View Full Version : Black lightsaber of adhesive tape.

09-01-2010, 02:14 PM
I use black adhesive tape in foam tube, then put in the pvc tube~XD
It is just fun~:D










09-01-2010, 03:55 PM
hehehhe, for sure, Mako! Fun and simple... :)

I think a few people here @ TCSS did this as well, and I SUPPOSE it's a "neat" effect to some extent... but nothing wild and wonderful, heheh!

09-01-2010, 04:12 PM
hehehhe, for sure, Mako! Fun and simple... :)

I think a few people here @ TCSS did this as well, and I SUPPOSE it's a "neat" effect to some extent... but nothing wild and wonderful, heheh!

With respect, I beg to differ.

On a photo like that, it really looks like the black lightsaber you see in the games.

Prop to the OP for doing this :D

09-01-2010, 05:07 PM
With respect, I beg to differ.

On a photo like that, it really looks like the black lightsaber you see in the games.

Prop to the OP for doing this :D

I don't think he was dissing Mako's work, but just commenting that this isn't a TRUE solution for people wanting "black" saber blades, because the opaque black tape is only on one side, and therefore only a suitable illusion for display pieces.

I believe that if we were to see the saber from the opposite side, it would look simply like a normal red or green blade.

That being said though, if there were TWO layers of foam, the inner one wrapped completely in black tape and the outer as normal, that might create the dark core that the black sabers have. Might fail abysmally too. Wish I had a blade and some foam to mess around with...

09-01-2010, 05:40 PM
I don't think he was dissing Mako's work, but just commenting that this isn't a TRUE solution for people wanting "black" saber blades, because the opaque black tape is only on one side, and therefore only a suitable illusion for display pieces.

I believe that if we were to see the saber from the opposite side, it would look simply like a normal red or green blade.

That being said though, if there were TWO layers of foam, the inner one wrapped completely in black tape and the outer as normal, that might create the dark core that the black sabers have. Might fail abysmally too. Wish I had a blade and some foam to mess around with...

OP showed a self-explanatory photo on how he did it.

If he would wrap the core in black tape... then no light would shine through.

Your idea of a 'double' core blade might work. Personally i think the black core would be faded do to the second foam core, and the end result would be a weirdly light, dim blade.

OP got the right solution for a simple black core blade. It looks great on display and on photos.

09-01-2010, 06:01 PM
there is a huge thread (and debate) where this already has been discussed. :)

Rhyen Skytracker
09-01-2010, 06:01 PM
Looks great Mako, have you tried it with white LEDs? There are many of us that would love to see it with white LEDs. Great job by the way.

Shadar Al'Niende
09-01-2010, 07:28 PM
....so lets leave it there :rolleyes:

Good work Mako, just like you said.. fun! Glad you showed us!

09-01-2010, 07:54 PM
....so lets leave it there :rolleyes:

Good work Mako, just like you said.. fun! Glad you showed us!

You missed the epic conversation we had in the chat about black lightsabers.

Shadar Al'Niende
09-02-2010, 04:38 PM
Believe me.. i don't think i missed much :rolleyes:

09-02-2010, 06:08 PM
Believe me.. i don't think i missed much :rolleyes:

Actually rogue is gonna go build one :D

09-02-2010, 09:31 PM
haha nice. i like it. :D

Lord Corsair
09-03-2010, 05:34 AM
There is a huge thread about this on fx-saber forum ...
You should check it out

if you want to build the black saber from the game why not cut out the blade from black polycarb and edge it with side glow cable like they used in the whips ?
run it on a 10 watt ledengin ? that would work right?