View Full Version : Who's attending the London MCM Expo?

02-11-2011, 01:18 AM
So I've got my new saber and costume on order, should all be here in a month or so.
Aaaand was wondering if anyone here will be in London on the 27th-29th of May for the MCM Expo?
I've seen a few people about in Star Wars gear over the last few years, I think members the 501st reguarly attend, and the ammount of people with MHS sabers that show up seems to be increasing.

For those of you that don't know what I'm on about: http://www.londonexpo.com/

02-11-2011, 06:10 AM
Unfortunately I won't be there for the May show as I'll be in Thailand but I know a few of my friends will be there in their Sith outfits. Was really wanting to go to this. The expo I went to in august was just awesome for turnout and only people who don't go in costume are the ones out of place.

02-11-2011, 01:34 PM
Ah, so as a Jedi it looks like I’m already outnumbered. ;P
It would appear I’m only about for the Saturday this year, moneys gotten tight, and I always manage to spend a small fortune at, if not in preparation for these things.

02-11-2011, 01:44 PM
Not really they're all Sith so I go as my lightside character Cal Marr. I'll be going to the October expo though, not missing that. If you get a Jedi outfit good enough for the rebel legion you can costume up more often. Also the rebel legion get invited to a few LFL events which are cool.

02-11-2011, 01:54 PM
I may consider that. I think it’ll need some work done at home though; I bought it all from Jedi Robe, so a little custom work may be in order.
The boots I purchased from there last time seemed pretty good, so I thought I’d try a complete outfit from them this time round, we’ll see how it is.

02-11-2011, 04:55 PM
Apart from the robe, so is mine. I actually like the tunic and under tunic (now I've added a discreet button to the collar). The tan trousers I dyed a dark brown which works better. I want some different boots, but the brown Anakin boots are ok. As soon as I can afford to I have some polo boots in mind which are awesome.

02-14-2011, 08:06 AM
I just received the costume, it's pretty good. I may look to replace the trousers with something a little heavier, such as those from a cotton gi. I ordered the Obi boots, and got the Anakin ones instead, but that's not worth concidering returns over. The belt pockets will come in handy, as they say on the site, phone and change. Now it's just the saber and my ticket to come.

02-14-2011, 08:46 AM
The Anakins have a shield type front, I prefer them. I wouldn't get a Gi, I tried dying a Gi and because the stiching isn't cotton it doesn't turn another color and you end up with brown pants with white stitching. I've yet to think about sorting out a better replacement. Yes, definately; I struggle with where to put things in my sith outfit. You're going to have a blast, it's a good show.