View Full Version : Econo / Misc

  1. Economy Version Hasbro Sound Tutorial
  2. 2004 obi economy board fault
  3. Economy board help.
  4. Econo boards from 2014 electro saber box - mace windu
  5. Ultimate FX soundboard with a Makoto V3 LED string
  6. Newer Hasbro economy sound question
  7. Hasbro Force Action Lightsaber Soundboard help
  8. Switch problem on the Hasbro econo board. Help!
  9. Hasbro dimensions sound card
  10. Hasbro "Blade Builder" Tear-Down Guide
  11. Etching: questions and suggestions
  12. US Bladebuilder Econo upgrade almost working
  13. Another Econo-question
  14. Help Toy Soundboard
  15. Newer econo board speaker warning
  16. C battery version, on/off on board
  17. Where is the swing sensor on this econo board?
  18. Ultimate FX soundboard swing sensor
  19. What transistor/mosfet/relay do I need?
  20. Doubt about MR soundboard
  21. Transistor on Qui Gon Jin 1999 sound board
  22. disney rey lightsaber soundoard
  23. 2009 Hasbro anakin clonewars clearblade
  24. Chepo Board wiring Questions
  25. Hasbro blade builders board help with wiring to a string blade
  26. Luke Skywalker BladeBuilder Board Question
  27. Issue with LED and Transistor
  28. Hasbro Sound with Mosfet
  29. Pico Sound lost idea
  30. Pico Crumble - Finished Build But No Sound
  31. Pico Crumble Sound Quality
  32. Pico Crumble doesn't wake up after deep sleep
  33. Blaster Core 5.0 Help needed.
  34. Hasbro Soundboard Help
  35. Pico Crumble
  36. Prism 5.1 color profiles
  37. Prizm 5 sound issue
  38. Can I replace a pico crumble with a Prism soundboard?
  39. Upgrade Sensors on New Bladebuilders Board
  40. Pico Crumble - Wiring Check
  41. Using a bass speaker with a bladebuilders soundboard?
  42. Pico Crumble problem.
  43. Blaster core 5 - blaster stopped working
  44. Novasound Dark 3.0 board problems?
  45. Pico Crumble not making sound
  46. Golden Harvest Wiring Diagram