View Full Version : Got my Graflex in the mail......now what?

Noyl Wendor
05-28-2010, 05:56 PM
Just to warn all of you, I may ramble. I'm still in the middle of the largest Geekgasm of my life. :)
Refer to the title :).
Now I have the out side (best part IMHO) and I am getting ready to order all new parts, nothing salvaged or re-used (with the exception of a possible hasbro Obi board, or a reeeealy goood one) for this saber.
I know a few of you have built the same. Any suggestions, ideas, directions to go for tutorials? For the latter I have learned my lesson and I will be looking at threads later tonite. :)
Keep in mind I am doing the blue blade (bright as I can get) LED of course, sound, and have no plans altering the look that Anikin/Luke had for the same saber.
I will also say that seeing the design of the Graflex for the first time in a while (okay as an adult building sabers LOL) I seem to see new ideas on hilt construction. Which is just prolonging the Geekgasm I am still enduring.
Wow I really did miss doing this stuff.

05-29-2010, 08:54 AM
Pre-congrats so far! I've always personally been a fan of the classy Luke (ANH, ESB) hilt. As far as brightness goes, I've only played with a royal blue LED and was bitterly disappointed. From what I've read around the tubes, cyan really seems to be the way to go.

I also read somewhere that the forward voltage required by the Lux5's is a little much for the hasbro/mr boards to support but being as that I have yet to actually tamper with a sound board of any kind it's a little difficult for me to confirm any of that. I'm pretty sure I ran across most of that info in the Ultra-Sabers FAQ section, though.... I'm guessing there are tricks and tools in the wiring that could possibly relieve the soundboard setback, however....

Jedi Master Taka
05-29-2010, 10:20 AM
For a nice bright blue, it is hard to beat the P4s. Grats on your new acquisition!

05-29-2010, 10:37 AM
None can compare with the mighty SSR90. Muaaa Haaa Haaa.;)

200 lumens at 3 amps is pretty easy.


Noyl Wendor
05-29-2010, 11:09 PM
Very cool. Thanks for the suggestions, I understand your dissapointment on the Royal Blue K2 Cancer. I do like it but after a P4 green and then a Blue p4, I can't seem to want anything else.
Unfortunatly I don't think that I would be able to wire my P4 to a Hasbro board, too much power. So I am going to keep looking.
The last thing is, has anyone seen an acutal tutorial on the Graflex saber? I'm looking elsewhere, but so far not finding much....yet. I was hoping for spacifics like,
Do I drill holes in the pommel for speaker sound? Or does that come out when you take out the battery spring?
Where do I put the switch? (figured that out on my own, :) )
Just some basics that I want to cover before construction.

Lord Dottore Matto
05-30-2010, 03:26 AM
Hang on man, I will answer your PM in a few minutes ;)

Noyl Wendor
05-30-2010, 04:18 PM
Pmed you back.
So here is what I am starting with.
Graflex rep flash
Cheapy Obi-wan Hasbro sound
Led Graflex blade holder from TCSS
tactile switches from same
A lux lll cyan LED
2 nmhi 3.7v batteries and holder
Giant goofy grin cause I have an actual Graflex! :)
And of course I want to build the chassis that I have seen on here and Fx sabers, more like the combo of the two.
I have been following the thread on wiring the cheapy sound, but still not done with the reasearch end here.
Other than some pics I don't see alot on Graflex builds. I'm thinking that this build (for me) is going to require lots of careful thought.