View Full Version : equinox13's second MHS build

11-10-2010, 04:54 PM
yes it looks a bit like a luke build... that wasn't my intent though. i thought about naming it, but all i could think of was Bob... anyway, building this one i learned a fair bit more and i've already put together plans of rebuilding my first one as soon as i can get some alternate parts.

i used a grievous board with the LED outputs going to a pager motor. the pause on clash is kinda nice. ^_^ the speaker is from a laptop and sounds great with the entire pommel being used as a resonance chamber. i know i have a lot of spaghetti and there's a lot of wasted space from that, but i still found a lot of extra space. it uses a 2400mAh 18650 Li-Ion and a P4 White with a 1 Ohm resistor. other than that, it's loud, vibrates, is very bright, and feels good in hand. ^_^

the speaker fits perfectly right there almost as if it were made for it
the beautiful switch array - i couldn't bring myself to paint or weather it this time - the latching AV switch is main power and the mom is for the soundboard
all the external parts ready and waiting
wiring the soundboard, recharge port and switches in - i wrapped the soundboard in ESD shielding for safety's sake
all wired up and battery plugged in - i later moved the motor (the little gray thing) from there down towards the switch and near the base of the battery
foam rubber to take up some space and keep everything from moving - it was either this or canned peas
all together with some of the distressing showing from this side
and here it is with it on and with one of my safety plugs i made - i also put in a light blue colored disc for fun - i tried the yellow disc after this and i think i'll be leaving that disc in there for a good long while
a picture from the other side showing the distressing there
another shot of the saber on and on it's side

Picasa Album (http://picasaweb.google.com/azmariaxelloss/Lightsabers?authkey=Gv1sRgCLeTrI-khbqvAg)

11-10-2010, 05:24 PM
looking sharp.

Crystal Chambers
11-10-2010, 05:40 PM
Nice. I like the black PC parts but I think some high grit sanding would look nice. Especially on the grip section. Very impressive to put so much into a 2nd saber even amongst all the wires. The recharge port can act as a killkey so I'm not sure why you have an on switch and activation. You could have used the switch box with the LED holder instead and made some bling sauce for your spaghetti. It might not seem like such a big deal if it works, but come time for repair it will not be fun. If you have less wires you'd be surprised at how well sound will travel through other holes in the hilt.

Still a nice build and quit an accomplishment.

11-10-2010, 06:12 PM
I'm very glad to see you finish your second MHS saber! I really like how the middle black matte pieces offset the shiny chrome ends (even if it's not really chrome). It's very slick.

11-10-2010, 06:38 PM
i wire the sound on a separate circuit. i abhor blink on clash... that way i can use it as just a silent stunt as well if need be. hence a need for 2 switches. while i build with the econo boards i will continue doing this.

as for the sanding, i did some sanding on the edges of the grip section with 150 grit. i do want to do some more distressing and weathering, but for now i'm going to go with natural wear and see where that takes me.

i was tempted to do the pommel as well, but the task of doing the pommel insert was looking grim at that point...

the paint job is actually all rattlecan spraypaint. ^_^ gray primer and ultra-flat military black chosen for it's inherent ability to chip no matter how well it's bonded to the metal.

EDIT::: oh and my third build will have enough bling sauce for all 3 of them. ^_^

Forgetful Jedi Knight
11-10-2010, 06:48 PM
It's good to have the switches there in case you happen to get a Cf and decide to use it in that saber. ;) - Looking real good!

Crystal Chambers
11-10-2010, 06:50 PM
Oh now it all makes sense...

11-10-2010, 07:33 PM
Looks good Equinox!
How do you like the grip with that switch box?

11-10-2010, 10:09 PM
Great design, wiring and cool stuff for your second saber!

Keep it up! :cool:

11-11-2010, 06:29 AM
Very nice! It is almost identical to my Elite Hero Personal Saber Sith Version (the sith will have black in place of te copper orange of the Jedi) :). Compliments!

11-11-2010, 07:11 AM
thanks everyone. ^_^ the box is comfortable, but i also normally wield it one handed with second hand assist on full swing. with that i think the covertec button actually gets in the way a lot more now...

Picky - i'm not a fan of copper color so i try to not use it in designs on anything - it belongs inside helping to make it all work.

as for the overal color scheme of black and chrome, here's a small thought on it... the darkness is within us and fills us, but within that there are islands of the light - the beginning and end are of the light and like stars, in the darkness light shines through. in this there is thus both sides of a single Force.

11-11-2010, 08:55 AM
Name it "Mya ^_^" :lol:

Nice work, I think I'd prefer it with a different bh though, but it is your saber ;)

11-11-2010, 09:03 AM
Name it "Mya ^_^" :lol:

Nice work, I think I'd prefer it with a different bh though, but it is your saber ;)

that's part of the beauty of MHS that i've found. ^_^ you can swap out parts like that easily.