View Full Version : Ultrasound 2.1 odd flicker

Cristar Attevan
11-10-2011, 12:52 AM
Hi, guys... I'm having a bit of an issue with an Ultrasound 2.1. I looked through the various threads here, and while there was a similar problem, the battery and LED setup were different, so I figured I'd ask about my specific setup.

When the blade flicker is completely off (solid blade), I still get a very faint flicker every time a sound (other than the idle hum) plays. That is to say, when a swing sound plays, I get a small flicker. Same goes for clash. I think I have enough power running to the board, but maybe you guys can confirm that too. Here's my setup:

US 2.1
Seoul P4 white (set to Lux III in the US menu) (I've also tried it with a white Rebel)
4 AAA battery setup (I've used regular alkaline and two kinds of lithium (e2 and "advanced"), all brand new batteries)
TCSS speaker

Here's something also I noticed: If I do set the blade to flicker, it seems to do so at one frequency while in the setup, and once it kicks into normal running mode, the frequency is less (the flicker is slower).

Any thoughts? Are these issues related to each other? Is it a voltage issue? Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!