View Full Version : Econo board LED Limit ?

02-05-2011, 07:34 PM
is there a limit to how many accent LED i can power after the transistor ? i'm using obiwan eco board , 3AAA , soul p4 blue . I want to run 2 LED in my crystal chamber and my AV switch (when shop has stock again)

Azmaria Dei
02-05-2011, 07:40 PM
until you run out of available power. that's pretty much all i can really say - you'll need to measure the current after the transistor, resistor everything as needed and hope that you can get like 30-40 accent LEDs in there with that P4 blue LED. ^_^ seriously though, it's a rather high number of LEDs that you can put in there - more than anyone i've seen can fit inside of a chassis.

02-05-2011, 07:59 PM
ok cool...just making sure. thanks. i dont plan on using more than 3 anyway.

Azmaria Dei
02-05-2011, 08:26 PM
ok cool...just making sure. thanks. i dont plan on using more than 3 anyway.

any time love. it's a valid question that i have yet to have seen. by the way, i forget if you mentioned it before, but besides those plasma sabers, what electronics experience do you have?

02-05-2011, 11:20 PM
none really. i learn fast as long as the information is somewhat structured or at least organized. so searching and bookmarking threads here is kinda of structured lol.

Caine Drathul
02-10-2011, 05:42 PM
Personally, I haven't used any more than 3 on that board.