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12-07-2005, 05:20 PM
I hope I am doing this right, only one way to find out right?

I have made these prototype sabers to ask some of you which looks best? I have my handle figured out just not which emitter to build. Keep in mind, those who wish to reply, that it will be going on 2 blades that connect to make 2 seperate or 1 doublebladed. Also I have a new idea for locking them together which if I am correct should lock/ unlock in literally 1 second. Will post pics when they are done, have to wait for them to get here first, I have 2 led kits on order from CSS.

Tim, if I posted this in the wrong spot I am sorry, didnt think it should go with saber pics as the are not real (yet).

Thank you,

See below as Xwing showed me how to insert imgs.

12-07-2005, 05:40 PM
You need to put the url in between the tags. Example: image url Replace tag with img. If I had actually typed that I'd get the same result as you did, a blank box.

The url you have wouldn't work any way since it seems to go to a page that views it and not the image itself. I'll help you out here and do it for you.

http://images.snapfish.com/3456%3B%3C8723232%7Ffp337%3Enu%3D326%3A%3E6%3B%3A% 3E742%3EWSNRCG%3D3233376%3B54%3C35nu0mrj

12-07-2005, 05:49 PM
personally, i like the top one, the one in the center is too small and the last one is too large......but the top one is just right (sorry couldnt help myself but to make a corny joke)


12-07-2005, 09:12 PM
I personally prefer the center one, also Red blade. Those are definately Sith lightsabers.

12-07-2005, 09:39 PM
Cool they look like the hightech vesion fo mine. those emitters are cool!
i wish i had the tools to turn out such pieces. Until then alot of imagination and time in various Hardware/Home stores! LOL
I Can't wait to see the finished projects. Great looking stuff scaarmor. the top one is my choice as well!

http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/3213/sig35jo.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

Stan Johnson
12-09-2005, 08:59 AM
Looks like somebody could lose an eye if they look at the hilt too closely.

12-09-2005, 09:07 AM
Scarey is a good look for me... Also there is method to my madnesss, the spikes in the emitter should help to cool the led down as they will have to be drilled and tapped in, they should help circulate cooler ambient air back inside.


P.S. in a few words "Anti-theft device".

Stan Johnson
12-09-2005, 12:25 PM
That middle one is pretty sweet. I think a claw emmiter might get in the way or throw off the balance of the hilt, but that's just my opinion. Whatever you do, all the emmiters are unlike anything I've ever seen. Post finished pics when you're done. Jedi have different blade colors, so what's keeping a sith from using a blade color other than red?

12-09-2005, 12:50 PM
Nothing. However, acording to the "official" story, jedi have control of the caves where the crystals that give the color of the blade get extracted. Sith have syntesized theirs. Red is supposedly a bit more powerful, but not as pure. Kind of like zirconium vs. diamond.

BTW, I opt for the middle one as well

Born of Sith, seduced by the light side.

12-09-2005, 02:15 PM
this is what wikipedia says:

Lightsaber Colors

In the original film trilogy, lightsaber blades were blue and, later, green for the Jedi, while red-bladed lightsabers were associated with Dark Jedi Knights or Sith - though the first Sith Lords used alchemically altered Sith Swords as Lightsaber technology had not been developed before the original Dark Jedi were exiled.

The various Expanded Universe (EU) sources and the prequel films opened up the spectrum of blade colors to include many variations of blue, green and red, as well as purple, orange, silver, turquoise, pink, bronze, yellow and possibly white and gold, among others; the full variety and extent of focusing gems, and consequently, of colors, is unknown.

The Expanded Universe has no definitive information relating to the color of a lightsaber and its association with Jedi or Sith positions. The reason for the smaller variety of colors for lightsaber blades is revealed throughout several forms of media; the Empire destroyed the caves that housed the lightsaber crystals which Jedi used to focus energy and create their blade's unique color. Synthetic crystals were created to replace the natural crystals found in caverns, typically having either a blue or green color.

Obi-Wan Kenobi primarily wielded a blue-bladed lightsaber, while Mace Windu famously uses a purple-bladed lightsaber. One lightsaber in particular, created by the Jedi student Gantoris, was violet with patterns of rainbow light rippling across its white core.

The color of a lightsaber's blade depends on the crystals used to focus it. Blue-bladed lightsabers are loosely associated with Jedi Guardians; green-bladed lightsabers are loosely associated with Jedi Consulars; yellow-bladed lightsabers are loosely associated with Jedi Sentinels; and red-bladed lightsabers are more closely associated with the Sith and dark Jedi. Nearly every Jedi who has wielded a purple blade has been a powerful Jedi, and a catalyst for change. Therefore, they could be considered "Jedi Powers".

Each Jedi (or Sith) is free to choose whatever hue for their blade they wish or can acquire. Usually the lightsaber crystal will call out to its chosen master during the trials to become a Jedi when the padawan travels to llum.

Prior to the Battle of Ruusan, Jedi used lightsabers in every known hue. Afterwards, Jedi relied on more common Ilum crystals such as blue and green. Mace Windu braved the rock-encrusted natives of Hurikane to obtain the rare purple crystal. In the New Jedi Order Era, Jedi had a wide array of colors such as orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and light blue.

The synthetic red crystals favored by the Sith can create a somewhat more powerful blade than blue or green crystals, but are not as pure due to their artificial nature and can thus be undesirable as the focus of a lightsaber. The Sith apparently had a large supply of red crystals and they also favored red as symbolism for blood.

The lightsaber colors show different states of study for Jedi. If a Jedi chooses blue it means that he focuses his studies more on combat than on mastering the force. A Jedi that chooses green concentrates on mastering the force without the use of his/her lightsaber. The color red means that an adept has fallen to the dark side and has studied the ways of the Sith. Purple is a rare lightsaber color, not only because the crystal is hard to obtain, but also because of its meaning; purple is a mixture of red and blue, so one who has a purple lightsaber has studied the various forms of lightsaber combat, but has also gone to the dark side to learn the art of Sith combat.

<u>Star Wars character - Lightsaber color</u>
Agen Kolar - Blue
Alema Rar - Silver
Anakin Skywalker - Blue
Anakin Solo - Blue
Ben Skywalker - Blue
Callista - Topaz
Kreia/Darth Traya - Green/Red
Corran Horn - Silver
Count Dooku - Red
Darth Maul - Red
Darth Sidious - Red
Darth Revan - Red
Darth Sion - Red
Darth Nihilus - Red
Darth Malak - Red
Darth Vader - Red
Jacen Solo - Green
Jaina Solo - Purple
Ki-Adi-Mundi - Blue
Kit Fisto - Green
Kyle Katarn - Green/Yellow/Blue
Kyp Durron - Purple
Leia Organa-Solo - Green/Pink/Blue
Luke Skywalker - Blue/Green
Luminara Unduli - Green
Mace Windu - Purple
Mara Jade Skywalker - Purple
Obi-Wan Kenobi - Blue
Plo Koon - Orange
Saesee Tiin - Purple/Green
Shaak Ti - Blue
Tahiri Velia - Blue
Tionne Solusar - Silver
Yoda - Green

Lightsaber Types

The very rare Great Lightsaber, similar to a standard lightsaber, had focusing crystals and a power supply producing a blade up to 300 centimeters (9.8 feet) in length.

The rare Dual-Phase Lightsaber is any lightsaber constructed to operate at two different blade lengths. Historically, these complex blades were constructed mostly by ancient Jedi and Sith in their many heated wars; the surprise advantage of a blade which could shoot forth several feet or inches was worth the additional difficulty of constructing a lightsaber with several focusing gems, and further outweighed the fact that a lengthy blade was often inferior from a pure fencing perspective. Darth Vader's lightsaber is an example of this, as he has buttons on his hilt allowing him to change the blade length at will. In Dark Apprentice, with the help of the spirit of Exar Kun, Gantoris created such a lightsaber. Similarly, in Splinter of the Mind's Eye, Luke Skywalker adjusts the controls of his saber to produce a short, pencil-thin blade, which he uses to cut through the bolt of a door lock. The NJO Jedi Knight Corran Horn also used one of these; however he tended to keep the shorter blade ignited and the weapon seemed to only have two settings - standard and extended with no fine control over the lengths of either.

The Electrum Lightsaber is simply a lightsaber with a hilt forged from gold-like electrum. Mace Windu's lightsaber in Episode II and III is an example; Sidious's lightsaber is also similar. Whether the electrum in the hilt affects the blade's properties or is merely decorative is unknown.

There are also variant lightsabers with shorter handles and blades (known as Short Lightsabers or lightdaggers) that can be wielded as offhand (weaker hand) secondary weapons for Jedi who fight with two lightsabers for the dual-bladed lightsaber combat style Jar'Kai (which is used by Jedi Master Kavar), or as the primary lightsaber of a small Jedi like Yoda.

The Double-Bladed Lightsaber, or "saber-staff", or "Sith Lightsaber" is a unique variant in which the handle is about three times the length of a standard lightsaber and has two beam emitters; one at each end. The beams can be activated and deactivated independently, allowing for a lot of versatility. This variant was invented by the Dark Lord of the Sith Exar Kun nearly four thousand years before the Battle of Yavin. Kun's lightsaber was notable in that he was able to carefully adjust both its length, from half a meter to one and a half meters, as well as its intensity, allowing the blades' power to vary from that of a deadly blade to an intangible, harmless beam of light. The double-bladed lightsaber proved to be a very popular weapon among the Sith and Dark Jedi of Darth Revan's new Sith Empire. Besides Exar Kun, notable wielders of this weapon include Zez-Kai Ell, Jorak Uln, Uthar Wynn, Darth Bandon, Bastila Shan, Darth Maul, (possibly Jaden Korr), and Azrakel the dark warrior. Use of double-bladed lightsabers as primary weapons has been frowned upon by the Jedi because of their aggressive nature and usage. Though for most Jedi double-bladed lightsabers are used for training purposes, some Jedi do specialize in their use as weapons; these Jedi are known as Jedi brute.

The Saber Lance is a lesser known saber type that is completely force controlled. It's hilt is a Cubit or longer. The blade length, color, strength and other attributes are altered by a variety of conductor cables and switches on the inside of the hilt. These are changed by the force. It was used by the "Gray order" of Jedi. There are no specific Jedi recorded to use this weapon.

Other lightsaber variants include the massive lightclub wielded by the Dark Jedi Gorc, the lightboomerang wielded by Count Dooku, and the lightwhip, a rare and exotic weapon used by Githany, Ona Nobis, and Lady Lumiya.


Lightsabers are the principal weapon of the Jedi but are also used by the Sith. After the extermination of the Jedi, lightsabers became rare relics. Their use is usually restricted to the Jedi, partly because it is too dangerous for an unskilled user, partly because, for non-Jedi, blasters are more effective, and partly because some lightsabers get tuned in to their owner's energy and explode when ignited by anyone else. However, lightsabers remain prized by some collectors, and some black market sales do occur.

Typically, Jedi are given lightsabers on the first day of training. Jedi Masters emphasize that the lightsaber is a measure of progress for an apprentice as lightsaber techniques take great skill and concentration. It is considered a final test for a Jedi student to be able to construct his own lightsaber. According to a Star Wars novel, the construction takes place in a cave on Ilum. The padawan then goes in by himself and will only come back out when he has made a lightsaber (though in the Clone Wars micro-series, the padawan and master go into the caves).

Luminara Unduli:

The crystal is the heart of the blade.
The heart is the crystal of the Jedi.
The Jedi is the crystal of the Force.
The Force is the blade of the heart.

All are intertwined
The crystal, The blade, The Jedi.

You are one.
- Speech made during lightsaber construction ceremony

Star Wars: Clone Wars - Cartoon Network

When younglings begin their training at the academy, they are issued lightsabers in order to learn their basic use. After a youngling has been chosen to train under a master, he must design and build his first lightsaber. Padawans usually base their designs on their masters' lightsabers; Obi-wan created his lightsaber from The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones with similarities to that of Qui-Gon Jinn. Jedi will use this design until they are given the rank of master, when they will create their own unique lightsaber; Obi-wan redesigned his lightsaber in Revenge of the Sith, and Mace Windu redesigned his from The Phantom Menace, later giving it gold rims and a purple blade.


A deviation by the Jedi Order from standard lightsabers, the training lightsabers helped train apprentices in the use of a standard lightsaber. Training lightsabers are similar to a standard lightsaber. However, the power is greatly diminished and the size is reduced, the latter being similar to Yoda's lightsaber. Training sabers are usually white in color. Training lightsabers are used in combat education in the Jedi academy of the Old Republic. While these lightsabers are intended to be non-lethal, contact with the blade is highly painful and can be fatal.

Blade characteristics

The standard blade for a human or human-sized wielder appears to be one meter long (~3 feet) or just above this length, with a diameter of approximately 20-25 millimeters. However, these numbers may vary depending on the wielder's own size and preferences.

The blade is completely round, thus more akin to a rod than a blade, and capable of instantly burning human flesh into a carbonized mass, and melt high density alloys within seconds. Despite this, the blades themselves do not seem to radiate heat.

Construction details

The lightsaber is made up of a short polished metallic cylindrical tube (usually around 30 centimeters) that emits a beam of pure anti-protons that acts as a sword blade. All lightsabers contain some common basic components:

* A handgrip
* An activation stud plate, button, switch, or internal Force-activated mechanism
* A safety or dead-man's switch
* An emitter matrix
* A primary focusing crystal (which gives the blade its hue, Adegan/Ilum crystals are most commonly used)
* Up to two secondary crystals which produce different effects
* A lens assembly (focusing crystals)
* A blade-length adjuster (only on Dual-Phase Lightsabers)
* A power cell (for the most part, unlimited in power; requires little recharging)
* An Energy Gate
* A power conduit
* A recharge socket (recharges the power cell when the lightsaber is off)
* Cycling field energizers
* A belt ring (optional)

Lightsabers are powered from the control studs by a circuits channel and focusing crystal found only in nature on the planet Ilum. Before 1,000 BBY, the Jedi also used crystals from the planet Ruusan. This appears to be a matter of tradition rather than necessity, as there are many examples of crystals from elsewhere in the galaxy being used effectively in lightsabers, particularly with the revival of Jedi Order after the downfall of the Empire. Since the Jedi control the supply of suitable crystals, the Sith use synthetic crystals that generate a red blade. Some of the early Sith had other blade colors, but as fallen Jedi they might have re-used the crystals of their old lightsabers. Shadows of the Empire has Luke Skywalker using a synthetic crystal in his lightsaber construction. Green blades can also be created from Corusca Gems from the gaseous planet of Yavin (Jacen Solo used a Corusca gem for his lightsaber) or any green-hued crystal capable of withstanding the strains of having so much power flow through them. This is true of other hues, as well. Natural crystals are usually preferred to synthetic, as there have been instances of synthetic crystals failing at unfortunate times, as happened to Corran Horn in I, Jedi.

The Dual-Phase Lightsaber used crystals that handle differing power level requirements. These are wired to the diatium power cell, which acts like an energy source for the lightsaber. The hilt of this lightsaber rotates in such a way that it aligns the crystals, which doubles the length of the lightsaber and changes the color. Users of this lightsaber type include Anakin Skywalker, Micah Giiett, Gantoris, and Corran Horn.

A Double-Bladed Lightsaber or Lightstaff is essentially two lightsabers in a single oversized hilt. It is a very difficult weapon to handle, but extremely dangerous in the hands of a master. Notable users of double-bladed lightsabers are the Sith Lord Exar Kun and Sith apprentice Darth Maul. Kun's lightsaber was both double-bladed and dual-phase.

When the activator is pushed, internal power cells create photoelectric energy and the blade is focused from the crystal. A tight beam of anti-protons appears on command, which is focused through one, two, or three multi-faceted crystals. The activation button energizes the weapon forming a positively charged shaft of coherent packets of anti-proton energy about a meter long. The anti-protons are attracted back to the saber hilt by a negatively charged, high-energy flux aperture. The anti-proton packets are recycled to create the glowing blade by a power cell superconductor. The saber hums and scintillates with a distinct sound and has a shimmering blade. The entire functioning processes are completely contained and self-regenerative. Lightsabers lose little power (and only when they come in contact with other objects), and thus can last almost indefinitely.

The typical design of the hilt is generally a straight tube. Count Dooku however, preferred a curved hilt, better suited for his Makashi dueling style (similar to fencing).

Also, according to the EU novel I, Jedi, there were myths at one point that the lightsaber was powered by the Jedi's connection to the Force. However, records preserved by Corran Horn's grandfather Rostek Horn indicate that the Force is only used at the end of construction. Once all the pieces are assembled, the Jedi uses the Force to meld them on a molecular or lower level, permitting unheard-of energy efficiency. This efficiency is what allows the blades to remain lit and active for long periods of time. The only real energy drain is when the blade comes into contact with something.

Sometimes certain events necessitated a change in a Jedi's preferred weapon. A Jedi would modify the lightsaber or construct a new one to suit the demands of the situation at hand, such as with Mace Windu and his lightsaber after the Battle of Naboo. In addition, in Knights of the Old Republic, the sabers can be improved with the installation of certain crystals, lens, emitters and power cells.

"Many claim to have found serenity, and through serenity to have overcome anger. Such arrogance is astounding."</center>

Stan Johnson
12-12-2005, 09:09 AM
That was way more than I knew about Star Wars total.

12-12-2005, 09:56 AM
Hey Xwing, where'd you get the claw emitter for # 1?

They look great btw...

12-12-2005, 10:08 AM
Actually they where made by me, but I was to daft at the time to get the img. in correctly and thankfully Xwing came to my rescue. Anyway, none of the componants are built yet. When I choose one I will be building it from scratch.

12-12-2005, 03:13 PM
stan if you read the novels and and other bookls ir adds whole dimenson

"Many claim to have found serenity, and through serenity to have overcome anger. Such arrogance is astounding."</center>

12-13-2005, 01:54 AM
Just wanted to chime in and say I got my 2 led kits from CSS today and have already begun to work on them. I chose to go with the middle emitter as, between posts here and friends advice, it seemed the most popular. Besides, I like them all about the same. Dont care which ones I make as long as I have one of them in hand. Also because I determind that if I made the middle emitter and wanted to change it later I could always hack it off and be at ground zero for a new emitter. Will post pics when I have them and thank all of you for your help!


12-13-2005, 07:36 AM
Woops, sorry Scaarmor...I meant to ask you that, but got the names mixed up.

They look great. I've been sketching designs for a while now for hilts that I'm wanting to make, but personally, I'm going to start off with something simpler like a modified version of the one shown in Tim's tutorial...

*sigh* I can already see that I'm going to be spending a lot of money with RandomSabers getting some of my designs machined...I just don't have the skills or tools to do them myself.

Great looks on those...I can't wait to see the pics when you are done!

12-18-2005, 05:45 PM
Pics posted in lightasber pictures.
