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View Full Version : DARTHDRU's Dark Anakin (String LED MR REPLICA)

09-14-2011, 09:08 PM

This is my A-Z for my latest project... I know some people have asked, "What if Anakin would have convened Obi Wan to join him?", or "What if Anakin would have killed Obi Wan?" can you imagine what the Galaxy would have been like.


Well this is my rendition of the DARK ANAKIN SABER

Basically a MR Anakin ROTS with the string LED's from a MR Darth Maul.

I thought of replacing the Anakin sound board with the Maul board... but I got to thinking NAH... Anakin would have probly just made a few Mods to his own saber including the Color Crystal, forging a nice red one to compleate his own destiny and forever sealing his place as SITH LORD and Ruler of the Galaxy. Even The Emperor knew Anakin was the most powerful Jedi ever, thus Anakin would have killed him and took his place.

This my friends is how I build the Darkest Saber the Galaxy never got to know.

Step 1. Fully disassemble both the Anakin and Maul light sabers.

Step 2. Continue to disassemble the blades down to just empty tubes and LED's (I would recommend using a zip-lock bag or container of some sort so your not to loose any hard to replace screws or pieces)

Step 3. Chose wisely here... The Maul blade is thicker than the Anakin. (If your going to do some light to moderate dueling or just show it off go with the Anakin, that's what I did.)

Step 4. The Maul wires aren't long enough to reach the sound boards hook up, (the white connector). so they need to be made long enough. (SIMPLE JUST ADD WIRE) I cut off the wires to the Anakin LED's to make my Maul LED wires longer

Step 5. Accent painting... A Dark Jedi isn't going to rock the same lame hilt. darken things up a bit.

Step 6. Put it all back together, insert battery pack, IGNITE IT UP!

Step 7. GO HAVE FUN!!!

thanks for looking I hope to get every body some pics as soon as possible... I've misplaced my USB to my CAM. :lol:

but Ill try tomorrow night THANKS.

09-14-2011, 10:00 PM
Sounds awesome, can't wait to see it. Are you sure you didn't use your USB cable as the wire to extend the board hook ups. ;)

BTW, it's "Anakin," not "Anikin." Don't mean to be rude, it just bugged me a little as I was reading. :D Carry on.

09-15-2011, 09:21 PM
Sounds awesome, can't wait to see it. Are you sure you didn't use your USB cable as the wire to extend the board hook ups. ;)

BTW, it's "Anakin," not "Anikin." Don't mean to be rude, it just bugged me a little as I was reading. :D Carry on.

LOL you might be rite about the USB still can't find it...

NO WORRIES MAN... I didn't fell you were rude at all. I made some changes and now my spell check recognizes the right way to spell Anakin.

p.s. If I have to I'll buy another USB cable this weekend.

AGAIN THANX Mandalorian!

09-15-2011, 10:39 PM
You're quite welcome. And I hope you do find the cable before you're forced to buy a new one because that'll save you money and it'll help us see some pictures sooner. :D But, if it is in your saber, at least it went to a good cause right?

09-15-2011, 11:32 PM
I took the liberty of correcting the spelling of "Anakin" in the thread title, since you corrected your spelling of it in your original post. ;)