a lot of time, energy, and metal working tools that are not cheap. You are not just paying for the part itself, but also for the time and workmanship that produces the part. If all that is not worth it to you, or not within your budget, then by all means get a Hasbro, or build your own. But you need to drop these misconceptions you have about TCSS.

07-13-2012, 10:58 PM
you want a ripoff hobby i play warhammer, 118$ for a pice of pretty resin. now thats a rip off,forgrworld is better priced then gw. dont get me started onthis rant. the saber parts are of exceptional quality.

ok i an freaking my phone turfed all my apps. sorry.


Noyl Wendor
07-13-2012, 11:54 PM
Yep it can be a spendy hobby, no more so than My Eldar, and Dark Eldar Armies that have been sitting for 3 years in a box. :) (I really suck at WH :)) or collecting "beenie babies" or tiny glass dogs, or Stamps, now there's a spendy "hobby". But its just that a hobby, not a business.
So if you look of it in terms of buying $185 worth of parts for a "one time" build, or even a one time in six month to a year build then the cost is really nothing more than a "speed bump".
Especially when you consider what you would be doing with your "one time" effort. Dueling? Cons? Cosplay? That one hilt could last you years before you do an upgrade, or build a new one ;)
A little insight for you, don't get a swelled head (like the guy writing this :)) thinking you can build and sell this hobby as a side business. Its more worth your time and effort building something unique for you, that is yours and yours alone (like a Jedi or Sith would). If you end up with a small collection, then that is cool in its own right ;)
To boil it down, Hobby=Something for you to do, for your enjoyment, cost in that regard could mean nothing. When it becomes something that you buy and sell, is when "spendy" and "pretty expensive" are terms that you use to equate profit and loss.
Trust me on this. Tim does Outstanding work, every penny you spend is worth it. Knowing you have the means because someone (Tim) has taken the time and effort to make a system (MHS) so multifascited that literally ANYTHING can be done from your imagination....
that's priceless.
If all else fails, check out doing some sink tube builds. Its a little less expensive, just as much fun. As well as a good starter for some one new ;)

07-14-2012, 12:15 AM
I feel that Tim has the best shop on this nich of a hobby. His price for parts and alike is fine for what he brings to us. I can drop 600+ on parts and knowing I'll have a product that will last. I do my own powder coating but I know Tim will custom any piece and it will turn out pefect. Also the R&D that goes into making the products that he offers takes time and well thought out plans to insure that all meshes pefectly. Also his partnership with Erv from Plecter Labs has been a huge step forward with the original PC and now we are up to the 2.0. I dont mind paying for this type of commitment to our hobby. So if you think this pricy try building a predator suit or a Vader

07-14-2012, 12:20 AM
I have nothing else to add to this conversation that somebody else hasn't already stated, but wanted to chime in with my support and appreciation of the work Tim does as well. This is the man's full time business, and let's be honest: there's not *that* many saber-smiths out there in the world. It's not like he can charge ten-cents over cost on MHS pieces and make a living doing it. For the quality, quick turnaround times, and sheer variety of parts (which is honestly growing faster than I can keep up), I think his prices are WAY more than fair!

07-14-2012, 01:52 AM
As is probably obvious, TCSS has won many fans, and that does not come from producing average, or even above average quality. I think if you actually got to hold an assembled saber from TCSS, in whatever combination of parts, in your hands, you might see the reason why this store is patronised so greatly. And as far as value for money, or even cost in general, is concerned, hold up any precision machined aluminium piece from TCSS against a piece of hardware shop plumbing, or ,yes, even a genuine Graflex (from a purely empirical point of view) the finish, and certainly strength and weight are vastly better.(To prevent being shot on sight, this is PURELY my opinion only)

07-14-2012, 03:32 AM
I am pretty new to saber building and i will admit that the first time i built my own saber i ended up going to another "cheaper" site for my parts and whilst the saber turned out Ok my first TCSS saber blew it out of the water!.You pay for what you get and if you want quality then honour the man (Tim) and pay for it.I am now onto my fourth saber build now and the soundboard alone cost me $200! and i can't wait to fire it up for the first time because i know i am gonna appreciate the quality and effort that went into its design..The hilt i have planned will cost another $300-$400 and yes it is alot to pay for but i am just doing it in stages..it IS a hobby after all.Great work Tim and i hope you keep it up

07-14-2012, 05:16 AM
This hobby is cheaper then alot of others... Car's, Boat's, model train's, dirt bike riding, comic books, fishing, guns, video games, even stamp collecting... You get the point.

After you have built your first MHS saber you will feel different but if you don't there is always other hobbys :). this hobby as well as others will have people you will enjoy chatting with as well as learning from and teaching. Money will come and go but the lives you touch will be around alot longer and worth more then money :)

Oh and one more thing theare are other places to buy sabers... but this place is one of if not the best place to learn to build your Lightsaber.

07-14-2012, 05:47 AM
Oh well, oh well ....
I still find this expensive, but looking at the pictures threads I can't stop admiring the work being done.

I'm going to save money and give this a try.

Just quick questions if someone is willing to help :

- This blade holder ( http://www.thecustomsabershop.com/Screw-on-LED-blade-holder-style-20-P633.aspx ) has a lot of holes/emplacements in it, is everything sold with it ? Or do i have to buy separate pieces/switches to fill the gaps ?
- The blade recommended (the 36" one) in the noob thread is out of stock, can I use any LED blade if the sabre is LED ? Since it's out of stock, which one would you recommend that is in stock ?
- Whats the difference between Momentary and Latching switches ? Will they all fit the style 20 blade holder ?
- The link to the MWS in the noob thread is dead, which MWS was it pointing to ?

Sorry if these questions are not related to the topic, but since the conversation was on already I thought I'd ask.


07-14-2012, 06:13 AM
Can you get cheaper sabers? Yes, but they will be a mass produced item like everything else. Expensive is relative to other hobbies really. I'm restoring a car, and can tell you I've spent more on that thing in six months than I have for sabers in four years.
TCSS prices are incredibly inexpensive. Go to a local machine shop and see how much they'll charge for that "7" piece with a hole in it"

I did that once (ashamedly), and it would have been a $50 setup fee, then $40 per part only if I had ten made.

Bottom line is, you get what you pay for. I have been buying from tcss for four years and easily spent over $2k in those years. Not one time have I gotten a bad part. Tcss is quality, and if you want a quality saber, you are going to have to spend a bit more than you would for other sabers. ;)

07-14-2012, 07:00 AM
I use 40in blades but I like my blades long add a little gift wrap inside the blade and all is good. For that blade holder you will need a set of 4 graflex style electrical pins short or long it's up to you have a look at TCSS Graflex section. You will also need a graflex glass eye and red button screw both 10-32 also in TCSS Graflex section and you will also need a 8-32 set screw Up to you what one.

The difference between latching and momentary can be found with a search here or google. what switch type you will need depends on how you set up the saber. the switch will not affect what blade holder you use because the switch will not go in the blade holder at all. With the blade that depends on your use if you want to bash things with you saber then you need a battle blade


I like those blades alot all my blades are 40in so they are long and heavy but they will take a beating.

07-14-2012, 07:33 AM
Thanks for the help, much appreciated.
What is "gift wrapping" your blade ? I can't seem to understand that.

Does he refile stock often ? Some parts are out of stock.

07-14-2012, 09:11 AM
.... What is "gift wrapping" your blade ?

the procedure where you take a celophane type material and put it inside your polycarbonate tubing.

i just prever buying the 1" thick with its insert, much simpler, you can buy it pre-assembled (recommended for the new)
or you can get the parts, and then assemble them yourself, my first one i went pre-assemble, as I did not want to get some epoxy for such a small job.

and if price is such an issue, how good of a craftsman are you ? do you have 20k for a cnc machine ? or even 5k for a 3d printer (fragile, hilts depending)

my recommendation as a craftsman, use the mhs system, read the forum. We will help with your build, but its up to you to dream it.

also, you have to be happy with it, its your saber, your way. there are many pre-wired kits @ TCSS, your build can be as easy as assembly.

i've spent about 150$ on my first saber, and its complicated... if i put 50$ more on the initial order it would not be as complicated and i'd be happier with it.

on my second saber, i've spent 10$ maybe, and i've done a fair amount of scavenging. and so far i'm happy with it, i had access to a lathe and parts are fitting nicely.


07-14-2012, 11:13 AM
this post made me angry.... and i will stop before I say things ill regret.

Darth Ryo
07-14-2012, 12:06 PM
It's quite surprising to see someone complaining about prices here... and it is a rather pointless thread.

I mean, if you ever come to think about buying a lightsaber or DIY, that means you're already willing to spend money on useless stuff...
If you're sick enough to think "why not building my own lightsaber?" (yes that is sickness in the eyes on "normal" beings :p), and then come here. Did you really think it would be cheap?
C'mon, I'm fairly new to this stuff (reading a lot atm), but I never ever imagine about questionning neither the prices, nor the quality of the products that Tim is selling! And I already know that my first saber staff will cost me close to $500...
Plus it's not only a shop, it's also a great website, a forum where you can get help, share your passion...

Nuff said, you know the saying :
"quand on aime on ne compte pas" (when you love, you doesn't count... works on GF too lol)
otherwise buy something cheap and save us from useless complains that will only make the good supporters of TSCC angry...

07-14-2012, 03:30 PM
this post made me angry.... and i will stop before I say things ill regret.

And why would you be angry ?
Do you own stocks for this company ?

I don't understand some peoples, really.

07-14-2012, 03:37 PM
It's quite surprising to see someone complaining about prices here... and it is a rather pointless thread.

I mean, if you ever come to think about buying a lightsaber or DIY, that means you're already willing to spend money on useless stuff...
If you're sick enough to think "why not building my own lightsaber?" (yes that is sickness in the eyes on "normal" beings :p), and then come here. Did you really think it would be cheap?
C'mon, I'm fairly new to this stuff (reading a lot atm), but I never ever imagine about questionning neither the prices, nor the quality of the products that Tim is selling! And I already know that my first saber staff will cost me close to $500...
Plus it's not only a shop, it's also a great website, a forum where you can get help, share your passion...

Nuff said, you know the saying :
"quand on aime on ne compte pas" (when you love, you doesn't count... works on GF too lol)
otherwise buy something cheap and save us from useless complains that will only make the good supporters of TSCC angry...

I can understand that fanboys feel uncomfortable reading such a post (especially after putting so much money into it, it would be contradictory to accept the fact that it's expensive).
But I'm just using common sens here, for anyone down to earth a 7" pipe with a hole isn't worth 26US$.

You are attached to this "practice" so you don't count, but this is where I see a problem personally.
I bet he could sell that piece 60US$ you would still say it's inexpensive, because it's your passion and you don't count. It's called monopolizing a market, and rising prices because there is no competition or barely none.

It's marketing basics (my job actually).

07-14-2012, 04:07 PM
I can understand that fanboys feel uncomfortable reading such a post (especially after putting so much money into it, it would be contradictory to accept the fact that it's expensive).
But I'm just using common sens here, for anyone down to earth a 7" pipe with a hole isn't worth 26US$.

You are attached to this "practice" so you don't count, but this is where I see a problem personally.
I bet he could sell that piece 60US$ you would still say it's inexpensive, because it's your passion and you don't count. It's called monopolizing a market, and rising prices because there is no competition or barely none.

It's marketing basics (my job actually).

Ah... false alarm, guys! Just a troll. Nothing to see here, and no feeding.

But I gotta address the two things highlighted above...
Point A) You obviously haven't spent time around performance car or motorcycle enthusiasts, have you? Tim's saber parts are CHEAP by comparison! Same tube with a hole in it (okay, two holes, if it's for handlebars) run a couple hundred dollars AT LEAST.
Point B) I call shenanigans. If you worked in marketing, you'd know that items will have to be priced a bit higher per unit, if there's a smaller field of customers (like I pointed out earlier, but was ignored on: there's not that many saber-smiths out there. Certainly not enough that I see Tim putting down deposits on late model Ferraris anytime soon). You should have enough business sense to realize that, if you worked in marketing. Also? Your grammar, spelling, and writing in general are not very good (kind of an important thing, for your supposed career field).

Lastly, I'm glad you found this site, and are interested in fandom the way we are; but walking into someone's store and loudly complaining about the prices, and insulting both the customers and community associated with said store, is very rude. If you find the prices for this hobby too expensive, then find a new hobby (though there aren't many that are actually much cheaper, when you get right down to it. Cars, bikes, video games... yeah, all crazy expensive). If you still want to build sabers, then show some more respect to those here, and plenty of people would be willing to give you some tips on making your project cheaper.

07-14-2012, 04:25 PM
I almost agreed with this, back when I first discovered LED lightsabers. A quick study of the TCSS forums later, I discovered that the "expensive" parts sold here will get you a saber with far more features and functions than a fully assembled saber at "other places". I was looking at $400US for a saber with lights and sounds (RGB LED and sound card). Building my own, I can take that price down to about $300US and gain the following features:

-Custom Color/Sounds
-Better Sound/Volume
-Recharge Port
-Better Batteries
-Data Editing Port
-Custom Switches
-FAR Better Internals (electronics not rattling round inside)
-Ability To Change Hilt Design At Will (depending on how many hilt parts you want to keep)
-Real Flash on Clash (not a blade which randomly changes from red to blue when you hit something)
-Customizable Flicker
-Adjustable Sensitivities (Swing/clash, etc)

And these are just features offered on TCSS sabers that aren't offered by "the other guys". Let's not even get into how much better they are than the cheap plastic toys you get in the stores. Even Master Replicas dropped the ball on some points. Granted, you can get a "pretty accurate" replica for $100US from MR, but you can't duel with them, can't remove the blade, and definitely can't customize anything.

They're expensive. Yes. But they're good. I'll pay a heck of a lot of money for a quality tool, versus cheap, replaceable tools which are guaranteed to break, or not serve their intended function. I learned that lesson long ago. You get what you pay for.

Really, what it amounts to is a question of A) How realistic do you want this to be, and B) How closely are you going to look at the quality of the parts you're using? If you don't want to pay the price for heavy grade hilt parts, get some sink tube. Cobble your own blade holder. Throw on some switches and knobs. Make it look how you want on your terms. I plan on doing that eventually, myself. But, please, don't start raining fire on the store owner for offering superior materials.

07-14-2012, 04:37 PM
Ah... false alarm, guys! Just a troll. Nothing to see here, and no feeding.

But I gotta address the two things highlighted above...
Point A) You obviously haven't spent time around performance car or motorcycle enthusiasts, have you? Tim's saber parts are CHEAP by comparison! Same tube with a hole in it (okay, two holes, if it's for handlebars) run a couple hundred dollars AT LEAST.
Point B) I call shenanigans. If you worked in marketing, you'd know that items will have to be priced a bit higher per unit, if there's a smaller field of customers (like I pointed out earlier, but was ignored on: there's not that many saber-smiths out there. Certainly not enough that I see Tim putting down deposits on late model Ferraris anytime soon). You should have enough business sense to realize that, if you worked in marketing. Also? Your grammar, spelling, and writing in general are not very good (kind of an important thing, for your supposed career field).

Lastly, I'm glad you found this site, and are interested in fandom the way we are; but walking into someone's store and loudly complaining about the prices, and insulting both the customers and community associated with said store, is very rude. If you find the prices for this hobby too expensive, then find a new hobby (though there aren't many that are actually much cheaper, when you get right down to it. Cars, bikes, video games... yeah, all crazy expensive). If you still want to build sabers, then show some more respect to those here, and plenty of people would be willing to give you some tips on making your project cheaper.

If you'd bother to read the entire thread, you'd know my native language is not english.
So excuse me if I butchered the language of Shakespeare (which I believe I didn't, but in your anger you must have noticed a few mistakes and turned them into mountains to criticize me).

Also, I'm not a troll, I'm just a Star Wars fan.
But entitle me whatever you want if that makes you feel any better, I couldn't care less.

I can't possibly compare motorcycle parts to movie props.
Same as comparing a house price to it, but again, if that makes you feel any better ...

I just explained the basics of exploiting a niche market in the post above, if you can't acknowledge that then there is nothing I can do for you.

Also, I don't recall "insulting" someone here ?
So, saying something is expensive and arguing about the price is being "insulting" in your country ? Thank god I don't live there then.

But I have an idea.
Forget everything I said, obviously I'm talking to a brick wall.

After accusing me of "insults" and "trolling" I don't know what else you will make up in your next post to discredit me.
So I give up now rather than being accused of something else.

07-14-2012, 05:05 PM
I'll just leave this link to a Youtube video here and be on my way. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fx7Z5B3wWmE&feature=relmfu

07-14-2012, 05:06 PM
Thank god I don't live there then.
Well I think we can all agree on this.

07-14-2012, 05:21 PM
who walks into a mans home and kicks his dog. just sayin.

Darth Xusia
07-14-2012, 07:55 PM
CS67700, feel free to go have these parts custom machined at a machine shop and then you will know what expensive is.
If you think you can do it better/cheaper, then by all means, spend the money to buy the machines and make the parts.
Or, go to the hardware store and buy some tubing and drill a hole in it. That'll look good...

07-14-2012, 07:57 PM
My dog would take his leg off... just sayin..

I am going to lock this pointless thread now.