View Full Version : Hello! just placed a order!

02-26-2012, 03:45 PM
Hello all,
I have been trolling around these boards looking at everyones fantastic work. I am have been a life long Star Wars fan. Like every kid i was fasinated with the light saber. I just placed a order and ordered all the part for my first saber. Well everything but a sound card. That will come later. I am a Aviation Electrician in the US navy. So the wiring won't be that much of a problem. I just have to refresh myself on painting. I have painted cars and motorcycles but never got into the weathering effects. I am excited to explore the saber smithing. I just hope my first saber and just be half as good as some of the ones i have seen on this board.

02-26-2012, 04:41 PM
Hey, welcome to the club, the word you were looking for though is lurking, not trolling. ;)

Good luck on your first saber, be sure to post some pictures.