View Full Version : How much material can be removed to recess a button/object on the hilt.

04-13-2011, 09:00 AM
I've ordered some parts for a new saber and have some things I am hoping to do.. but I have a question.

If I want to recess an area on the hilt how much material can I remove safely? I'm starting with the 'MHS ribbed extension' as the 'handle' part. I want to cut a small recess in the smooth part up near one end. Not all the way through most likely. I see that the threads are near that area also so that could make it so I can to do this, but I wanted to see what people think.

04-13-2011, 11:32 AM
You can't really do anything on the non-grooved area of that section (MHS ribbed extension). The threads are not 'near that area', they are that area. You could maybe remove less than a 1/16" but you will probably have problems with the male part that threads into the end being in the way. Your best bet is to wait until you have your parts in hand and can physically verify what fits where and how much room you have to play with.