View Full Version : Blade holder 20 question

02-05-2012, 06:41 PM
Hello forum! Been doing loads of research for my first saber build and I've run aground on a particularly simple question. Emitter style 20, where might I find the adornments for the front and back machined recesses?

Boj-Vaati Mau
02-05-2012, 08:55 PM
Are you meaning these...

or these? <sarcasm deleated by user>


02-05-2012, 09:44 PM
No the graflex pins I understand ;) it's the recessed spaces that include the 10-32 holes. The red acetal thumb screws will fit the holes but I'm looking for something that looks more like an MR Luke or Anakin, the ridged metal piece with a copper or gold cap/button. I see TCSS offers the copper caps, but I cannot seem to find the appropriate screw or mounting piece for them.

02-05-2012, 10:05 PM
We aren't supposed to link to other stores, even for things like this I gather.
However the parts you are looking for I believe are commonly referred to as Glass Eye and Red Button.

A quick google search for Graflex Glass Eye and Graflex Red Button show 1 or 2 sources where you might be able to get them.
The two sources I found even have them in 10-32 threaded screws.

You might have more luck finding a source at another forum like the FX Sabers forum,that allows stores to be posted.
Hope I'm allowed to mention them. :)

Good luck with your search.

02-06-2012, 12:50 AM
Haha well thanks! I figured someone here would have the knowledge I required ;) I did not realize that the #20 was graflex compatable but that does make sense, just wasn't thinking about it I guess. Thanks for the advice!

02-06-2012, 05:07 AM
Haha well thanks! I figured someone here would have the knowledge I required ;) I did not realize that the #20 was graflex compatable but that does make sense, just wasn't thinking about it I guess. Thanks for the advice!

I can't say for certain if it is Graflex compatible or not, however the the screw threading matches and I can't imagine going through all that trouble if it weren't.

It doesn't seem to have any way to attach the "rabbit ears" and I can't find anywhere with a quick search to buy them anyway.
So you might have to make these yourself if you want them in your design.

02-06-2012, 10:13 AM
Yeah I hadn't included them in the design, as far as compatibility, the screws are all I had meant anyway lol. I wouldn't think the emitter would be comparable with anything else graflex. thanks again! I found the screws I need! :D