View Full Version : My latest Sith saber :)

11-23-2011, 10:26 AM
This is a saber I made for a friend who wanted to give her boy friend a saber for his return from the Navy. She wanted a thick Trans red tube for the blade because she said her will be deferently dueling with this saber! I cut some brass sink pipe for the shroud and a 1 ¼” sink tube for the center part of the hilt. I got a Cheapo Hasbro sound card in there, and 4 AAA’s powering the saber. This was a fun saber to make and the weathering was a pain this time. So I did both paint weathering and piratical weathering. So this saber look real jacked up and it looks like it has seen a lot of action. My specs are below. Thanks a lot guys for taking a look. Again sorry about the pics.


Bullet shaped tip for 1" thick walled blades
Cello clear wrap
Red colored polyc tube
Blade holder style 19 "new style"
MHS to 1.5" sink tube adapter
1.1/4 sink tube?
Gender Changer
Yellow LED indicator
Nickel Plated Momentary Switch
4" Fluted double female threaded connector
MPS Pommel style 4
Hasbro Cheapo sound card


11-23-2011, 07:01 PM
Very nice!

Crystal Chambers
11-23-2011, 07:07 PM
Wow. You're certainly ripping them out. lol Your pics are getting a little better. It looks to me like you`re taking them too close and maybe enlarging cropped pics for close ups might work better. Interesting use of parts but I should mention from experience sinktube doesn't hold a very strong thread and should you find yourself taking it apart and together a few times you`ll end up with a loose connection and wobbly hilt. Although having a lot of overlap in you tubes may help. I've never been a fan of the coloured blade but it does appear to have a nice red.

11-25-2011, 01:45 PM
Nice to see your still "ripping" up the builds!! (great to see you AND another wonderful build)... I love the weathings on this piece!

11-26-2011, 08:02 AM
Wow. You're certainly ripping them out. lol Your pics are getting a little better. It looks to me like you`re taking them too close and maybe enlarging cropped pics for close ups might work better. Interesting use of parts but I should mention from experience sinktube doesn't hold a very strong thread and should you find yourself taking it apart and together a few times you`ll end up with a loose connection and wobbly hilt. Although having a lot of overlap in you tubes may help. I've never been a fan of the coloured blade but it does appear to have a nice red.

I hate the red tubes to tell you the truth. But the lady wanted a “Super thick blade. Oh and can it be red too?” So wa-la!! The sink tube connection, I hope it stays stronger. I read the review on Tim’s page and was a bit spooked of that. But on the gender changer I put the sink tube almost al; the way in the changer and I got some JB weld in there with two 8-32 screws in there hold the shroud. So I hope that side is OK because that’s the side I was most worried about. But she’s gone now. And the girl JUST LOVED it! I love that feeling! A lot better then portraits!! Something more youthful about the reaction.

11-26-2011, 04:06 PM
cool saber, love the weathering.