View Full Version : First time posting

Carha Sacas
11-03-2010, 01:27 AM
:D:DHello all!

I have spent the last several days reading all sorts of information on these forums. I was very impressed with the knowledge that is out there. This is great. The last time I looked around for information to build a lightsaber all I found were people asking for $25.00 to buy their plans :-?

Over ten years ago I wanted to build a lightsaber and ended up constructing one out of old parts I found at a second hand store. I was in my early teens and really strapped for cash. I have always intended on making a blade for my saber and had the shopping list made up for an EL setup. I just never had the funds or the time to actually start. A month ago while preparing for Halloween I rediscvered it. The hankering for a lit blade got me to end up purchasing a Luke ROTJ Hasbro FX saber. I was looking at modifying it when I came across this site. Now I actually see the possibility to get MY sabre up and running! Here are some pics I have taken.


I am thinking of removing the black circles on the grip, have never been real fond of them, and replacing them with one more black line. I also am thinking of switching out the old shower head Pommel. Perhaps with a different shower head :D

Right now I am very excited due to all the info on the forums. I have a shopping cart full of items to purchase from TCSS! Though I did go to another site to purchase the LED's. I really wanted to get blue and green and the Lux 3's were half the price of the Rebel's. Half price meant I got to get two :D Though I kind of feel like a traitor for all the help im getting from the forums! :oops:

I do have a question though. On this saber I really want to keep with the idea of using old and discarded parts like I started out using, unless not possible for obvious reasons, blade, led, ect. I have seen several threads where a pvc pipe was used for a blade holder. This was for an old EL blade saber and a all PVC hilt saber. I had a pvc redurcer already incorperated just under the emmiter of my saber. It is almost exactly one inch in diameter on the inside and goes down into the hilt about two to three inches. In all the threads for sink pipe, mine is a vacuum cleaner tube, I have heard that everyone only seems to use the metal blade holder from the store. I am wondering if there is any reason I could not use the pvc as my blade holder. Is there something I have missed as to why that wont work?

Again I am really happy to have found this place and look forward to continuing my journey with all of you!

Carah Sacas

11-03-2010, 12:07 PM
First off, welcome to the forums!

Secondly, as long as the dimensions match, you can pretty much do anything you want to with the blade holder.

The blade holders in the store are already set to use 1 inch diameter polycarbonate tubes. If your hardware can accommodate this, then you should be good to go. Otherwise you can always try making your own parts if you have the tools available.


Carha Sacas
11-05-2010, 11:06 PM
Thanks for the info Cannibal! I am so excited to get everything in the mail! I have been wanting finish this for way too long. I have a feeling it may become an addiction :)

11-06-2010, 01:03 AM
welcome! and congrats on your new addiction too! ^_^