View Full Version : Space issues

05-09-2012, 09:20 AM
Yes, I am new to the saberbuilding. And no, i don't want to go for a standart hilt with no sound.
But I know this will take a lot of research which kinda starts here.

By now I know all the parts that I need and I figured out how to wire all the stuff, but yet I don't have a clue ift it'll all fit in the hilt.6857 I realize, that most of the stuff I will have to fit in the 3 inch extension (I know, a longer extension would offer more space, but i want the hilt to be as short as possible).

So: Can i fit a 7,4 Li-ion Pack, a petit crouton and a full activation Box (two AV switches, RICE connector, 2,1Power Jack) in this hilt?

Silver Serpent
05-09-2012, 11:13 AM
With the activation box and switches on the 3" extension, you'll probably need to put the PC in the Ribbed Grooved Choke Combo piece. I'm not 100% sure, but I *think* you can fit the PC on top of a pair of 14500s in that section. If not, you'll have to go with a stick pack.

You'll have sufficient room in the 3" extension for the speaker and switches if you go that route.

05-09-2012, 11:38 AM
Thanks for the quick answer. Since it is advised to put the PC behind the spinning axe of the hilt (ya know movements and stuff) I'd rather go with the stick pack.

Onli-Won Kanomi
05-09-2012, 12:13 PM
If you go back to the Builder and turn thread hints ON you'll see you can't position the box where you have it in your pic because the switch wouldnt not clear the threads.

05-09-2012, 12:31 PM
Check out my first build (Ki-No Makoto) when you get a chance. It's *kinda* similar, in that I used a 3" double female and ribbed section; same general layout as yours. I managed to cram two AV switches, R.I.C.E., recharge port, PEX, 14500 battery pack (side-by-side configuration), and Petit Crouton all in there, but I won't lie... it was tight, and some things possibly aren't as secure as they could be. I also had to mount my speaker in the pommel itself, so there's no resonance chamber at all (yes, sound suffers, but better than no sound at all, right?) With yours having the ribbed section/ choke combo, it will be even tighter still, though a stick battery will help with that for sure. Also your choice of switches and how you're mounting them might make things easier.

Anyway, take a look, and let me know if I can be of any help!

05-10-2012, 05:01 AM
Where can I find your Ki-No Makoto? Yeah I figured with the battery stickpack mostly in the ribbed extension I might even be able to even have some room for the sound. I'm still wondering how far the switches and jacks reach into the Hilt, when mounted on an activation box like number 14 (?). @onli-won kenobi: I know, I know... I didn't un-check the "snap to" box in the MHS builder, so it forced me to put the activation box there. I'd mount it right in the middle of the 3" extension.

Edit: I checked out the exact measurements of the ribbed/choke combo. I can fit in almost the whole batterypack. The choke offers about 0,8" width and the battery needs 0,7". Must be enough space for the LED wires (I hope!). Damn, I am excited... now all there's left ist selling my Luke ANH Master Replicas Saber (anyone interested? :-) and then order my stuff.

This is a little of topic but since I'm already writing: I'm not yet sure whether to take a white LED + color discs or a colored (cyan) LED. I know it's brighter without the colour discs, but does it make THAT much of a difference? Anyone experiences with that?

05-10-2012, 07:06 AM
This is a link to some pics of Ki-No. (http://forums.thecustomsabershop.com/showthread.php?683-Modular-Hilt-Systems&p=209755#post209755)

Also, you're in luck (if you haven't already ordered parts, that is): Tim's going to start making pommels so they have more interior space, which will make mounting a speaker in one that much easier. Still not gonna get great sound doing that, but it's better than none at all.

I'd also advise a bit of caution putting a stick battery all the way up in the choke. Li-Ion batteries don't like heat, so I'm not sure how good of an idea it is to butt it up against the heat-sink. More experienced saber-smiths can weigh in on just how safe that will be, I hope. Also, that's gonna be really tight on the wires. What sort of LED are you using?

05-10-2012, 07:12 AM
The cyan obviously will be a Luxeon Rebel. Don't know which one I'd be takin if I went for the white LED+color-disc version. The thing with heat sounds reasonable. Maybe better leave some space.

P.S.: Nice saber. There's a lot of stuff in the gallery I don't like, but this one's pretty neat.

05-21-2012, 09:07 AM
Does anyone know, whether these http://www.thecustomsabershop.com/74v-Li-ion-800mAh-14500-Battery-Pack-P698.aspx fit into a ribbedextension/choke? The extension offers 0,8". If they fitted in width, I could easily but put em in the ribbed part and have the whole 3" extension for switches, the CF and the recharge and r.i.c.e. ports.

05-21-2012, 09:29 AM
yes, the 14500 packs fit in the ribbed extensions, they just fit a little tight.

05-21-2012, 12:19 PM
Na servus! Ein Österreicher! Danke für die schnelle Antwort. Wenn der 14500 Block in die Ribbed Extension passt, hab ich ja oberhalb und unterhalb noch genug Platz für Kabel.

Darth Ryo
07-14-2012, 12:37 PM

I didn't want to start a new thread for my question related to space, so I thought I could ask here as it is related (sorry if that's not the correct way or if I missed a possible answer in my daily reading) ;)

So I have to use this pack => 7.4v Li-ion 2600mAh 18650 Battery Pack http://www.thecustomsabershop.com/74v-Li-ion-2600mAh-18650-Battery-Pack-P699.aspx
Simple question, this pack is about 1" diameter according to the description, will it enter in the MHS ribbed extension (with a least enough room left to pass some wires)?
I don't know yet the diameter of the ribbed extension.


07-14-2012, 01:56 PM
I believe the inside diameter of the ribbed extension is 1.15 inches. The 18650 has a diameter of 18mm which is 0.7 inches.

Darth Ryo
07-15-2012, 08:13 AM
Thanks DakarNights :)
Now I'm getting close to obtain my first design finally ^^

EDIT: after reading Azmaria tutorial, now I get it 18650 = 18mm diam / 65mm long / round... I should have read even more before asking hehe :p