View Full Version : Recycle my computer the lightsaber way

07-21-2010, 12:07 PM
My computer recently quit on me, and rather than just chuck the thing in the trash (aka eco-friendly recycle it) I'd like to see what I can reuse from it. Certain working components like the DVD drives will be sold, but can you guys help me think of interesting things I could pull out that could add to my next lightsaber?

I guess I've been inspired by Slothfurnace's creative use of old things. I see a bunch of wiring I can use, and I could fashion some circuitboard cards from my old video card. Fan motors maybe?

Anyone have any good ideas?

07-21-2010, 01:37 PM
Take it all apart imo. Floppy = several drive motors PCB w/usable components. DVD = motors, small magnets, lasers, optics, PCB w/usable components. MB heat sinks, PCB w/usable components. Chassis = switches , wires. Power supply = heat sinks. Hard drives = lot of shiny nice parts plus the coveted platter holder parts. Take your time with a cutting wheel to get the motor coils out undamaged.