View Full Version : A Free Java-based browser Breadboard for *some* of Your Saber-Testing Needs

04-07-2012, 10:12 AM
Cancer again with another exciting tool for making your lives just a little easier and your wallet just a little heavier!
For those of us working on a budget and especially for those of us working with limited desk space, I just stumbled upon this nifty gizmo that simulates quite a few basic breadboard functions including providing you with an on-off switch, an infinite number of LED's and resistors, IC's and all of the DIP switches you could ever want. The best part of this function, though, is that it also comes with a simulation mode for testing the circuit. Play around with it! The program needs work and I'd love to see something like this with more saber-specific parts list ... but it's a start!



04-21-2012, 10:48 PM
the page is broken ?