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View Full Version : Opinions/Help with my Chassis Design

06-27-2011, 03:50 PM
Hey, how's everybody doing? So, I have learned that one of the most important and sometimes most difficult things to do when building a saber is securing all of your internal components within the hilt. This is a chassis design that I came up with to do so for my first saber.


If you need me to explain the design, I can. The only thing I have left to figure out now is how to completely secure the battery pack as well as the Petit so they are not to move around in the frame. This is where I ask for your assistance. What methods could I use to hold these down securely? Also, I ask for your opinions on this design so I can make sure it works and make changes/improvements if necessary. Thank you very much everyone for your time and patience.

06-28-2011, 03:38 AM
Sorry if anyone read this before. It was kinda long. I've shortened it down so hopefully it doen't look so intimidating now lol.

06-28-2011, 06:27 AM
The picture isn't really showing a chassis, just a board and batteries with the PCB. If you want to build a chassis, the shop has lots of options: http://www.thecustomsabershop.com/Chassis-Parts-C74.aspx

The easiest way to secure everything once it is put together is to use PVC shrinkwrap. If you build your chassis correctly, you'll be able to slide it right in to your hilt and screw the pommel on.

EDIT: I just looked at your drawing again and caught on to the fact that you're looking to use a PVC chassis. That will work too. I would still recommend PVC shrinkwrap for the PC and battery.

06-28-2011, 08:59 AM
The picture isn't really showing a chassis, just a board and batteries with the PCB. If you want to build a chassis, the shop has lots of options: http://www.thecustomsabershop.com/Chassis-Parts-C74.aspx

The easiest way to secure everything once it is put together is to use PVC shrinkwrap. If you build your chassis correctly, you'll be able to slide it right in to your hilt and screw the pommel on.

EDIT: I just looked at your drawing again and caught on to the fact that you're looking to use a PVC chassis. That will work too. I would still recommend PVC shrinkwrap for the PC and battery.

Ok. I had planned to use shrink wrap just to cover the batteries and PCB but if I'm understanding this correctly, I can actually use it to hold everything in place? How would I make that work?

I'm going to guess that I place everything within the PVC chassis the way I want, wrap the shrink wrap around it, and it will become fully secured?

06-28-2011, 10:45 AM
Depending on the OD of the shrinkwrap you use, you could do it either way. I've seen pics where people just wrap the board and batteries together and others where the whole thing is wrapped.

06-28-2011, 10:46 AM
Depending on the OD of the shrinkwrap you use, you could do it either way. I've seen pics where people just wrap the board and batteries together and others where the whole thing is wrapped.

Alrighty then. Then when I get the parts I'll have to play around and experiment but thanks for your help again!

06-30-2011, 02:33 AM
I found that one cheap solution for keeping batteries and soundboards together and not moving inside a hilt is velcro. You can buy strips of it for tidying up cables, just wrap it around your board and cells and trim in length so it fits inside.
I'll take a picture later.

06-30-2011, 07:34 AM
Velcro FTW!

(No heat dissipation issues?)