View Full Version : Dark vaapad....

10-09-2010, 11:39 PM
okay the story goes...

I bought a few (okay i bought all of them... see collections) fx sabers and the mace windu came with a broken led string. The vendor sent me a replacement and said i could keep the faulty one.

I pulled it apart and repaired the led string but destroyed the grip section. I replaced it with some other material and displayed it for some time till i received the replacement.

What I noticed when i pulled it apart it was that it was built around an aluminium tube with the shrouds that just slid on. I thought my 1.25" sinktube BH (sith samurai saber) would fit like a glove in there and it did so i put the sith samurai to bed (gutted it) and transferred the guts to this.

The fx soundcard will be going into my mhs obiwan so the DARK VAAPAD now houses:

-2010 obiwan sound
-14500 x 2 li-ion batts w/recharge port & 5v regulator
-tip42c transistor setup running lux III red
-hidden momentary from obiwan behind grip section
-1.25" sinktube BH
-mild weathering including rough paint and lighter-charred then cleared than charred than cleared etc. emitter, some sanding of chromed sections and so on...
-rearranged shroud as to have main grip section first as per darth vader saber
-tcss speaker
-drilled out emitter
-i think you all get the drift by now

The background is: (non canon but hey this is star wars)

Mace Windu fell from the window after getting betrayed by Anakin survived and found his and also sidious' saber.

Realised the weakness of mastering only one side of the force and accepted the darkness within him. Replaced his purple crystals with sidious' ancient sith crystals from his saber and rebuilt his damaged saber with a more powerful grip style and relinquished the remnants of the Jedi council accents from it. The crystals corrupted and twisted him beyond return and he swore to use all his powers to bring down the empire.

He disappeared to learn more of the sith found some holocrons somewhere, learned of the ancient sith and the rest is pretty much revanish as he disappeared to the outer outer outer etc. rim to destroy the True Sith.

No-one ever heard of him again....

Enough said.











jin starkiller
10-10-2010, 06:12 AM
very cool sabers ....different for the mace in red

Lord Dottore Matto
10-10-2010, 08:28 PM
Creative. :D

10-10-2010, 09:56 PM
Creative. :D

Yeah boredom inspires me to do different things. Why not I say!

10-11-2010, 03:59 AM
Yeah boredom inspires me to do different things. Why not I say!

that's a good attitude to have i think. ^_^

10-11-2010, 08:24 AM
I myself always wondered "who" found those sabers. pretty good premise.

I like the saber it just close enough but not a copy. good work

Caine Drathul
10-11-2010, 01:48 PM
I like it...and cool "what if" backstory, too. :cool:

10-12-2010, 09:20 AM
I like how you rearranged the pieces. It has a very cool look.

10-12-2010, 04:09 PM
Thanks for the comments guys it's very much appreciated. I'll probably scuff up the chrome a bit more and replace the foregrip (mousepad) with something with a little more texture.

I love it; Mace with an Afro, goatee, yellow eyes, couple of earrings and going by the name: Darth BMF!!!

I might add that to the switch as per the movie prop. (BMF) :))