View Full Version : 2 LED's/Help

Johst Chora
09-17-2010, 04:48 PM
This may be a ridiculous question but, I was wondering if you could wire two LED's to one soundboard? Do you need a resistor on one of the LED's or just wire it up as is? What I am planning is having a saber-staff but instead of making two identical sabers and connecting them together I want to treat this as one long saber but with two LED's. Like I said this may be ridiculous but could it be done? Would the other LED be wired as an accent LED or what? Please any advice would be helpful before I leap off the edge on this saber. Thanks

09-17-2010, 05:38 PM
you could wire in series with one resistor or parallel with 2, but the board at max can take 6v and put out 1200mah so your going to sacrifice power to the lux running two on one card