View Full Version : Kasdarack's first sabers

06-24-2010, 05:51 PM
Hi! I'm Kas. I'm new to the forums - been lurking for about a week reading up on some tutorial threads for reference. Anyway, I thought I'd make my first post a gallery post for the 2 sabers I've built. The first is a 1.25" sink tube based saber I made last year and the second is a chrome saber I finished this week.
I have not named either saber, so suggestions are welcome. Here are a couple of shots of the two together. Links to the galleries follow.


The first saber is a work in copper and brass with a few chrome accents here and there and some black hardware. I built it last fall out of hardware store parts and am pretty proud of it for my very first build. It has a 360 degree window in the emitter section (a neat little trick I tried out) and a nice choke to it. I hope you guys and gals like it. http://s10.photobucket.com/albums/a118/kasdarack/sabers/1st%20Saber/

The second is a chrome and black sith saber I built using parts of a telescope my neighbor was throwing out and a shower head. It is running an MR Maul sound board and has a small porthole window in the emitter. It is a little big for my hands with the grafflex style grips, but I like it. I hope you do too. http://s10.photobucket.com/albums/a118/kasdarack/sabers/2nd%20Saber/

Let me know what you think!

Crystal Chambers
06-24-2010, 06:03 PM
Wow! The bottom one is REALLY cool. Good stuff!

06-24-2010, 06:15 PM
I really like that one with the 360 emitter! Very nice job!

Goltar Bias
06-24-2010, 07:16 PM
love the use of the nylon washers in the bottom one, they make great accents.

06-24-2010, 07:27 PM
Both are very intiresting, but I love the brass one, the emmiter looks soooooo nice. Great job man.

Rhyen Skytracker
06-24-2010, 07:28 PM
Those are both great. I really like the bottom one, it is very unique. What did you make the grips out of?

06-24-2010, 07:40 PM
Pretty cool hardware sabers.

06-25-2010, 12:37 AM
OK... honestly at first when I saw those pics I was like n00b alert!
But then I saw that they lit up AND one had sound :shock:

My apologies. And great sabers!

Vazan Maceu
06-25-2010, 12:57 AM
Very cool sabers! Bottom one is very original looking, congratulations :-)

06-25-2010, 06:32 AM
Yeah pretty good for hardware sabers.

Lots of people making good hardware and sparepart sabers at the moment.

One query do they hold blades, looking at them I'd assume not.....

Also is the copper saber one whole part?

06-25-2010, 09:12 AM
Thanks for all the kind words! Hopefully my next project will be as well received =) Any constructive criticism is also totally welcome though.

To answer some questions:

The grips on the copper/brass saber are made from seal washers. I found them at the hardware store in the same section as the sink pipe and copper piping.

The copper saber is several sections Frankenstein'd together. It is all firmly held together with set screws so it's fine for light dueling.

They do both hold 3/4" blades. I only have the one because I completely forgot to click 'add to cart' when I was ordering the LED and grips for the new one. Genius, right? In the future I intend to use 1" blades, but it happened that the pieces that inspired these emitters called for 3/4".

Hopefully by the time I start my next project I will have access to a drill press and some better tools. I'm thinking I might make a universal chassis to fit either MHS or 1.25" tubes and then just swap out innards for future sabers as that will save me a lot of money. I'm not yet so hooked that I need to start selling off my Transformers to support the new habit, but I suppose we'll see how that goes :-P