View Full Version : Graflex Question

04-19-2011, 01:38 PM
I don't have any pictures to display, yet... But I do have a question. Where can I get a graflex flash that I can use to begin building my own custom graflex saber and how much can I expect to spend?

04-21-2011, 06:21 AM
TCSS is a DIY forums, that means here we do not talk of things such as SALES or WHERE to purchase things.. your sourcing is done else where (yet most everything you could ever possibly need is right here at TCSS, thats the beauty of the "One stop, saber shop!").

That being said while links and SALES discussion is frowned upon (READ: Against the Rules!).. I sure it's ok for me to steer you towards the right direction... set up a saved search for Graflex 3 cell (on evilbay). Alternately you can check the trade federation @ Fx sabers (follow thier rules.. no I dont know what they are).

Graflex flash isnt that hard to get and there are some things to look out for if your going to be building a "TRUE" screen accurate one (i.e. exactly correct everything.. even serial numbers). IF you just want a graflex type saber (ANH/ESB/Ani Rots) type saber you can build those to incredible accuracy (they are the exact same except serial numbers and stuff like that, but you couldnt tell side by side) you dont need to worry about all the little details just gather the correct pieces (or replica/replacement) and put it together.. the first lightsaber was a very very basic job for the production department and these days a 4yr old could build it with incedible success (seriously, what did they do.. cut some windshield wipers down and glue them on.. yeah 4yr old can do it easy).

Getting the flash gun or the greblies isnt going to be so bad... the LED 1" blade Graflex adapter is in turmoil atm (as in I dont know about it.. I dont trust where you get them now.. and until they are back at tcss full time it will be hard to get.. sad but true). Want to ask about the LED graflex adapter? (Ask Tim, Owner/operator Tcss, email him from the store main page)

There are soooo many things you can do with a graflex from full customs to movie replica sabers.. Since there are soooo many types of builds from crystal focus + crystal chamber reveal versions (which can get very pricey.. some have sold well over $1500 on a regular basis) at the top. To the cram-fu version with a MR/Hfx soundboard (prepare to spend into the low hundreds.. 2-3 would be my guess.. it all depends on how much your flash costs you). To the very very basic "stunt" version.. (stunt refers to a saber that does NOT have sound and may or may not have working lights or led's) but is also the closest to what they actually had on set, during filming.. you know back in the 70's when soundboards.. and actually LED's did not exist.. at least not widespread (if they did exist at all in the backrooms of nasa or where ever).

Here's the thing about locking down these numbers... it all depends on the prices you pay for the parts.. since its evilbay and such...your price could be VERY VERY high... or very very low...thats the nature of the beast.. but I'll tell you one thing.. your graflex build is fun (in part because of the searching for parts, yeah it sucks going forward but looking back your proud of it).

Alternately you can get the brass graflex top(from tcss) have it chromed... and go from there so there ARE many path and alternatives but the best piece of advice I can give you is to do your research and settle on a version early (it will save you money, and you can buy the extra stuff to make an ANH into an ESB later on if thats what you decide). I really hope that helps,

Welcome to your newest (and possibly most expensive, yet also most rewarding) addiction!!

04-21-2011, 11:01 AM
Well let's assume that you pay 150 $ for a vintage/replica (pretty standard price IMO)

The following estimates have the 150 $ for the flashgun included
Stunt setup (no sound): 170-225
Sound setup (MRFX): 225-275
Sound setup (PC-L): 275-350
Sound setup (CF): 350-500

Add an extra 250 if you want a crystal chassis (A graflex without a crystal chassis is a horse without a head.)

Oh and if you want the best availbale, FX-sabers yoda-chassis, CFV5, everything, be prepared to pay 1 250 $ ->

04-28-2011, 06:04 PM
Thanks to both of you. Sorry if what i posted was "against the rules." I'll go read those. haha. This definitely wont be my only expensive hobby, I also buy lots of stuff for my car and music equipment, both also very expensive. haha. I'm hoping to find a graflex and remake a stunt saber I made out of PVC, I want a more realistic metal version. Thanks again.

Azmaria Dei
04-29-2011, 07:37 AM
welcome to another expensive hobby. ^_^ i have several myself, including car AV as well. as long as you're ok with this being a DIY forum and read every stickied thread, i think you'll fit in here very well.