View Full Version : my frist saber

03-26-2011, 09:28 PM
this is my first saber i have always wanted to build a light saber but i have never picked up a soldering iron or a dremel in my life so i was pretty worried i couldn't do it but thanks to all the info i found here i was able to pull it off the saber is about 90% complete just need to paint it and buy or build a blade any suggestions on what colors i should make it would be appreciated OK inside i have a green soul p4 and a Hasbro 2010 obi board hope you guys like it here are some pics
http://img819.imageshack.us/img819/388/imag0168sv.th.jpg (http://img819.imageshack.us/i/imag0168sv.jpg/)
http://img819.imageshack.us/img819/16/imag0167z.th.jpg (http://img819.imageshack.us/i/imag0167z.jpg/)http://img819.imageshack.us/img819/9470/imag0169j.th.jpg (http://img819.imageshack.us/i/imag0169j.jpg/)http://img819.imageshack.us/img819/9417/imag0171k.th.jpg (http://img819.imageshack.us/i/imag0171k.jpg/)http://img819.imageshack.us/img819/467/imag0173bk.th.jpg (http://img819.imageshack.us/i/imag0173bk.jpg/) and a vid http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/6097/hut.mp4

edit: my saber is finally complete i think it turned out great now i just need a blade. here are some pics and a new vid please don't mind the cat meowing

http://img860.imageshack.us/img860/4874/imag0180u.th.jpg (http://img860.imageshack.us/i/imag0180u.jpg/) http://img860.imageshack.us/img860/6808/imag0181i.th.jpg (http://img860.imageshack.us/i/imag0181i.jpg/) http://img860.imageshack.us/img860/8910/imag0183l.th.jpg (http://img860.imageshack.us/i/imag0183l.jpg/) http://img860.imageshack.us/img860/6534/imag0184.th.jpg (http://img860.imageshack.us/i/imag0184.jpg/)
and the new vid http://img703.imageshack.us/img703/8264/18828777.mp4

03-27-2011, 12:45 AM
Nicely done! Your saber looks great. Would never guess it's your first.

I don't know how to solder yet, myself, and I'm building a saber partially to help me learn a bit about electronics. Not planning to have sound, though.

I think your saber looks really good as it is, personally. If you're going to paint it at all, I would suggest keeping it subtle, maybe using a darker color in the machined areas of the inner sleeve (between the ribs & in the grip areas on the main body). My choice would be a dark bronze, which would go well with the green P4 LED.

Lord Dottore Matto
03-27-2011, 02:27 AM
Nice first effort. In no time at all you too will spend 7 hours and 109 solder connections to install a CF into it's chassis. :lol:

Azmaria Dei
03-27-2011, 03:11 AM
looks very nice. ^_^ amazing first effort. what do you have planned for your second?

LDM, 7 hours? i think i can do it in 6. ^_^ with all features installed.

03-27-2011, 06:27 AM
6.. what are you always on break or something.... (ooo I get it.. goverment job)

(now back on topic) I love this shroud, and I can tell your very pleased with yourself (as you should be, you earned it).. So now without further adu.. Allow me to truely extend a warm hearty Welcome to our newest Jedi Jodan-pac, may your sabers always light a path for those around you!!!! Welcome to the TRUE jedi order (<-the ones who build their own)

*no fake jedi were harmed during this message

03-27-2011, 07:02 AM
Very nice for a first saber indeed, I really like the way you did the emitter

03-27-2011, 08:38 AM
thank you all for the complements
Azmaria Dei i owe you. i found the wiring diagram thread from the link in your signature area . i never would have been able to put sound in my saber with out that thread. thank you for putting it there as for my next build I'm gonna make a sith saber I'm thinking i wanna make it a sister saber to this one kinda like a yin yang deal.

Angle i found that soldering is not as hard as i thought it would be. i practiced on a few pieces of scrap wire till i had the hang of it. dremeling was much harder . those little brown disks just like to blow apart. as for the colors on my hilt I'm thinking black at the cut out on the main body and black and copper on the ribbed extension with a copper blade holder. i also want to outline the sink tube cut areas in black but i don't know what kind of paint to use that will stick to the chrome sink tube

Lord Dottore Matto it took me forever to wire this thing up right. one day i hope i will be able to wire up a CF but not today my Friend. BTW i love that saber in your signature its bad ass
edit: i just went to your website and oh my god you sir are a master amazing work

dgdve i don't think I'm a Jedi yet but thank you for the complement