View Full Version : Custom Vacuum Cleaner pipe hilt .

04-21-2012, 06:25 AM
I finally finished (almost) my first custom lightsaber . It is made from a vacuum cleaner pipe . I was inspired from Rahm Kota and A'sharad Hett's lightsabers . I think it looks quite good . I think i will change the leather or dye it a little bit darker , make some engravings on the chrome parts and weather it . Then all i have to do is to get the electronics in and there you go . I think i will use a MR maul board and P4 Red . Tell me what you think . Thanks !


04-21-2012, 09:58 AM
I like it. It's a good first custom. I did an A'sharad Hett inspired saber for my recently finished first as well (check out my posts if you'd like to see it). Choose wisely when it comes time to weather, getting anything to stick to chrome is HARD to say the least. All I can say is sand, sand, sand. Somewhere on here is a good post about weathering and painting chrome. I've been a painter most of my adult life (15 years at least ) and I've painted everything from cars to boats to houses (even humans). I've worked with every kind of paint, stain, and wash known to man and I still had a hard time aging my chrome; but it can be done. With all that said, great job and good luck on the electronics and weathering!

Noyl Wendor
04-21-2012, 10:55 AM
Lookin good, off to a fine start ;)