View Full Version : Design Questions and Spacing Issues

06-12-2012, 10:54 AM

Hey folks,

I need a little help. I just finished building my first saber using a regular AA battery pack and two L-Ion cells. Because it was a first attempt, I didn't want to mess with a recharge port. After finishing, I began taking a look at designing a saber for my wife. It has been sort of a belated Christmas gift trade off/exchange. She sews. I build.

Linked is the design we've come up with. From what I've read and seen, however, I can sense spacing issues already. I'm hoping you can help answer a few questions because without actual parts in hand, it is hard to tell what is going to fit into the 4 inch ribbed section she wants and the 4 inch extension.

The first question: Can I fit a 4AAA battery pack into the ribbed extension to power either a MR or a Economy board? From what I've seen, I know that a AA pack will not fit. I went with a removable battery set up with my first saber and would like to stay that way if possible. We are only really using these sabers for occasional costume purposes, so I don't know how much value a rechargeable pack will be.

The second question: What are the length dimensions on a MR or an Economy board? Are they shorter than a PC? I'm hoping to have enough room to fit the sound board in the 4 inch extension before the switch.

The third question: Assuming that I have to use a stick pack, I've seen the photo of a sound board sitting on top of the stick pack in a ribbed section. But... is that wise? Has anyone done it and provided enough insulation for the board to keep it from shorting out?

Thanks in advance everyone. I've learned from my first saber that holding actual parts in your hand can teach quite a bit. I'm having a hard time envisioning an easy way to make this work. Hopefully some of you that have had these parts in your hands can help.


06-12-2012, 12:18 PM
You can fit a 4aaa holder in the ribbed extension, it's snug though. The 2010 hasbro Obi Wan boards were 1-3/4"x5/8"x1/2" high, but i'm not sure about the current model. The speaker holder would be an issue but easy to modify as the holders dont fit into the ribbed extersion... It should all fit though.

06-12-2012, 05:16 PM
I figure no matter what I do, I will have to mount the speaker in the hilt section with a plastic washer.

Here is perhaps a better question. If I created a modified chassis system to hold a L-Ion stick pack to the bottom of the ribbed section, it should extend into the 4 inch extender by about an inch. Do you think I could then use normal chassis disks to hold a PC board with enough room for a short AV switch and a recharge port? I know I said I didn't want to go that direction, but it might just be the best way to go about this.

Crystal Chambers
06-12-2012, 06:02 PM
Your AV switch is going through a threaded area.

06-12-2012, 08:07 PM
Your AV switch is going through a threaded area.

No it's not. Look again. He's got the pic set to internal view.