View Full Version : Another successful conversion..thanks TCSS!

Darth Sid
01-24-2011, 02:28 AM
I converted my son's Yoda MR with the conversion kit available from the store. I used a Green Luxeon Rebel star with the 8.7degree lens. Came out awesome. I tested two blades on it - the US UltraEdge and a standard clear poly blade, both mid-grade. The clear poly came out looking the better of the two. Took a video and did a comparison against a stock MR Luke ROTJ on fresh batteries. Blows it away! Thanks TCSS

Video with the Blade comparisons and side-by-side against Green Stock Luke ROTJ FX



Hasid Lafre
01-24-2011, 04:02 AM
Hi there, nice to see another sid.

Anywho, conversion looks good, electrical tape not so good.

Azmaria Dei
01-24-2011, 08:53 AM
good job! definitely lose the electrical tape, and remember not to put your finger in front of the lens too. ^_^

01-24-2011, 09:14 AM
Hey looks great!

A few pointers to make your hilt look a little better...
- I noticed you still had all that sticker residue on your hilt. If you spray some WD-40 on a rag and rub the residue for about a minute or so, it will take it right off. :)

-also, Your grips are losing their rubber... If you take some WET 600 grit sandpaper to those and remove all the rubber coating, the grips will retain the look of the original rubber without the annoying peeling...

Darth Sid
01-25-2011, 12:49 PM
Thanks for the tips guys! Yes, the electrical tape was only for testing before I soldered the wiring together and used heat shrink to seal it up, per the tutorial here on the forum. I actually ended up completely re-doing the wiring because it was too long and wouldn't all fit in the sound card housing with the heatshrink on it. Definitely gonna clean up the hilt some...if you think that's bad you should see the pommel. It's thrashed. I wish I could get a new one...one that extends further out so I can get better sound resonance...any ideas let me know.